RunningBlog: Sports Bras?

Sports Bras
The topic of the next GGR episode (to be recorded today or tomorrow) is sports bras. I managed to get several interviews yesterday at WWKIP Day with women who participate in a range of sporting activities. If you’d like to contribute, just drop me an email or leave a comment on this post. I’m interested in hearing which type of sports bras you prefer, problems you’ve had with them in the past, features you particularly like; etc. If anyone has ever undergone a breast reduction, I’d love to hear about that too.


Last weekend the Snook made up a batch of “Christmas Jam” using some frozen Davidson’s plums his Mom brought us from their tree. He likes jam making, and so far everything he’s made has been delicious. However – I just found out you can make jam in a crock pot! (Crock pots. Is there anything they can’t do?) A couple recipes: Crock Pot Strawberry Jam; Crock Pot Apricot Jam; Crock Pot Apple Butter.


Oh. My. God. I’d heard of Spoonflower before but, as I wasn’t really a sewer, I hadn’t had much cause to visit. I just checked it out again. You guys, it’s basically Threadless for fabric! You can upload your own design and get it printed, and you can also buy designs that other people have uploaded to sell. They’re having a contest at the moment to pick a favorite robot fabric. ROBOT FABRIC. Excuse me while I just go “Squeeee!” in the corner. (I could have a robot skirt. ROBOT SKIRT! ROBOT SKIRT!)

Edited to add: Seamstresses! Which fabric do I need for a skirt? Will the quilting cotton work? Will it be too thin?