Month: May 2010

  • Lando & Han

    Lando Calrissian and Han Solo, reunited 30 years later. Hellz yeah! (Link courtesy of the Snook.)

  • Congrats, Roomater!

    Hey, look! Eileen‘s in a fancy scientist magazine! (From the URL, I actually read it as “Micro Be” magazine. Durrrr.)

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    @supercres Congrats! Awesome photo. 🙂

    @steven_noble Crap. Start the clock on how long I have til my podcast gets a C&D, I guess. I had no idea. 🙁

    No knitting tonight. Allergy shot this morning gave me a sore arm and made me cranky. 🙁

    I am the least bothered forum mod of all time. I think that’s probably a good thing. Learn to use the Ignore button, people!

    @zephyrama @sharre It’s okay. I just have neither the mental energy nor desire to bother policing every damn thing. Live & let live, really.

    @venks79 Ha! No, you were okay. Though you were on the receiving end of my bad mood with the Kampyle thing. 🙂

    @kampyle No specific problem! Just arguing whether it’s right for our project. @venks79 managed to sway me to his side (keeping it). 🙂

    @zephyrama HA! I actually only just saw your flag. (That one was flagged 7 minutes prior.) So I wasn’t quite sure how you’d sneak-poked. 🙂

    @kampyle On We haven’t had the big public launch yet, so we’re not getting much use out of it right now. @getupgo

    I’m up. Still headachey and miserable. Coffee’s not putting a dent in it. (I shouldn’t have even opened Rav.)

    Have received dispensation to stay home. Excellent. There is much lounging to be done.

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  • RunningBlog: Week 20

    It’s turned out to be an eventful week for my running non-career. After a last gentle 5K run in the taper, there was the debacle of the Half-Marathon DNF. That forced me to re-assess my race plans for the rest of the year. There’s no way I can think about a marathon right now, and I’d even put a half-marathon on hold until I can finally get my right foot back to 100%. Then, last night we booked our plane tickets home to visit my family in July/August… and I only just realised I am going to miss both the Bay Run AND the City 2 Surf. Those two are pretty much the highlight of winter running in Sydney. I’m going to have to motivate myself without the pressure of an event for the next few months, it seems. On the plus side, I’ve done two training sessions at Spudds this week and I’m kicking some ass. I think this cross-training is going to become a much more important part of my fitness plan now that I know I need to give my foot a rest.

    May 14: 5.09km
    May 16: 12.48km
    Total this week: 17.57km (11mi)
    Total in 2010: 422.29km (264mi)

    I’m still ahead of the pace I need to meet my goal of running 1000km in 2010

  • Lee’s on TV!

    Wow! One of my knitting buddies features in this new Virgin Blue TV commercial. That’s the Inner City group’s own Lee (aka “FredAStep”) on Ravelry. Congratulations, Lee!

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    296m/60s on rower at Spudds. Kick. Ass. I think I might need gloves though.

    Wow! Indiana Republicans get their own sex scandal: Smell ya later, Souder. Good riddance.

    Booking plane tickets to America! Yay!

    @Ezzles You up for some cat-sitting again? Three weeks. July 17 – August 7…

    @Ezzles No worries. I think I’ve got a couple other options by the sound of it! 🙂

    @imdominating @Justacogitating The Snook-Howard Magical Mystery Tour lands in Midwest USA on July 22. Woooot!

    @mrs_sockvictim Ewwwwww. That must be why Petey goes nuts in the mornings. He wants to hunt! TOO DAMN BAD, PUSS. 🙂

    @imdominating Oh, we’re there for 2 weeks. Just emailed you deets. Chicago probably the day before we leave…

  • A new Strayan!

    Congrats to Mary-Helen on getting her citizenship. Yay! Voting is fun! 🙂