Month: April 2010

  • Canberra

    Well, THAT was a fun trip! On Friday the Snook and I packed up the GoGet car and headed off to Canberra. We took our time on the drive, knowing that traffic would be heavy with everyone heading off for the long weekend. We had lunch on a lookout in Mittagong, then gawked like tourists at the Big Merino in Goulburn.

    Me and the Big Merino

    We ventured in to the Big Merino gift shop, where we were disappointed to find you weren’t allowed to climb all the way up into the merino’s head. (Apparently there was some safety issue to be resolved.) So we bought a postcard and headed on.

    Snookums at the Big Merino

    The drive along Lake George was brilliant, with the sun shining brightly off the futuristic propellers of the Capital Wind Farm in the distance. We dropped our stuff off at Bells‘s and Sean’s house before heading into the city to check out Lake Burley Griffin.

    At the Lake

    We picked up Eileen at the airport and then headed back to the house for dinner. I had been watching the National Gallery Twitter feed and worked out that if we waited to go to the Exhibition later in the day, we wouldn’t have to wait very long. With that in mind, we slept in on Saturday morning before heading out to explore the other sights of Canberra.

    Eileen in Fire & Water Sculpture

    We started at the National Library, where we checked out their current exhibition on the Dunera boys. Outside the library, Eileen posed with Judy Watson’s sculpture “Fire and water.” Then we headed to the National Portrait Gallery where we viewed the finalists for the National Photographic Portrait Prize 2010. (My favorites were “The Shield,” “Gurkirat,” and “Lipstick.”) After wandering the galleries for a bit, we headed over to Questacon for lunch and exploring.


    At one point, the three of us climbed inside a giant triangular kaleidoscope and I took a photo. I also got a video (on Facebook) of Eileen doing a 6m free fall slide thing. It was fun, although the hordes of screaming children did take a toll.

    Me on Parliament House

    Then it was over to (new) Parliament House. (Did I mention that we did all this ON FOOT?!) We caught the lift to the roof and had a much needed rest on the grass. I took a self-portrait beneath the dizzyingly large flag pole.

    Then it was finally time for the Exhibition. By 5pm there was no wait at all, so we strolled in. We all opted for the headset audio tour as well. There were six rooms to get through, and even without a queue there was still quite a crush happening. (The gallery was open til 9pm.) It took us well over an hour to get through. I particularly liked the Van Goghs (of course) and Bonnard’s Le chat blanc (I bought a postcard). We ended the night with dinner in the city and a much needed sleep back at the house.

    Easter Sunday saw Eileen and I going for a run together in Giralang. Then we all headed to the Old Bus Depot Markets for some gift-shopping. It was crowded; I think everybody in Canberra was there! Afterwards we headed out of town to the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. We had a picnic lunch in the park and then headed out for some of the walks. We saw loads of kangaroos, emus, and birds (including a brolga and a nesting black swan!). We also went up to a lookout with stunning views.

    Tidbinbilla - Lookout

    Tidbinbilla - Lookout

    Not far from the Nature Reserve is the Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex. We geeked out a bit, checking out the space exhibits and learning out the role of this station in the moon landings. I got to pose with the largest satellite dish in the Southern Hemisphere!

    Me and the big dish

    They had a smaller dish out by the cafe. Here’s Eileen pretending to be Godzilla and menacing it.

    Eileen as Godzilla

    On our way back to town, we stopped off at the Black Mountain Tower, a terribly futuristic looking tower on a mountain overlooking Canberra. None of us wanted to pay $7.50 to go up it though, so instead we just snapped a few pictures in the parking lot.

    Eileen at Black Mountain

    Quoth the Snook: “You guys want to go to a brew pub?” Uh, YEAH. So our next stop was the Wig & Pen. To our surprise, sitting out front was the Snook’s old college buddy Huw! So we had a pleasant little catch-up with him and his friends. (W&P beer = very good, but I was driving so I didn’t have much.) For dinner we went exploring in Dickson and ended up at the Dickson Dumpling House. It was excellent (though the Snook said he still prefers my mapo tofu).

    On Monday, we packed up the car and said goodbye to Bells’s house. It was finally time to go to the Pancake Parlour. I’ve been wanting to go there for ages! Eileen and I LOVED it. It was the closest thing I’d gotten to a big American pancake breakfast in years.

    Me and Snookums and pancakes

    Eileen and pancakes

    After our very filling breakfast, we went back to the National Gallery to view the Sidney Nolan Gallery. It was stunning. I’d seen many of the pieces before when they were on loan to the Art Gallery of NSW, but this new purpose-built oval room makes them dazzle. We also made a point of checking out Jackson Pollack’s Blue Poles, which I hadn’t seen before. Eventually it was time to drag ourselves away and head home. We dropped Eileen off at the airport before starting the drive back to Sydney. We made it back in less than four hours to the cuddles of two extremely disinterested cats.

