Month: June 2010

  • Julia Gillard – Australia’s First Female PM

    Julia Gillard – Australia’s First Female PM
    While I’m sure it’s barely registered as a blip in the North American news, something monumental happened in Australia this morning: we now have a female Prime Minister for the first time ever. The whole process has been rather dramatic and bewildering for this Yank, even though I’m happy with the outcome. (I’m just not used to changing leaders outside of an election. But hey, that’s how the Westminster system works, right?) I remember blogging in December 2007 about the “little seismic shift” that happened when she became Acting PM while Kevin Rudd was overseas. And now she’s got the job. It’s pretty amazing.

    That said, I didn’t really have any big problems with Kevin Rudd. I still prefer him over Tony Abbott by a country mile. I don’t actually think having Gillard in place over him will mean any radical changes before the next election. It’s just nice to see the smile on other women’s faces, to know that we finally cracked it. (Similarly, some of the comments I’ve seen from men on Twitter and Skype have been predictably depressing. But we knew that would happen.)

  • Knitabulous Yarn Sale

    Knitabulous (i.e. my friend Ailsa) is having a 20%-off sale on her fantastic hand-dyed yarns. And even though I’ve been really good about NOT buying wool this year… I couldn’t resist this sock yarn, especially when she described it as “civil war quilt red.” Yay for pretty socks!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @mrs_sockvictim I think they only sent it to Pro users. That sucks!

    @mrs_sockvictim Forwarded to you. Maybe you unsubbed at some point? Or it’s in spam folder?

    Lego Harry Potter Open Day: The question is: will I need a kid to get in? Anyone want to loan me one?!

    Create your Scott Pilgrim avatar.

    @justjussi Selection bias. You’re only going to hear from people who had trouble. Mine took 20min, total breeze. No dramas. (3G or 3GS?)

    I was so absorbed in SimCity on my way home I missed my stop and rode halfway to Newtown. Oops.

    Started the morning with a cup of Obama blend: Now I’m ready to welcome Australia’s 1st female Prime Minister!

    @gilmae Yep. They actually advertise it as “smooth, strong, and articulate” in the cafe. 🙂


    Miller’s Hat for Snook is finished! I know it’s floppy/hipster, but he requested hat that didn’t grip tightly.

    @supercres Or you could, you know, KNIT YOURSELF. 😛 (Is that your missus? I should follow her!)

    @betsybookworm Yeah, it’s herringbone stitch. I knitted it wrong twice before I finally got it. Really cool though!

    It’s over! He’s stood down! Julia is in!

    @sharre One of the girls in the office said she saw it on TV! Sent it around the whole office!

    My happiness at having a female PM is tempered by how many sexist comments (even from male friends) I’m know I’m going to hear today.

    Yep. Less than 5 minutes from the announcement til the first “dyke” crack on Skype. Stay classy, patriarchy.

  • Carnage on Hoth

    Carnage on Hoth. This is the greatest cake ever made. I’m serious, Sis. Shredded Tauntaun innards. That’s all I’m sayin’.

  • Food Impact

    Michael has posted some news about Food Connect Sydney, who we’ve been using to get weekly fruit & veggie boxes:

    Social and Environmental Impact so Far!
    Boxes/week: 110
    City Cousins: 16
    Price to farmers: 41c/$
    Organic or chemical free: 100%
    Food miles: 252 km

    We’ve just renewed for a second subscription, this time getting a Medium box every fortnight. (We’re having trouble getting through a Small box in a week. Things are fresher though, so they also last a while.) Last night I used our cavolo nero to make a big batch of white bean soup, which was especially good on a cold and nasty day like today!

  • Sauerkraut Balls

    Sauerkraut Balls. Things like this make me think we need a deep fryer.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Finally got all Google contacts and calendars updated. For the record, my iOS4 update took less than 15 minutes though…

    @randomknits Hm. So Snook’s 3G update tonight will take a while then.

    iBooks has “Silas Marner” by George Eliot. FINALLY the Snook will know why I occasionally yell “Eppie in the coal hole!”

    @Lauren_lolly_ Are you plugged into iTunes?

    @drkknits @knitabulous @randomknits I can’t stand her, but I draw the line at joining stupid Facebook groups. 🙂

    Alfred Medical Imaging in Newtown screwed me TWICE today. Wasted 4 bus trips and 1 hour in the rain when I am sick. Nearly was in tears.

    Ice cream could be considered medicinal when you’re feverish, right? Paging Drs Ben and Jerry…

    @thepurple8 They have a store in Manly, and some delis carry the pints. I got mine in Newtown. 🙂

    @dancingman Missed your email somehow! Rodd is replying now…

    Snook and @dancingman about to turn off all power to our house. There it goes! Spooky.

    @witty_knitter Preparations to install the new cooktop and oven on Saturday. Yayyyyy!!!!! 🙂

    @mrs_sockvictim That’s because you updated your phone! They emailed to say not to update til new RK update was out.