This was my second year attending the Wollongong Knitting Camp put on by CR&K Daisy Designs. It’s held at Mount Keira Scout Camp overlooking Wollongong. This year about 30 knitters came together for two days of knitting, food, wine, chatting, and relaxation. My photos and write-up of the weekend are here. Bells, Lyn, Kylie, Miss Fee, Anne, Margarita, and Jody have also posted their accounts. (Bells’s includes a truly HAWT photo of yours truly in a vintage frock with a fake rose in my teeth! And Fiona’s got a nice one of me knitting lace. LACE. I KNOW.)
Month: April 2010
Knitting Camp 2010
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On a hike/run with @mrs_sockvictim. Just made it to Robertson’s Lookout at Mt Keira!
@gusseting @mrs_sockvictim had a slight GPS fail there. Actual distance was just under 7km. 🙂
My vote for photo of #knitcamp. Queen @knitabulous is not amused.
Watched #masterchef masterclass from Friday. Snook was inspired to grill us some steaks. YUM…
@mrs_sockvictim @bellsknits @georgieknits @randomknits @drkknits @knitabulous @gemma747 @knitterjp Cheers, my dears! Tomorrow def. recovery.
@knitness We missed you too, Ness! There was a definite lack of true debauchery this year, I think. 🙂
Home from knitting camp and resting up. What time for Justin Bieber tomorrow, @getupgo? 🙂
RT @bellsknits: Wollongong Knitting Camp 2010: // Oh dear god. That photo of me made me do a double-take! HAWTNESS.
Rice Krispy Treats recipe: Missing: the step where you stir marshmallow w/ the chowmein spoon. @bellsknits @drkknits
@getupgo We’ll see. I’m taking an early mark tonight. I’ll look for you among the screaming Bieberites!
@Lauren_lolly_ In my defense, they made me drink cherry brandy. That stuff is POTENT. No wonder I’m posing like a hoochie-mama! 🙂
@SMinney @bellsknits That would have required corsetry. Instead I was wearing jeans and sneakers underneath. 🙂
@zedsains I just woke up! Phew, glad I didn’t miss anything. Are the tweens on the rampage?
Slept in this morning only to find that Bieber cancelled his concert when he heard I wasn’t there. Very sweet of him.
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Baby Felix LOVES The Magic Pudding! Screw the RAS; this is vindication. #knittingcamp
Lyn is shown how to use a ball winder by @mrs_sockvictim.
Drinking a beer and triumphantly modeling my St Brigid, which makes me warm and happy.
Dinner had a costume theme: Op Shop Formal. I wore my vintage frock!
Miss Fee disapproves as Alison has clearly jumped the gun on the Boobquake.
Who do those damn knitting princesses think they are?!
@bellsknits I think it’s a fantastic mumu! By far the best of all possible mumus.
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@gemma747 Ha, no swimmers for me either!
On my way to Central for knitting camp. Anybody know if the Wollongong trains are in the big main country terminal or suburban below?
@mrs_sockvictim Nice one! Are you training it tomorrow or did you get a lift??
Made it to the train! Knitting Camp, here we come. 🙂
A yummy dinner, and now the knitting and drinks begin!
We’ve just been informed there’s a 2m tiger snake that likes to lie on the path in the morning. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! #knittingcamp
It’s @bellsknits having her very first Peep. She liked it! #peephorror #knittingcamp
@SMinney Optus FTW, apparently!
@mrs_sockvictim I am knitting lace. ME. LACE. Craziness. Socks are popular. 🙂
@bellsknits Oh good. Very little sleep for me too. Makes me feel slightly better that I’m not the only insomniac!
Me, @randomknits, @knitterjp, @drkknits, and others knitting outside and waiting for the caffeine to kick in.
Smartphone Domino Machine
Smartphone Domino Machine. That’s so cool! Just in case you haven’t had enough Rube Goldbert awesomeness lately.
Sharky Tea Infuser
The Sharky Tea Infuser. So awesome! It would make me drink more tea.
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RT @Opheli8: MobileActive acquires horse racing specialists: (Exciting times here at MBA)
@FryingPan Yep. Along with @venks79… and @kunaal84… One big happy family! 🙂
Should I make Rice Krispie Treats for knitting camp? Decisions, decisions…
@Gin_ev_ra @bellsknits That’s the awesome part: no baking in Rice Krispie Treats! 🙂
Spent 15min buzzing wrong entrance at Margarita’s place. Note to self: Sometimes Google Maps LIES.
HOLY CRAP. I got Easter Show feedback from the judges in the post tonight! Anybody else??
My actual judges’ feedback: “Knitting well done. Neck not sitting properly.” That’s it. Small enough for a tweet. *sigh*
@randomknits It’s only for the Aran. Maybe they only did certain categories? I didn’t specifically request it. I posted on Rav…
There was a… slight problem… with the Rice Krispie Treats. But I think they’re okay. Just maybe slightly… odd.
I made the Treats, then went back to cooking dinner… and couldn’t find the spoon. The spoon I’d been stirring the curry with. Oops.
But hey, Rice Bubbles? Good. Marshmallow? Good. Curry? Gooooooood.
@Gin_ev_ra I’m Optus, and I had service last year. Even 3G when the wind was blowing the right way!
I successfully fed Snookums a Rice Krispie Treat without him detecting the “secret ingredient.” So I think we’re all good. 🙂
All packed up for knitting camp. Just waiting for the iPhone to sync up before I head in to work…
@drkknits But he’s so cute! And his hair goes all SWOOPY FORWARD and stuff! (And he’s coming to Sydney this weekend.) 🙂
@jannism It’s my fault for grabbing all those free Lonely Planet apps the other day. They’re pretty big.
RunningBlog: Week 16
A nice easy week to follow that long run. Sunday was meant to be a 5km time trial, but my speed let me down miserably. I decided not to beat myself up too much over it though; as much as I keep telling myself I’M NOT SICK, I think my immune system has been fending off something. I feel okay right now though, and I’m actually looking forward picking up my distance/speed again. Maybe the funk is finally clearing?
April 16: 6.91km
April 18: 5.16km
April 21: 5.37km
Total this week: 17.44km (10.9mi)
Total in 2010: 329.92km (206.2mi)To meet my goal of running 1000km in 2010, I should be at 307.6km. So I’ve still got a healthy cushion there.
Of course, you’re probably asking (as Ted did this week): Where’s the next episode of Geek Girl Runner? Yeah, sorry about my increasingly erratic podcasting schedule! I’ve just had a lot of balls in the air lately, and the podcast has been the easiest one to drop. I’ll try to get one out soon, I promise. 🙂
Coffee in Australia
Coffee in Australia. I left a comment expressing my surprise that they didn’t mention cappuccinos. They seem pretty popular here. Me, I’ve gone from lattes to a long black with a splash of cold milk, no sugar. Because I’m hard-core like that.