Month: March 2010

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    Heading out for a 16K (that’s 10mi) training run. In the heat. Eep.

    Bathroom break 1/2way thru long run. Feeling good, except for some stomach cramps. It’s hot out here.

    Frogged my Absinthe socks completely. They were just too small! Adding 8 add’l stitches and extra length.

    @venks79 It’s an epidemic of fail!

    @KTunravels I blogged about that this morning. I loathe the guy, but no way I’d begrudge him 10hrs exercise a week.

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    It’s like watching Nancy Pelosi in action. Change is happening! (It’s ugly though, as politics always is.)

    Have bailed early, as headache is bothering me. Very pleased with what I saw tho!

    @Caffinara Thanks! The foot is definitely feeling better. We’ll see how I go on a ten-miler tomorrow though… eek!

    @ozgamer You took an early mark yesterday and mocked those of us stuck at work. Boooooooo! 😛

    Eeek! Nearly forgot about Earth Hour. Trying to finish dinner preparations before the deadline…

    Curry by candlelight. #earthhour

    @venks79 I’m guessing some GPS issues there, but good job!

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    RT @Kat13v: Batman, walking the streets of Sydney city. // @Warlach is that you??

    Happy birthday to @VenessaHunt! And thanks for the birthday lunch invite… 🙂

    Hey @dancingman, want to earn $1500 knitting in an advert? DM me your email address. I got an opportunity for you!

    @dancingman Nothin’! Did you send to my gmail? kris.howard AT gmail…

    @ozgamer BOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

    @tytana_ Only if you can knit on camera! 🙂

    Ick. Have suddenly come down with chills and sweatiness and headache. Bugger.

    Paracetamol and peanut butter sandwiches make everything better.

    Off to first Guild Exec meeting of new regime. This should be interesting.

  • The Korean Tiger

    The Korean Tiger. ROWR! (I have a tiger-print dressing gown.)


    “Peeps prejudice?: Easter week trial takes on bunny bias.” Hey, if that diorama-girl can be called as an expert witness, so can I. I will fully support the assertion that public display of Peeps is grounds for eviction! (Link courtesy of the Snook.)

  • Photoshop 5

    A sneak preview of Photoshop 5’s content-aware fill. My jaw dropped. That is some magic, magic stuff happening there. It’s the kind of thing that laypeople imagine computers should be able to do, but people who work with computers think of as pretty much impossible. And somehow they did it.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    RT @InsideRetailing: Gap finally hits Aussie shores // YES! I CAN BUY NOT-TOO-EXPENSIVE NEW JEANS THAT DON’T SUCK!

    @toastman Well, yes, I agree. But they’re owned by the same company. Maybe Old Navy would follow??

    On our way to #webblast…

    Thanks to @balsamiq for sponsoring #webblast!

    @Kat13v I guess I really should stop sending it to her then, huh? (NOTE: I AM JOKING, GUILD SPIES.)

    It took two grown humans two days to outsmart (and flea treat) one small cat.

    Spotted on William St. I wonder what the treatment REALLY is. *shudder*

  • Run-walk

    In Geek Girl Runner Episode #5 I talked about changing my run-walk ratio on my long runs to 3 minutes running/1 minute walking. Now here comes Jeff Galloway saying that even shorter periods of running can be used to go faster! One of the people he trains has done a 4:38 marathon using 30 seconds running/30 seconds walking. Crazy! Maybe I’ll keep cut my ratio down even further for this weekend’s 10-miler and see what it does…

  • The Godless Streets of Chippendale

    The Godless Streets of Chippendale. I had no idea that our little postcode was home to double the national percentage of atheists. Is it because we have so many uni students, I wonder? At any rate, I feel very at home in my little enclave of progressive pumpkin-sex-enablers.

  • Geek Girl Runner Episode 005

    The long-awaited fifth episode of the Geek Girl Runner podcast is now available! Sorry about taking so long. (I explain what I’ve been up to in the meantime in the show.) This one is particularly interesting in that I recorded the whole thing in a single take! Extemporaneous speaking FTW. Thanks again to everyone who’s been sending in feedback. This episode features: my training update; emails, comments, and shoutouts; and a small rant about whether podcasts are, in fact, a vanity project. (Spoiler: OF COURSE THEY ARE.)

    Show links:
    Sydney Royal Easter Show
    Sydney Half-Marathon
    Mother’s Day Classic – join the Geek Girl Runner team!
    My 13K long run
    Triathlon Mind Training – podcast and blog by Ironmanjay
    Crazy Floridian – blog of Adam Culp
    CORSO LA META – podcast and blog by Jimbo_W
    You Don’t Have to Run Alone – podcast by Ted Beveridge
    Phedippidations – podcast by Steve Runner

    Thanks as usual to Nick Arthur for the use of his song “Little Donut Party”. Please give me some feedback and let me know what you think!