Month: May 2010

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  • Jumpin’ Joey

    Remember how my brother Joey was fund-raising for Jump Rope for Heart? My Mom has posted video of him jumping. Thanks to everyone who donated. 🙂

  • Car Rental

    Car Rental
    I just thought I’d share with you some surprising numbers regarding our trip to Canberra last month. A few weeks before the trip, I started researching car rental rates. I quickly discovered that the big problem with renting over Easter weekend is that most of the car rental places are closed on both Good Friday and Easter Monday. So we were going to have to rent from Thursday to Tuesday, pay for the extra days, and deal with the hassle of getting the car there and back on normal work days. Most of them were also requiring us to pay for a full week’s rental (as a sort of holiday weekend surcharge). Bayswater quoted us $340; Discount Car Rental was $375; Hertz was over $400. Then I had a brainwave. GoGet! While we normally use it for short trips, they do have a day rate of $68 which includes 150km for free. We could pick it up and drop it off whenever we liked. So for Friday to Monday, the four days would cost us $280 and include 600km (which was basically the distance to Canberra and back). Additional kilometers are billed at 20c each, so we worked out that we could drive 325km in Canberra for the same amount we’d have paid Bayswater. Also, GoGet pays for gas (and Bayswater doesn’t). So all in all, we figured we’d come out ahead. We booked the GoGet car and used it for the trip, and today I’ve just gotten my April statement that includes the final tally. Total cost: $320.20. Brilliant! The whole scheme worked perfectly. We saved money ($20 plus gas); we saved time (we could pick-up and drop-off on the public holiday); and we saved hassle (we didn’t have to worry about parking on the street and driving the car back on a workday). GoGet FTW!

  • Welcome, Connor!

    Congratulations to RoseRed and her hubby on the birth of their son Connor. What chubby cheeks! (Self: Must not nom other people’s babies.)

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    Me, @mrs_sockvictim, and @redambition at the start of the @MDC_walk_run 8K run this morning:

    Me and @venks79 after the @MDC_walk_run 8K today!

    Dr Amy lolls indolently in a patch of sunlight.

    RT @MisterShuffles: I love my mum! She gave me life and she saved my life. She didn’t give up on me, even when everyone else thought I w …

    No #Masterchef for me tonight; Snook and I are going out to actual fancy dinner at! (@getupgo)

    Wake, breakfast, run, knit, eat, knit, nap, go out for dinner. Excellent Sunday.

    Trying their new selection of microbrews! (@ Harts Pub)

    @VenessaHunt It was a pressie from his boss for all the late nights recently. Very, very good! Lots of wine. 🙂

    I got to the bus stop 10 minutes early today. Which of course meant no 461, 480, or 483s for 12 minutes so far…

    A bright spot on my Monday: I bought new Campers on the weekend. 🙂 More functional than sexy, but I like ’em.

    @witty_knitter Thanks! The Monday morning 461 crowd are all pretty much zombies, so no one noticed. 🙂

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    Still trying to get home from Guild meeting. Traffic is nuts. No trains running. No buses in sight. About to scream!

    My frustration greases the wheels of the universe, apparently. Bus has arrived.

    RT @knitterjp: Judy’s magic cast on lesson over. Heading home to T. Didn’t go too bad for a big group In a small space // Response = GREAT!

    Nice easy run through Newtown just to shake the legs out before tomorrow morning’s race. Can’t wait to meet Team GGR in person!

    RT @AusVintageGrrl: Why I Love Being in a Guild: I had a Knitters Guild meeting today… // AWW, LOVE IT!

    @drkknits You mean Freddie. FREDDDDDDDDIE, DAMMIT.

    @mrs_sockvictim Soon?! I just got up! You mean in one hour. 🙂

    GGR runners! I am in stupid long queue. The Snook is at the fountain. If all else fails, meet at fountain after the race!

    Timing chip procured. Off to meeting place and out of this craziness.

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    Colleague just unboxed pristine refurbed rare top-loading NES with a bunch of games. I nearly swooned.

    @chrisgander Jake. Off some guy on eBay. Less than $100! Marble Madness, Ninja Gaiden, AHHHHHHHH!

    @Roceal Ooh, interesting. I’ve never done any dyeing before. It’s Cleckheaton Alpaca Wool. Guessing I should I knit some samples to start?

    @mrs_sockvictim That’s fantastic! Hooray! We need the whole story, STAT.

    RT @AusVintageGrrl: Even Doozers Knit!: *LOVE* // LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT

    RT @MattsCravat: RT @getupgo: leaked #Masterchef episode – Michel Roux Snr & Tony Bilson???

    Trying some new craft brews with the Snook at the Local Taphouse on South Dowling. “It’s like sucking a hop lollipop!”

    That is some dark, dark, evil ale.

    @Lauren_lolly_ Prepping notes for a Guild meeting sobers one up pretty quickly! 😛

  • Google Reader Auto-Posts

    You might have noticed that I’m trying out a new script that auto-posts my Google Reader shared items each day. I’ve gotten used to sharing links over there, and I figured this was a good way to populate the blog with a bit more content for those who don’t use Reader. So far it seems to be working well!

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  • Even Doozers Knit!

    Even Doozers Knit! LOVE IT. How did I never see that episode?