Month: March 2010

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Just realised that the Easter Show Judging for knitting is happening today. Fingers crossed for everybody who entered!

    @VenessaHunt Yep. My entries: 🙂

    @thisismywww You want Drupal horror stories? I’ll give you Drupal horror stories. Not as bad as Joomla, though…

    Hey look! I’m on a landing page! Hahahahahaha…. 🙂

    @thisismywww We use it on GetUpGo: IM me tomorrow for more details.

    The cure for stress: getting some exercise and saying NO to meetings. I feel much better today.

    @Offbeatceremony Way to go! It feels great to hit those milestones. Well done. 🙂

    @DDsD I would’ve said the former a year ago, but I had a boss who used “mobile site” a lot. So I see the value in distinguishing.

  • We’re on a landing page!

    A couple weeks ago a co-worker asked if I had any pictures from our trip to Uluru. I sent her the link and asked why. She said that we were doing a promotion with Flight Centre, and they wanted a vacation picture to use in it. Snookums and I said we didn’t mind, and so… here we are!

    Hahahaha, for some reason it just makes me laugh and laugh. Now I need to get into one of the TV commercials…

  • John Cusack… in the rain

    For my sister: John Cusack… in the rain. HA! He really is always in the rain.

  • Stop Motion Knitting

    This beautiful advertisement for natural gas shows a home being covered with knitting as a metaphor for it warming up in the morning.

    I also recommend watching the “making of” video. It looks like they started with everything covered and then slowly unraveled it all, bit by bit. Lovely!

  • RunningBlog: Week 12

    Apologies for missing last week’s entry. I’ve just been a bit stressed and down lately. My running is going really well though, and I think it’s helping me to cope. I have managed long runs of 11km (7mi) and 13km (8mi) in the last two weeks without too much trouble. I’m also doing two morning runs each week and a cross-training session at Spudds. I’ve been gratified to see the pace on my morning runs has slowly been improving after the two weeks I took off for my cold and injury. My foot is feeling much better, and I’d say it feels 95% recovered. I’m still running in my New Balance though; I haven’t returned to the Newtons since the injury. (I’m still doing a midfoot strike though even though it’s more difficult in these shoes.) On to the numbers…

    Mar. 20: 5.23km
    Mar. 21: 13.14km
    Mar. 24: 5.41km
    Total this week: 23.78km (14.8mi)
    Total in 2010: 236.91km (148mi)

    To meet my 1000km goal, I should be at 230.7km. So I’m about 6km ahead of pace right now!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @imdominating This is for you:

    Feeling oddly stressed out lately. Stretched kinda thin. Need to figure out how to get control of To Do list.

    @venks79 Hahahaha, I was going to say that I thought you wouldn’t like his advice! 😛

    @sharre Delegation doesn’t work when you’re the only one on your team! I’m it. Just need to put my head down, I guess.

    My stress levels and lack of focus aren’t helped by my inability to sleep through the night without waking up 10 times. #zombiekris

    @SteveChopper Hahaha… I think it probably had more to do with two crazy cats getting confused by longer nights and running across my head!

    @misswired @DDsD Example of Swype: Won’t be on iPhone unless Apple puts it there, unfortunately.

    Just received my replacement skein of @knitabulous wool. It’s beautiful! Ailsa is the best.

  • Pumpkin Sex

    Michael is exhorting us all to help the sex life of Chippo’s pumpkin vines. Heh. Both vines that I’ve grown haven’t had a single female flower, so I’ve yet to do any pumpkin fertilisation myself. I’ll be on the lookout though.

  • Easter Show Knitting

    Easter Show Knitting
    The other big thing that happened last week was that I finally finished my Easter Show knitting. I had two entries this year: “St. Brigid” in the aran category and “Albert the Magic Pudding” in the knitted toys. I think they turned out pretty well!

    St. Brigid     Albert the Magic Pudding

    St. Brigid is from Alice Starmore’s Aran Knitting, a book which is sadly out-of-print. (Used copies go for $300! No joke!) Luckily I know someone with a copy who was generous enough to share. This is my second Starmore after last year’s Na Craga. The wool is Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran Tweed in colour 127 Posie. It’s a very pretty pinky red with little flecks through it. Starmore’s patterns are famously huge with lots of ease, so I had to play to get the right size. I actually used 4mm needles to get gauge and lengthened the body by an extra repeat. I also lengthened the arms quite a bit. The original version had fringe around the bottom (ew) and a mock turtleneck (ew ew), so I left both of those off. This is a very warm jumper, and I’ll probably only get to wear it a few times a year. But it’s beautiful and I made it and I love it. (More pictures on Flickr and more details on Ravelry.)

    And then there’s the Magic Pudding. (No, Mom, he’s not an octopus!) He’s from a famous Australian children’s book by Norman Lindsay. The Snook read me this book, and I absolutely loved it. It’s a shame that kids in America don’t know it! I based my original design off a postcard with a watercolour of the Pudding by Lindsay himself. I was really tickled when the RAS volunteer who was taking my entries recognised him immediately. Maybe next year I’ll have to do Bunyip Bluegum? (More details on Ravelry.)

  • Pre-existing conditions

    Pre-existing conditions
    Dooce has written a post about what health care reform means for her family. In short, she, her husband, and her daughter Leta have been been denied coverage by private insurance companies for “pre-existing conditions.” They have had to buy expensive state-run high-risk cover. This bill means that they will actually be able to get OFF the public option and into the private system. Excellent. (Also note: John’s pre-existing condition is HAYFEVER. You’ve gotta be kidding me, right? If I lived in the U.S., that’d be me. WTF?!)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @KTunravels Oh man. That might be my least favorite Knitty issue EVER. I will never unsee these saggy knitted shorts:

    @chrisgander First an iPod, now an iPhone? You’ll have an iPad before I do, I bet. 😛

    RT @bokane: Now our long national nightmare of affordable healthcare begins. A dark day. #hcr

    LOVE IT:

    Oddly, the weird “Summit” shawl (with the wavy lines and holes) was the only thing I liked in this Knitty. And those shorts frighten me.

    @Kat13v Uh oh. Hope that doesn’t have anything to do with the email I sent you… 🙂

    Petey is damn lucky he’s cute. This used to be a ball of Zara.

    @redambition Dr Amy has mostly learned not to touch the wool, so I think it was the little one. Beware loose balls when you’re here! 🙂

    @redambition YES.