RunningBlog: Week 21

Week 21
A very light week for running! I’ve only done one short run since the DNF at the Half-Marathon: a slow and easy run/walk around the neighbourhood on Tuesday. I could tell that my foot was still sore, so I didn’t push it. I’ve done four classes at Spudds since the big race though, so I’m still keeping up my fitness level. (Oddly, running for a couple minutes during a gym interval is okay. The soreness only appears past a certain distance/time threshold.) I managed double-hundreds on the rower twice this week, which was very gratifying. It’s starting to happen more frequently than not. (I’m tearing up my hands though.)

In terms of my running schedule for the winter, my Mom is registering us (her, me, and the Snook!) for the Elkhart County Fair 5K Road Run while we’re there visiting. That’ll be fun! I’m also thinking of training for the Blackmores Half Marathon in September. If I do Higdon’s 12 week program, I’ve still got a few more weeks before I have to start. That will give me more time to rest this blasted foot and hopefully start the program injury-free!

May 25: 4.83km
Total this week: 4.83km (3mi)
Total in 2010: 427.12km (267mi)

The rest week has eaten into my cushion a bit for my 1000km in 2010 challenge. I should be at 403.8km, so I’m still ahead a bit.

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How the sex bias prevails

“How the sex bias prevails.” Fascinating and depressing. Obviously one of the difficulties in proving that gender bias exists is that very few people experience life as both a man and a woman. This article (an excerpt from this book) profiles two scientists at Stanford University in the U.S., both of whom are transgendered. Needless to say, the female-to-male is enjoying more success in his career than the male-to-female. Like I said, fascinating and depressing.