Month: May 2010

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    @that_alison If it helps, I didn’t manage to run the whole half-marathon. 🙂

    I’m fine, everybody! Thanks for the messages. My stupid foot hurts, and it took me a while to warm up and feel okay. But I’m all right.

    @Opheli8 No, no, more like feeling embarrassed I didn’t finish! All sympathy goes to those with holes in their jaw. 🙂

    My legs may have let me down, but my baking never does. Monkey Bread is rising. Recipe: Pic:

    Even when monkey bread is bad, it’s still pretty good. (We had a wall breach.)

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    WTF. I put some Deep Heat on my legs and the cat went NUTS. Rubbing herself all over where I’d been sitting. Camphor? Makes cats crazy?

    Huh, some cats do go berserk around menthol. How odd we never noticed it before. She never reacted to catnip.

    @Epaulette Carbed, hydrated… about ready for bed, I think! 😛

    @shanea Huh. Does Quackies go nuts over Dencorub? Because I’ve never seen Amy like that before. Then she got the munchies. 🙂

    The Snook will be tweeting a link where you can watch my live race progress about 7:30am tomorrow morning!

    @Lauren_lolly_ I’m running the Sydney Half Marathon tomorrow 🙂

    @cdeagle I got it. But then again, I spent three hours yesterday watching “Children of Dune.”

    Follow my #sydneyhalfmarathon live over at:

    Sorry everybody! Got very dizzy and faint just past halfway, and race marshall told me to stop. Don’t think I can go on. 🙁

    I’m ok. Sitting in the sun with Snook. Cramping a bit. Right foot is hurting. Stupid DNF.

  • Less than 11 hours to go…

    Less than 11 hours to go…
    My clothes are set aside. The timing chip is on my shoes. Safety pins are attached to my bib. (Go #3516!) I am carbed up. I am hydrated. Bring on the Sydney Half-Marathon!

    Once the race starts, the Snook will be posting a link so you can follow my progress live. My previous PR was 2:36:59, so I’d love to come in more around the 2:30 mark. And now I’m off to bed!

  • Flying Foxes

    Awww, the government has finally approved a plan to drive out the fruit bats from Sydney’s Botanic Gardens. It was always such fun to take tourists down to see them. I didn’t realise how much damage they’re doing to the trees though. Too bad.

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  • Peeing in the road

    Peeing in the road
    We were joking around at work today, teasing one of my co-workers that she has pinkeye. (She really doesn’t.) Of course, I immediately heard my grandmother’s voice in my head saying “You’ll get a stye in your eye if you pee in the road!” I’ve actually mentioned that to Rodd a couple times in the past, but it appears to have been a uniquely Midwestern superstition. Have you ever heard it? I know I’m not the only one; there are a ton of Google results. What a funny thing, huh?

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    Can anybody in Sydney recommend someone for a partial kitchen renovation? I need to compare a quote.

    Congrats to @sitelyhq on the public launch of their sweet free website builder: Whoever coded that is AWESOME. 🙂

    How to Win at Being a Husband: “Are you going to your knitting group? Dinner will be waiting. Oh, should I download Portal for you?” *swoon*

    @liedra Snook was downloading it for me tonight. Will check when I get home. 15 minutes or so…

    @liedra Yikes. Like 4GB.

    @CerealBoy As someone who’s spent the past 3 years working on Joomla and Drupal sites, this one’s way better from what I’ve seen!

    @CerealBoy If you’re on Twitter, you’re a LONG way from the target demographic too…

    @CerealBoy I think it’s for very small businesses. People who can’t afford a custom site but still want something that looks nice!

    @drkknits This episode is killing me. Kurt’s song was beautiful, but everyone’s gonna get shattered, aren’t they? #glee

    This is the saddest #glee ever. WHY IS THERE NO ICE CREAM IN MY HOUSE?

    This morning I put on a blue track jacket that @eileenDCoE bought me as a gift. Snookums called me Sue Sylvester. *sigh*

    @mrs_sockvictim But it’s COLD out there! Better to have a Lindt ball and call it a night. 🙂

    @mrs_sockvictim Because of #glee and its dead parents, heartbroken beautiful gay young men, and a curvy girl starving herself. *sigh*

    Ooh, OtherAndrew posted some pics of merchandise INSIDE the Granny Square! (Rav link) Looks gorgeous!

  • RunningBlog: Week 19

    The first race of the year is under my belt! Sunday was the Mother’s Day Classic 8K, and you’ve probably already read my race report. This is my taper period for the Half-Marathon, so I’m taking things easy. I’ve done two other runs: an easy 5K through the neighbourhood, and a treadmill 5K at race pace. Feeling good. Only three days to go…

    May 8: 5.67km
    May 9: 8.09km
    May 12: 5.62km
    Total this week: 19.38km (12.1mi)
    Total in 2010: 404.72km (253mi)

    To meet my goal of running 1000km in 2010, I should be at 365km. Plenty of cushion.

    The big decision, of course, is what’s next. Oh, there’s the Bay Run in August, of course, and the City 2 Surf a week after. But what about the spring? Could I do… the big one? I’d been thinking about Melbourne, which will be 21 weeks after the Half. But then today the website for Sydney launched, and they’ve changed the course in a good way. So I’m torn. But Sydney is only 18 weeks away, and I’m not sure I’ll be ready to start training right away. Melbourne is safer… right?

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