Month: April 2010

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    Runningblog: Week 15. An update on this week’s training, including my longest run in two years!

    @FryingPan Unfortunately not! Not my area of town. Delivery will be difficult though; it’s not as prominent here as in L.A…

    No knitting for me tonight; it’s Strata AGM time. Joy.

    Holy hell. I’ve just been elected chairperson of the strata committee. That was unplanned.

    @knitterjp @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim @tinkabel Thanks guys! It wasn’t quite the plan, but I’ll do my best.

    @mrs_sockvictim FATTY-BOOMBA-LATTIES! I don’t think Petey can be more than 4kg!

    @tytana_ The strata is the committee in charge of the building that our unit is in. We had our AGM tonight, and now I’m the boss!

    I weighed Petey this morning: 5.3kg. So heavier than I thought! (Dr Amy came in at 7.1kg.)

    I just unlocked the “Babysitter” badge on @foursquare!

    I just unlocked the “Photogenic” badge on @foursquare!

  • Ebert hated Kick-Ass.

    Ebert hated Kick-Ass. That disappoints me a little bit, but I can see where he comes from. I still want to see it again. It kicked ass.

    Edited to add: But Margaret Pomeranz loved it. HA! I love it when she accuses David Stratton of becoming “this conservative person.”

  • Top 5 Financial Goals

    Top 5: Financial Goals All Men Should Make. It’s good advice for anybody, actually. The Snook and I have made a concerted effort to get our financial lives in order over the past couple years. Once my student loan is paid off (which should be happening very soon), all of our debts besides the mortgage will be gone. We’ve got an emergency fund squirreled away; and we both have superannuation funds. (Not that there’s anything special about that; pretty much everyone in Australia has them.) So that’s 4-out-of-5 right there. Anyone want to recommend some good life insurance?

  • RunningBlog: Week 15

    Less than five weeks til the Half Marathon! I received my bib number (#3516) and timing chip in the mail this week. EXCITEMENT. My training has been going well. I mentioned last week that I had a slight speed increase, and that seems to have stuck around. On Sunday I did my longest run in nearly two years: 19km (12 miles)! That one was slow and steady, but it was also on a very warm and sunny day. Yesterday’s run was on a much cooler morning, and I found my pace naturally picked up a bit. I also managed two workouts at Spudds this week that have left my abs feeling beat-up. In terms of actual injuries, my right arch continues to improve. I had some foot stiffness and pain after the long run, but it was actually towards the outside of my foot (where the bone scan had previously shown some inflammation). I’ve been putting anti-inflammatory gel on that and I’ll probably ice it too. I’ve still got one long run to go two weeks before the race: 22.5km (14 miles). That will actually be my longest run EVER! But I’ve got two recovery/speed weeks in the meantime…

    April 9: 6.02km
    April 11: 19.02km
    April 14: 5.83km
    Total this week: 30.87km (19.3mi)
    Total in 2010: 312.48km (195.3mi)

    To meet my goal of running 1000km in 2010, I should be at 288.5km right now. So I’ve built up another cushion!

    One thing that’s worrying me is that I’ve entered the Sickness Danger Zone. With both of my previous half-marathons, I’ve caught colds a few weeks out from the race. It’s been really frustrating. I’d speculate that the training is causing me to become a little immuno-compromised. So here I am once again, and this morning the Snook tells me he’s got a sore throat. ACK. How do I keep from getting sick? Obviously sleep and being hydrated are important, so I’m working on those. Is it worth taking any extra vitamins? (I’m guessing it’ll probably only be a placebo at best.) Our office flu shot is coming up. Should I get it? I know it’s not supposed to make you sick, but maybe I’m a little more vulnerable than usual right now? And this paranoia isn’t helping…

  • How to Run the Boston Marathon

    How to Run the Boston Marathon (PDF). Great tips for any distance race about finding the sweet spot that will allow you to finish with power and speed.

  • Sue Sylvester does Vogue

    Sue Sylvester’s “Vogue”. AWESOME. I was surprised it wasn’t more tongue-in-cheek. Other than a couple references to “I hate Shuester” it was a pretty faithful reproduction! Kurt looks great in that tux and scarf.

  • Cilantro (aka Coriander)

    The Curious Cook – Why Cilantro Tastes Like Soap, for Some.” The really interesting bit for me is towards the end, where they talk about the way brains rewire themselves based on positive associations. I used to HATE cilantro when I lived in the U.S. I have a vivid memory of being in a Mexican restaurant and being served what was probably a very nice fresh salsa, but recoiling because of the “soapiness” of the cilantro therein. But here I am 15 years later and I CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF IT. I am coriander crazy. I really do think that, for me, the change in association came via the Snook’s Thai green curry. It’s such a tasty dish, and I just love when he cooks it for me. It gives me such happy feelings. And I think that’s where the change came.

    Just to clarify, in the U.S. people call the seeds coriander and the leaves cilantro. In most other countries, the whole thing is coriander.

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    Eagerly awaiting the launch of @sitelyhq. I had a peek at the beta and it looked very slick!

    Flowers for @SallyPompom. Heading off to visit her in the hospital tonight…

    Flowers are here, actually.

    I’ve seen @SallyPompom! She’s doing pretty well. Could definitely use visitors in the coming weeks tho. (She broke her hip! Email for info.)

    @travellersyarn St Vincent’s Public Hospital in Darlinghurst. She should hopefully be able to get online tomorrow!

    Petey’s 5am Loud Adventures are becoming a Big Problem.

    @mrs_sockvictim You have to catch him first, and he’s VERY quick.

  • RoseRed’s blanket

    RoseRed has posted photos from her baby shower last weekend, including the knitted blanket that many of us contributed squares to. My own square is in the top row, the white square fourth from the left. I did it in Blackberry Stitch (also known as Trinity Stitch).

  • Costco

    The Snook told me a couple days ago that Costco are trying to open a store in Sydney. That is AWESOME. Of course, Coles and Woolworths are trying to block it on zoning grounds. That is not awesome. The supermarket duopoly here sucks, and I’d really like to see a viable third option. Oooh, imagine zipping over there in the GoGet car and loading it up with stuff in bulk!

    Update: It’s happening!