Month: March 2010

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    @DDsD Don’t even go there. If I caught this “bandit,” I’d tie them to the tree with their own stanky acrylic!

    @bellsknits Thinking of coming to Canberra for Easter. Any hotel recommendations?

    Where’s a good place to stay in Canberra? Assuming we’ve never been there before, and that we’ll have a car…

    @bellsknits @drkknits Waldorf is booked out Easter weekend, sadly! Novotel looks to be about $250/night. Yikes.

    Thanks for Canberra suggestions! Further info: thinking of a last minute trip on Easter weekend. And no, Sydney does NOT count. 🙂

    @bellsknits Empty now? Or empty over Easter? If it saves me $700, I’ll drive 20 minutes happily! 🙂

    @bellsknits Hm. Are you serious? I’ll email. Don’t want to impose, but that would be awesome. Me, Snook, & @eileenDCoE want to see the Art!

    @bellsknits You might find your stash enhanced at the end of the visit! A secret visit from the stash enhancement fairies would be required.

    @bellsknits I Gmailed you!

    @witty_knitter Pre-sale tickets for the extended period went on today, so if we confirm we’re going, we’ll buy immediately.

    Iron Chefs are cooking in Sydney again on June 6-7: (Snook and I have been before. It’s once-in-a-lifetime!)

    @witty_knitter Good tip. Thank you! Let us know of any other Canberra recommendations, please. 🙂

    Thank you for all the birthday wishes!

    @gilmae More like 29 and forty-eight months….

    @missamanda I think so! Looks like Fiona from the first season:

    Flashblock has changed my life. Seriously.

    @gadgetgirl70 Not unless the second time is free!

    @Opheli8 @Whingeing_Pom The Saw Doctors are playing the Metro. We seriously debated on going…

    @miss_reecie YOU. ARE. ON! And my first word was hilarious. 🙂

    Birthday present from the in-laws arrived. Easy Tiger! Cuddliest dressing gown ever.

    @Ezzles I’m so sorry, Erin. That sucks. I hope you’re okay.

    The amazing @mrs_sockvictim delivered the amazing Barbie cake… and now I have an amazing sugar rush.

  • Happy birthday to me…

    Kristy, it’s your birthday! Happy birthday, Kristy!*
    So today is my 33rd birthday. Man, that feels old. I was digging around this morning and found some photos from my 23rd birthday back in London, ten years ago today. I was living with the Notre Dame London Program then as an R.A. and working as an HTML developer at Netdecisions. A bunch of my work friends went out with me to Si Senor, the only Mexican restaurant I could find in all of London. (I think it’s since closed.)

    BJ, me, Alex, and Ferret
    BJ, me, Alex, and Ben (aka Ferret)…

    Snookums, Eman, and BJ
    Snookums (two weeks before we started dating!), Eman, and BJ

    Ferret, me, Eman, and Squirrel
    Ferret, me, Eman, and Mark (aka Squirrel)

    There are more pictures with more folks from that night, including some of the students who joined us later. It was so fun. I can’t believe we were so young. I can’t believe it’s been so long since! (Hm. And I can’t believe I didn’t have ANY girl friends back then. Did I just hang out with guys? Quite possibly.)

    Thank you to everyone who’s popped up on email and Facebook and Twitter to say “Happy birthday.” I also managed to score two(!) birthday cakes: a Spice Cake with Espresso Icing (courtesy of the Snook), and a “Belle” Barbie cake (courtesy of the amazing Miss Fee). The Snook and I are going out tomorrow night for the Chuck Hahn dinner, and then Thursday we’ll be seeing the premiere of KICK-ASS. What a great way to start the week!

    * Yeah, the Snook serenaded me with the Michael Jackson birthday song from The Simpsons. Very sweet.

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    Two birthday cakes – one with a Barbie on top! – is the very definition of “an embarrassment of riches.”

    Cake #1: Spice Cake with Espresso Icing, baked by the Snook and currently on its way to work for sharing.

    Cake #2: Belle with cupcakes! A wonderful surprise from @mrs_sockvictim. THANK YOU MISS FEE! 😀

    @sharre @redambition @AusVintageGrrl Thank you! You’re all welcome to come eat Belle cake tonight if you’re free. 🙂

    Welcome aboard to @kunaal84, joining the @Mobile_Active team today!

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    Awesome: today’s Guild meeting. Not Awesome: waiting 15 minutes for a Newtown bus NEXT TO AN ACCORDION-PLAYING BUSKER. (Headache.)

    I think a fruit bat just pooped on me. And now I’m drinking merlot spritzer out of a plastic cup. Banner Saturday night!

