Month: June 2010

  • Sauerkraut Balls

    Sauerkraut Balls. Things like this make me think we need a deep fryer.


  • Shared today on Google Reader: The ThinkGeek Blog – Officially our best-ever cease and desist Charlie Brown Graffiti – For the Snook. You can follow me on Reader here.


  • Sewing 101: Zippers

    Sewing 101: Zippers. Bookmarking for future reference.


  • Congrats to Eileen on getting her Australian visa extended! This country has a way of hanging on to people… 🙂


  • Shared today on Google Reader: You Will Never Experience Happiness Like This – Love it. Clothes and geek feminism "Login" is not a verb – I heart prescriptivists. I shall never use login as a verb again. Using iPad as a: Google search You can follow me on Reader here.


  • Foot Update

    Foot UpdateI had to see my GP on Friday for an allergy shot, and while I was there I told him that my right foot has still been bothering me. I told him that the sports doctor had advocated calling a podiatrist. After poking my foot for a bit, Dr. Chin told me to hold…


  • Father’s Day

    Happy Father’s Day to my Dad, my stepdad Joe, my brother Anthony, and my brother-in-law Dan. You guys are all awesome Dads, and I can’t wait to see you next month!


  • Meat Hipsters.

    “A history of well-done meat in America.” I liked meat well-done back when I was a picky-picky eater who was scared of anything that wasn’t bland. Nowadays I normally go for medium-rare or medium. I still don’t like it quite as bloody as the Snook does. (I’ll admit I snorted at the author’s use of…


  • Shared today on Google Reader: This is Why I'll Never be an Adult – I love this site so damn much. Can you dress well and be taken seriously as a woman in technology? You can follow me on Reader here.


  • Shared today on Google Reader: ‘First to Do It’ vs. ‘First to Do It Right’ You can follow me on Reader here.
