Month: April 2010

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    Discovery: If you’re lazy and wait long enough, eventually Daylight Savings means that your desk clock is accurate again.

    @bellsknits WTF. Am I now a target for guerilla knitter terrorist cells? 😛

    Bought great new shoes tonight… but now I think I need the next size up. Darn. Exchange time.

    Lack of Flash on iPhone is starting to feel like a feature not a bug. I installed Flashblock on Firefox recently and it IMPROVED MY LIFE.

  • RunningBlog: Week 14

    I noticed recently that my 45-minute morning runs have been feeling easy. I think I’ve been concentrating so hard on gently recovering my fitness (after two weeks off for injury and illness in February) that I didn’t realise when I had reached it. My pace had been dropping regularly but now it’s levelled out. My foot’s been feeling good. After my run last Wednesday, I hopped in the shower and realised that I didn’t feel winded at all. In fact, I couldn’t tell that I had just been on a run. “That’s probably not good,” I thought. “Am I falling into the dreaded junk miles trap?” I decided to shake things up. For Friday’s run, I pushed myself to see how fast I could go without too much discomfort. I also threw in a couple cadence drills for fun. To my surprise, I knocked nearly a minute off my pace per kilometer. I could definitely feel the effort afterwards, and I was even a little sore the next day. It felt good. On Sunday, Eileen and I went for a run in Canberra with a view towards doing some speed intervals. Again, this was definitely pushing me out of my comfort zone. I gave myself a few days to recover, then went out for my normal run yesterday. I ran the whole thing at what I considered to be a comfortable pace, and afterwards I discovered I was still 30s/km faster than I was during my “junk” runs. Obviously I can run at this faster pace, but I just needed to prove to myself that I could!

    April 2: 5.42km
    April 4: 6.06km
    April 7: 5.81km
    Total this week: 17.29km (10.8mi)
    Total in 2010: 281.61km (176mi)

    To meet my goal of running 1000km in 2010, I should be at 269km right now. So I’m still ahead of schedule. This weekend will see me doing my second-longest run of my entire half-marathon training plan: 19 kilometers (12 miles). That’s only just shy of the actual race distance! Wish me luck…

  • Yarnbombing

    Weirdness! So we stayed at Bells’s house last weekend, and today they got yarnbombed! Coincidence? Or did some “guerilla knitter” try to send me a message? *snort*

  • Cornbread

    “Cornbread Gets Sweeter at National Cornbread Fest.” Interesting. My cornbread recipe has always included a little bit of sugar. I think it would be a little bland if you didn’t put any in at all. I had no idea that a true “Southern” cornbread didn’t have any!

  • Induction

    “Is Induction Cooking Ready to Go Mainstream?” The Snook and I decided some time ago that our new cooktop will be induction. We tried out Amy’s some time ago and really liked it. The only holdup is that we’d like to get the countertops done at the same time.

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    @that_alison Me, I elicited some stakeholder requirements, refined the roadmap, and descoped some non-essential functionality. WE SUCK.

    @AusVintageGrrl It’s good, isn’t it?! Are you a pro user?

    @bellsknits Suddenly the gift we left you feels a little unoriginal! 🙂

    Seen in bargain bin at Broadway: Thought they were Oreos then did a double-take. RECREOS?! *shudder*

    @bellsknits We had it recommended by a sommelier at a fancy place years ago, and Rodd always remembered it. We’re saving ours too!

    Rude person on bus won’t scoot over. So I am deliberately NOT moving into empty seat. Passive-aggressive war!

    @stufromoz On the plus side, righteous indignation makes for good gaming. I just set a Bejeweled Blitz high score. 🙂

  • Epic Awesomeness: Q and Data and an iPad

    Me: Data with an iPad???
    Kunaal: I know!
    Kunaal: and Q!
    Me: who’s the dude next to …
    Kunaal: I know!
    Kunaal: That is the awsomest of pics

  • Cupcake Gentrification

    Cupcake Gentrification. Interesting. My favorite bit:

    Meanwhile, who is to say that cupcake gentrification might not function as cause, as well as effect? Could urban planners “seed” depressed areas with gourmet delis and boutique coffeeshops, in order to lure in a gentrifying vanguard of artists and hipsters? Forget former NYPD chief Bill Bratton’s “Fixing Broken Windows” theory; in this view, what would really turn around certain neighbourhoods is a state-funded injection of artisan bakeries.

    It’s not a joke. Apparently Magic Johnson has a foundation that puts up money to start Starbucks in poor neighbourhoods. I did not know that.

    But yeah, I’m kinda over the whole cupcake thing. Not that I was ever really big into it in the first place, but there you go. Bring on the whoopie pies!

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    @cuddlycutie4uC Did you post this to the wrong person? I have no idea what you’re talking about. Recipe? Food?

    @VenessaHunt Ooh, pretty!

    Ugh. 6:15pm and pitch black outside. I think my Seasonal Affective Disorder just kicked in.

    Watching the earwax-candle episode of Mythbusters and both of us are, like, totally gagging. EWWWWWWW. AGH, AND A CUPCAKE?!

    @imdominating Yeah, Grant too, but I see enough of my friends kissin’ their asses with @ replies I didn’t bother. 🙂

    It’s getting to the point where I want to buy an iPad just to piss off the haters who take its very existence as a personal affront.

    @imdominating He already commented on it when it originally got posted on Metafilter. Said he always wanted to see himself as a woman!

    If you play WordsWithFriends, please add “The Snook”. He keeps beating ne so I need to divide his attention.

    @sharre I’m pretty much the same. I’m just annoyed at people who sneer at the idea that someone might genuinely like something they don’t.

    @squozen @brodrigu Be careful. He favours obscure Greek words and triple-letter plays. He got a 75+ pointer on me this morning.

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    @venks79 Way to go! Congrats. How did you feel?

    @bellsknits You will find your stash slightly enhanced, my dear! 😉

    Canberra has 335K people, yet somehow I still randomly bumped into two people I know. It’s kind of a weird place.

    Travelog with photos from this weekend’s trip to Canberra with Snook and @eileenDCoE :

    @knitterjp Looks great! The matching BSJ is coming along nicely too. 🙂

    Why is the bus taking longer than normal? Shouldn’t there be less traffic now that the ankle-biters are on holiday?