    Thanks again to Bells for the house; to Issy for housesitting; and to Eileen for going with us!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Happy Easter! Great run this morning with @eileenDCoE. Now heading off to Bus Depot Markets, Space Tracking Station, & Tidbinbilla Nat Park.

    A much deserved beer. (@ The Wig and Pen)

    Me and the largest deep space communications dish in the Southern Hemisphere: (NERD ALERT!)

    @dancingman Nah. We just went to the visitor center and looked at the moon rock.

    My dream at last has come true. Finally: The Pancake Palace! (@ The Pancake Parlour)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @randomknits The Q is looking pretty wicked! We are doing other stuff instead. Maybe see you later!

    Lunch at Questacon. Screaming kids everywhere!

    Inside the kaleidoscope at Questacon:

    Finally at @NatGalleryAus, and it looks like we’re going to walk right in!

    @redambition Petulant, whiny, and a little bit OCD? Yep, that’s him all right. 🙂

    Today we visited Nat’l Library, Portrait Gallery, Questacon, Parliament House, and French Masters Exhibition at Nat’l Gallery. I AM SO BEAT.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @zedsains Ah, it’s restricted by IP address to the office. Maybe @venks79 can help?

    Having lunch at a lookout over Mittagong. Left @redambition at our place; halfway to @bellsknits’s place!

    @randomknits Hey, we’re going tomorrow too! What time you guys getting in the queue?

    @randomknits Look for us there. We’re aiming for closer to 8 and we’re bringing chairs. 🙂


    @bellsknits We just pulled in! Fee is on her way.

    @NatGalleryAus So for tomorrow, we’re better off going later in the day? That would be nice!

    Hm. @NatGalleryAus says current Q is 40min, & open til 9pm all weekend. Perhaps best NOT to Q up 1st thing tomorrow!!

    @randomknits @Kat13v Theyre open til 9 this weekend! Q looks shorter later in day, so we may pass on morning lineup.

    Looking towards Parliament House on the shores of Lake Burley-Griffin at sunset.

    Cozy & slight pissed in Canberra. Earlier tonight sunset on Lake Burley Griffin looking towards Parliament House:

    Going to bed, and I miss the stupid cats. Give ’em a cuddle, @redambition. 🙂

    4am. Awake. Very comfy bed but I cannot sleep.

  • Canberra bound.

    Light posting this Easter weekend, as the Snook and I are heading to the national capital. We’re meeting Eileen tonight at the airport and tomorrow we’re going to see the Masterpieces from Paris Exhibition. Special thanks to Bells and Sean for letting us stay in their house, and to Issy for catsitting at our place!

    I leave you with a photo of me and a giant concrete sheep. Yes, really. IT’S THE BIG MERINO!

    Big Merino

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Omid smiles as he destroys my spec.

    @gusseting Hurry up your moseying! The adoring public awaits your arrival. 🙂

    Happy 10th anniversary to the Snook. Getting to spend a decade with your best friend is a wonderful thing.

    Snookums is playing with his new espresso machine. Very strange and scary sounds are coming from the kitchen…

  • OCCA Google Maps

    Oh man. I wish Google Maps really did get OCCA. That would be fun for our trip to Canberra. 🙂

  • Happy anniversary, Snookums.

    It was 10 years ago today that I found out my work visa to stay in London had been approved. It was 10 years ago today that I went out and celebrated with my co-workers at a succession of dodgy pubs and clubs in Hammersmith and Fulham. It was 10 years ago today that I finally kissed the cute boy in the office that I liked.

    Me and Snookums

    How lucky that he also turned out to be my best friend! Happy first decade, Snookums. May we have many more together.

    The photo was taken on my iPhone with this app. I am on an iPhone photo app bender here lately.

  • RunningBlog: Week 13

    This week saw my longest run yet: a scheduled 16km (10 mile) run on Sunday. I headed to Centennial Park as usual and managed 2.5 laps around. I did 2:1 run/walk ratio the whole way, and it was fantastic. I felt much better than I did the previous week (where I did 3:1 for 13km). My legs didn’t cramp and my overall average was actually faster! I was having some stomach pain though, and somehow I managed to lose one of my water belt bottles. Still, I got it done. This week is a cutback week, which I’ve been looking forward to.

    Mar. 27: 5.34km
    Mar. 28: 16.72km
    Mar. 31: 5.35km
    Total this week: 27.41km (17mi)
    Total in 2010: 264.32km (165mi)

    We are officially one-quarter of the way through the year, which means I should be at 250km to meet my 1000km goal. Looks like I’m about 14km ahead of pace. Woooo!

  • Health Reform is a BFD

    How much do I LOVE that one of the commemorative health reform T-shirt options on Barack Obama’s website is “Health Reform is a BFD”? And how much do I want one? Answer: SO DAMN MUCH.