Wednesday Whimsy: I have no idea what this site is about. All I know is I was having a bad morning, and then a co-worker sent me the link. I opened it. I mentally cursed while I waited and waited for the Flash to load. And then it started. And it made me smile. Lovely, lovely!
Month: May 2010
Wakefield and the MMR Jab
The Facts In The Case Of Dr. Andrew Wakefield. The MMR vaccine does NOT cause autism. If you think or fear that it does, at best you’re ignorant and at worst you’re being WILLFULLY STUPID.
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There is no mood so bad it can’t be alleviated by The Pogues’ “Tuesday Morning.”
Chicken and noodles and mashed potatoes. Even in Sydney I can still pretend I’m Amish.
@twelveeyes Under the noodles. The Amish are the masters of doubling up on the carbs. Perfect for cold winter nights. 🙂
@drkknits Haven’t watched that season, and can’t figure out how in the world anyone would EVER want Parvati to win anything!
@bellsknits @SallyPompom @witty_knitter Suffering n00bs is one of the prices you pay to be on the Internet. Ignore and be happy!
Trying to come up w/ tweet to summarise knitting cliques & “us vs. them” & techno-snobbery & tribalism… and it’s just too depressing.
RT @squozen: BEST. THING. EVER. // I really agree!
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- 5 Reasons It's Still Not Cool to Admit You're a Gamer | – This article basically sums up why I’m not a “gamer.”
- Inside AdSense: The AdSense revenue share
- Video: Cat Tries To Lick Dog To Death – Cutest thing ever. Makes me sad that Dr. Amy hates Petey so much.
- Q and Answer: Matching Shoe Colors with Pants Colors
Adam… - Nightmare scenario
How the sex bias prevails
“How the sex bias prevails.” Fascinating and depressing. Obviously one of the difficulties in proving that gender bias exists is that very few people experience life as both a man and a woman. This article (an excerpt from this book) profiles two scientists at Stanford University in the U.S., both of whom are transgendered. Needless to say, the female-to-male is enjoying more success in his career than the male-to-female. Like I said, fascinating and depressing.
Allergy as cancer prevention?
“Allergy sufferers less likely to get cancer.” Huh. So there’s an upside. Of course, we’re also more likely to go broke buying Zyrtec for the rest of our lives…
Manly Crochet Doilies
Manly crochet doilies. I particularly like the Superman insignia and the tighty-whiteys.
Another GGR Review
Thanks to Shayna of Chacos on the Run for a great review of my Geek Girl Runner podcast. Shayna’s an au pair from the US (I think) who’s now living in Milan, Italy. She has a blog about her Italian adventures that fascinated me, mostly because I’ve visited many of the same places. Thanks for the shout-out, Shayna!
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It is so creepy when the air conditioner in the office shuts off. My typing SEEMS VERY LOUD.
RT @VenessaHunt: MobileActive to partner with MIG – <<< we are in SMH @mobileembrace!! woohoo!
@epaulette @zedsains Don’t tweet contest yet! 2.5 is on staging, NOT production. Another day or two, eager beavers. 🙂
@getupgo SN signup page isn’t ready quite yet! Just bear in mind. We’re on staging, not prod. 🙂
Three cheers for the handsome and handy Mr Snook, who fixed our leaky toilet using only his ingenuity and $15 supplies from Kmart!