RunningBlog: Week 16

Week 16
A nice easy week to follow that long run. Sunday was meant to be a 5km time trial, but my speed let me down miserably. I decided not to beat myself up too much over it though; as much as I keep telling myself I’M NOT SICK, I think my immune system has been fending off something. I feel okay right now though, and I’m actually looking forward picking up my distance/speed again. Maybe the funk is finally clearing?

April 16: 6.91km
April 18: 5.16km
April 21: 5.37km
Total this week: 17.44km (10.9mi)
Total in 2010: 329.92km (206.2mi)

To meet my goal of running 1000km in 2010, I should be at 307.6km. So I’ve still got a healthy cushion there.

Of course, you’re probably asking (as Ted did this week): Where’s the next episode of Geek Girl Runner? Yeah, sorry about my increasingly erratic podcasting schedule! I’ve just had a lot of balls in the air lately, and the podcast has been the easiest one to drop. I’ll try to get one out soon, I promise. 🙂

Still behind.

Well, the depression of last week has lifted but I’m still finding it hard to get moving. I had both a flu shot and an allergy shot last Friday, and I’ve just felt a bit sluggish and flat ever since. My workouts have been frustratingly non-productive. I just feel like I’m fighting everything now. I’m also in desperate denial that I’ve finally caught the Snook’s cold. I’M NOT SICK. I’M NOT SICK. If I repeat it enough times, it’ll be true, right?

New Things

Caramel BobNew Things
I spent Saturday morning at my hairdresser getting new hair. I was tired of the red, and I was sick of the length. I needed something different. My usual stylist Desireé was booked out, so I had an awesome new Kiwi guy named Carl. Carl spent FOUR HOURS taking the red out. He did a full head of foils, and then another colour in-between, and then a third colour once the foils came out. Then he cut about half of it off, changing Big Red into the Caramel Bob. I love it! I feel grown-up yet funky.

Chicken FeetToday I headed to Marigold for yum cha with Steph and Eva and a bunch of friends. It was fantastic! Noisy and chaotic and packed (well, not in this pic, but soon after!), but fantastic. I ate everything. I even felt brave enough to try my very first “phoenix talon” (i.e. chicken foot). I KNOW! I just repeated to myself several times that it was just a funny-looking chicken wing. The sauce was delicious, and it was mostly gelatinous yumminess (with a fair few bones to spit out). I also had my first ever piece of tripe, which was probably more confronting (in terms of texture). I celebrated my bravery with some yummy desserts such as mango pancake and egg tarts. It was a magnificent feast!

Tonight, the Snook and I headed off to Alexandria to mooch around the homewares stores and get ideas for our kitchen renovation. On the way home, we stopped off at Bunnings to cross a long-standing item off my House To-Do List: new toilet seats! We have two toilets, and I actually like the style quite a lot. But the seats! They’re flimsy old plastic with horrible chips and stains on them. We picked up some beautiful new ones and Snookums had them installed within minutes. The new ones are stylish, sturdy, and pristine white. It seems like such a small thing, but having these in my bathroom really does make me feel happier! Here’s the Before and After…

Toilet - Before     Toilet - After

Strata AGM

Further evidence of my inability to say “no.”
Last night was our building’s Strata AGM. You’ll recall that last year the Snook put up his hand to be on the Committee. He was going to do the same this year, but he caught a cold yesterday and didn’t feel up to going. So I went along without him and put his name forward as before. Then it came time to elect the officebearers, and the outgoing chairperson really wanted to hand over to somebody else. No one volunteered. I eventually called the Snook to see if he was willing, but he really didn’t want to do it. That’s when my neighbour Mark (the treasurer) said, “Why don’t you do it, Kris?” Oh balls. Sure, why not take on ANOTHER extracurricular activity?! So not only did I get put on the Committee in the Snook’s place, I got installed as the bloody chairperson. I’ve never done this before.

Top 5 Financial Goals

Top 5: Financial Goals All Men Should Make. It’s good advice for anybody, actually. The Snook and I have made a concerted effort to get our financial lives in order over the past couple years. Once my student loan is paid off (which should be happening very soon), all of our debts besides the mortgage will be gone. We’ve got an emergency fund squirreled away; and we both have superannuation funds. (Not that there’s anything special about that; pretty much everyone in Australia has them.) So that’s 4-out-of-5 right there. Anyone want to recommend some good life insurance?

RunningBlog: Week 15

Week 15
Less than five weeks til the Half Marathon! I received my bib number (#3516) and timing chip in the mail this week. EXCITEMENT. My training has been going well. I mentioned last week that I had a slight speed increase, and that seems to have stuck around. On Sunday I did my longest run in nearly two years: 19km (12 miles)! That one was slow and steady, but it was also on a very warm and sunny day. Yesterday’s run was on a much cooler morning, and I found my pace naturally picked up a bit. I also managed two workouts at Spudds this week that have left my abs feeling beat-up. In terms of actual injuries, my right arch continues to improve. I had some foot stiffness and pain after the long run, but it was actually towards the outside of my foot (where the bone scan had previously shown some inflammation). I’ve been putting anti-inflammatory gel on that and I’ll probably ice it too. I’ve still got one long run to go two weeks before the race: 22.5km (14 miles). That will actually be my longest run EVER! But I’ve got two recovery/speed weeks in the meantime…

April 9: 6.02km
April 11: 19.02km
April 14: 5.83km
Total this week: 30.87km (19.3mi)
Total in 2010: 312.48km (195.3mi)

To meet my goal of running 1000km in 2010, I should be at 288.5km right now. So I’ve built up another cushion!

One thing that’s worrying me is that I’ve entered the Sickness Danger Zone. With both of my previous half-marathons, I’ve caught colds a few weeks out from the race. It’s been really frustrating. I’d speculate that the training is causing me to become a little immuno-compromised. So here I am once again, and this morning the Snook tells me he’s got a sore throat. ACK. How do I keep from getting sick? Obviously sleep and being hydrated are important, so I’m working on those. Is it worth taking any extra vitamins? (I’m guessing it’ll probably only be a placebo at best.) Our office flu shot is coming up. Should I get it? I know it’s not supposed to make you sick, but maybe I’m a little more vulnerable than usual right now? And this paranoia isn’t helping…