Month: March 2010


    My other bit of birthday celebration was attending Popcorn Taxi‘s sneak preview of KICK-ASS. This is a new film based on a comic book about a normal kid who decides to put on a costume and become a superhero called “Kick-Ass.” The crowd was definitely the stereotypical “comic book geek” demographic. (I’d estimate less than 10% were female.) Since the movie still doesn’t open for a few weeks, they actually confiscated all our mobile phones as we went in. The Snook and I had seen a couple of trailers, but neither of us really knew what to expect. It was AWESOME. It was equal parts dark humor and ultraviolence. It was an incredibly visceral experience. I was literally wincing and bouncing in my seat through some of the action sequences. At a couple points, the whole audience broke into cheers and applause. After the movie finished, Matthew Vaughn the director joined us via phone to take questions from the audience. He talked about how he pretty much had to finance the film on his own, and how his goal was just to make the kind of movie that he and his friends would like. He said he didn’t like the modern trend of handheld, quick-cut action sequences where you can’t tell what’s happening. Each action set piece in the film was completely different from anything we’d seen before. He told a few stories about Chloe and the infamous scene where she uses the c-word. He surprised me by revealing that filming took place in London, which I wouldn’t have guessed. He also told us about some of the fun musical choices he made when putting together the soundtrack. (There was a long discussion about the Elvis track — but to be honest I don’t even remember it, because it occurred during a really exciting part of the movie and I was too caught up in what was happening onscreen to note the music!)

    A few more notes: Yeah, the language in this film is really bad, and most of it comes from an 11-year-old girl. If that super-offends you, don’t go. However, Hit Girl is my frickin’ hero and I think she is one of the most awesome girls in movies ever. (The Snook was making comparisons to Mathilda in The Professional, but I think Hit Girl kicks Natalie Portman’s ass.) Also, the other girls in the movie AREN’T IDIOTS. This point was probably lost on the dudes in the audience, but I sure noticed. I’m used to accepting a certain amount of “Megan Fox” cheesecake in my stupid action movies, so it was really refreshing to not have that. (Yeah, “Katie” is hot but she’s also a real character. She wasn’t objectified and she was on equal footing in that sexual relationship. I liked Katie.) Oh! And Nicolas Cage was AWESOME! Huge surprise to me. I haven’t liked him in anything in years. I loved, loved, loved him in this. (Matthew Vaughn told us a fun story about the development of Big Daddy’s voice.) I also really liked the way the movie realistically used the Internet, like with Kick-Ass’s big break (which comes via YouTube, naturally) and the way Dave interacted with his fans via MySpace. It firmly grounded the movie in our universe and played by rules that we all understood.

    So if you like big dumb action movies that aren’t actually dumb, you’ll like KICK-ASS. I’m actually thinking of seeing it again when it hits the theaters. And then I’m going to dye my hair purple and learn martial arts.

    Edited to add: This review says it all much better!

  • Chuck Hahn Dinner

    To celebrate my birthday last week, the Snook and I went to the Chuck Hahn dinner as part of the March into Merivale promotion. It was held at Bistro CBD and featured three courses with matched beers. Chuck himself couldn’t come due to illness, but he sent Tony the master brewer from Malt Shovel. Tony walked us through the beers as each course was served, and he came around to our individual tables to chat too. I especially liked the “beer map” that was provided, and that allowed me to visualise where these beers fit on the dark/light ale/lager continuum. The food was great (though the Snook found the oxtail a little salty). Very fun outing, and I think Bistro CBD is definitely worth another visit.

  • All blogged out.

    GOOD GRIEF. Has it really been nearly a full week without a blog post? I think that may be some kind of record. Sorry about the silence; I’ve just been super busy lately. We’ll see if we can’t get some updates happening more regularly…

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    @Justacogitating What do you consider ‘the end’? We’re comin up on 10 years here… 🙂

    @Roceal Totally new; hadn’t gotten one in previous 3 years. Maybe some crafter got runover delivering their project?

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    Easter Show deliveries complete! Me and Reecie didn’t like the ridiculous fluoro vests very much though.

    Prepping for my long run like I’m going into battle.

    @bellsknits What??? Did you guys have tickets ahead of time? This is starting to worry me.

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    @AusVintageGrrl I know, and I get it. But I’m trying to play International Negotiator over there, so be nice! 😛

    St. Brigid collar is knitted. That’s it for the Easter Show knitting. Now it’s just the final bits of assembly…

    Collar sewing attempt #1: too big.

    Collar attempt #2: Still too big. ARRRRRGH.

    Collar attempt #3: GOT IT!

    @witty_knitter It’s okay. I was just disregarding the pattern and trying to ease in a collar 4 inches too long. 🙂

    Ladies and gents… Is that a collar I see before me? St. Brigid is complete! Now for beer.

    @venks79 WHOA, way to set a goal! You can do it!

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    HOLY CRAP. Just saw sneak preview of Kick-Ass. So effing awesome! (My inner 11yo needs a purple wig and some KNIVES.) Go see it in 2 weeks!!

    Demographic at Kick-Ass was about 90% comic geek dude. Which is cool, as I am, in fact, their Queen.

    @AlienCroons I will admit to gleefully swearing a LOT on the way home. 🙂

    Strong desire to dye my hair purple and take up martial arts. Hit Girl is my new idol.

    @Kat13v First preview I’ve been to where we had to surrender mobiles. Tight security. Satellite chat w/ director afterwards was fun.

    Heading to the doctor to become a cyborg. This is going to be interesting.

    Poor little emo cyborg girl! (It didn’t actually hurt that bad.)

    @mrs_sockvictim Oh yeah, it’s fine. The bandage is just to prevent bruising. Doesn’t hurt at all.

    @Bevfam I’m just being overly dramatic. It’s Implanon. Keeps me from having babies. 🙂 Doesn’t really hurt at all!

    @Bevfam You totally can! That would be awesome. But I’m not wearing the skintight uniform. 🙂

    @sharre I like Sydney! Granted, I’ve only known/lived in the CBD and Inner West. But I much it prefer to Indiana/London/Chicago, etc.

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    My, there are an awful lot of dickheads wearing silly hats in the city tonight…

    …And I just watched the Lady Gaga/Beyonce “Telephone” video. I have to say, I was totally wrong about Gaga last year.

    @twelveeyes I thought she was a no-pants-wearin’ talentless famewhore. She’s obviously brilliant about image manipulation though!

    Me: “It’s like Andy Warhol and Madonna had a baby and she lives and walks among us.” Snook: “All the best people don’t wear pants.”

    One seam and one collar to go… And the best part is: it’s a PERFECT FIT! #stbrigid #cabledmonstrosity

    @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim Petey is currently yowling his “Good morning world!” song all over the house.

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    @Opheli8 You just jinxed it.

    Enjoying fine beer at Merivale Chuck Hahn dinner. Yum!

    Just waiting for the dessert… Getting a little tipsy!

    @Opheli8 It was great! The place wasn’t even full though; should’ve told you earlier so you could come. Good food and good beer.

    @miss_reecie GAH. St. Brigid still has 3 seams and a collar to go. On the plus side, I know for sure the arms are long enough!


    Chewbacca says you should have your own domain name. Good tip.