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    Baker’s Delight Mocha Hot Cross Bun – should be evil, but may actually be the best HC bun I’ve had EVER. Thanks, BD chick for recommending!

    People are queueing early to meet Biggest Loser trainer Michelle at Coles Broadway. Beware if you’re headed that way!

    Waiting for a cab. Too much to carry to Guild meeting!

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    @morgancarpenter I’m interested! Trying to talk the Snook into it. 🙂

    Nearly left my knitting at work! Off to M&S…

    @gusseting I’m annoyed she’s so painfully thin. Where is Joan’s Va-Va-Voom?!

    @tytana_ @Opheli8 Definitely. Let’s try less food poisoning this time!

    Watching too much Jeeves and Wooster. Feel the urge to use phrases like “Toodle-pip!” and “What ho, Fink-Nottle?” in everyday conversation.

    RT @crowderband: Palindrome of the day: Go hang a salami, I’m a lasagna hog.

    @toastman I was going to send you that link today. I am still marvelling that “Dervla” is a common name in East Cork. Who knew?

    @randomknits Not I, said the cat (and me).

    Can’t wait til next Thursday, when the Snook and I will be seeing “Kick-Ass” with Q&A with the director:

  • RunningBlog: Week 10

    I’m still experiencing the after-effects of the Public Nudity Epiphany, I think. For the past 15 months, I’ve been struggling with the rowing machine at my weekly Spudds session. There’s always at least one station on the circuit where you do two 20 second rowing sprints separated by a 10 second rest. The goal is to get 100 meters in 20 seconds. I’ve done it a few times in the past year, but I’ve never been able to get two in a row. My form is improving though, and I’ve been closing in. (Last week I had 101 and 98.) Yesterday I stood before the machine and took a few seconds to visualise myself doing it. Then I sat down and strapped in. The first 20s felt good, and I was well within pace. I got 101m for that one. Spudds came over to congratulate me and told me to “stay loose” during the 10 second rest. “Back yourself!” he yelled. And I was off. My pace was slower, and my technique was definitely sloppier. But he stood over me shouting that I could do it, and I gave it everything I had. As the buzzer sounded, my distance slipped upwards… and stopped on 100m. I gave a shout. It was as satisfying as finishing my first half-marathon. He gave me a high-five and told me that I was the first female to do it. (I’m a little doubtful of that; I’m sure some of the women in his evening classes could do it. Still, it’s a big accomplishment.) I tweeted afterwards: “I feel like I can do anything.” I really do. This whole “self-confidence” buzz is intoxicating.

    But hey, running is what this is all about, right? Because of my continuing issues with my right foot, I’ve dropped my running back to three days a week (rather than four). With my Sunday distance increasing, I want to give my arch as much rest time as possible.

    Mar. 5: 5.27km
    Mar. 7: 10.16km
    Mar. 9: 5.43km
    Total this week: 20.86km
    Total in 2010: 191.27km (119.5mi)

    To meet my 1000km goal, I should be at 192km. So right on track!

  • Molasses Coffee Marinated Pork Chops

    Molasses Coffee Marinated Pork Chops from Alton Brown. Yum. I’ve got some pork chops in the freezer just begging for this…

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    It took me 15 months, but I finally got 2 x 100m/20s on the rowing machine. Not many girls do, apparently. I feel like I can do anything. 🙂

    Five meetings in one day. I think that’s a personal record.

    Alas, poor Magic Pudding, I knew him well!

    @liedra That’s not the app; it’s likely the best your monitor does! Can’t get more than that, usually. What’s the thing you’re capturing?

    @rhagern I haven’t spotted us in any of them yet. Hilarious that we were both there. Would’ve been funny to meet that way! 🙂

    @rhagern I haven’t been able to spot us in any of the pics yet, sadly. Yours was great!

    @rhagern Nah, we only did the outside bit. We had to go to work!

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    @Opheli8 Can I be the meeting Princess?

    @randomknits Grafted and everything? Did you use the written-out instructions available online?

    @randomknits Just google “rogue hood grafting” if you want to pull it back and be completely Hermione about it. 🙂

    @lukerides Maybe median is more meaningful than average? Put it in the middle of the bell curve. (Not that $150K could be psbly be median.)

    Heading to #IIBA talk with @venks79. Work stuff + alcohol is always fun.

    @venks79 Seriously. I saw you tweeting during the speech! Naughty.

    @drkknits I need to get caught up on that. Snook and I are massive Boston Rob and Ambah fans. 🙂

    @kunaal84 Congrats on your last day! Looking forward to welcoming you aboard next week. 🙂