Things Notre Dame Students Link. Pretty good!
Month: June 2010
Knitted Taxidermy
Knitted Taxidermy. Isn’t that cool? I wonder if my Dad has a spare deer head I could cover with recycled sweaters. (Link courtesy of 1FunkyKnitWit’s Funky Inspiration Friday.)
Embroidered Dog Animation
Embroidered Dog Animation. That is super cool. And jeez, talk about labor-intensive!
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Does anybody know where Rocket Science is playing? The SMH review sounds great, but I can’t find it in any theaters!
Nevermind. Found it at the Verona.
Apparently tonight’s Masterchef evictee got linked by the North Shore Times. Who is it? Anybody get that paper??
Off for my last sewing class. I get to finish my skirt! YAY!
@AusVintageGrrl Nah, I’ll get it later. It’s no rush. 🙂
All that’s left is the hem. EEEEEEEK!
It fits! It fits!
My 1st ever finished sewn skirt!! (I actually kind of love it with the Docs. Dare me to tomorrow?)
@bellsknits A machine is a useful thing to have. And when the Revolution comes, we’ll know how to clothe ourselves! 😀
@kunaal84 But did you win??
@kunaal84 Ugh, seriously? I hope you told her to eff off in perfect English. 🙂
If the Internet told me to jump off a bridge, I’d probably do that too.
@AirForceTed Yep! Just finished it last night. 🙂
RunningBlog: Week 24
Apologies for missing last week’s update. It’s just kinda depressing, you know? My distance is only half what it should be, and my foot is still bothering me. That said, I am loving my weekly run with the Snook. It makes me happy that he’s getting some exercise, and I like that we get to spend that time together outdoors.
June 12: 5.31km
June 14: 6.79km
Total this week: 12.1km (7.5mi)
Total in 2010: 461.45km (288.4mi)To meet my goal of running 1000km in 2010, I should be at 461.5km. Folks, that’s pretty much exactly where I am. My entire cushion is gone. Unless I can pick up my mileage, I’m going to start falling behind. *sigh* It may be time to start putting in some long walks if that’s the best I can do…
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- “Girl stuff” in Free Software | Geek Feminism Blog – I can’t favorite this any harder. Like x 1000. This. Exactly this.
- From comments: being lady-tracked – The bit about the “girl stuff” dilemma at the end is exactly how I feel sometimes. I wish I were in a more hands-on technical role, even though I don’t actually enjoy it much.
- Hey Ladies, What Is It About The VW Beetle That You Love So Much? – Totally agree. My dream car since I was a kid was a red convertible classic VW Beetle.
- Bacon In Different Hues
Hip Stretches
Hip Stretches from Sara and Ryan Hall. These are exactly the type of hip and glute stretches I do for my stiff right hip. (Well, it’s the type I do when I remember to do them.) (Link courtesy of Running to Disney.)
Geek Girl Runner Episode 008
Geek Girl Runner Episode 008
Here it is! My long-awaited EPIC next episode. Hey, only 2.5 weeks between shows! I think that’s some sort of record. This is also probably the longest show I’ve done so far. This episode features: what’s been keeping me busy lately (both running and otherwise); a training update; emails, comments, and shout-outs; and a weighty (HAR HAR) discussion on the topic of sports bras. Thank you especially to all of the women who gave me interviews at WWKIP Day and to those who contributed to the online discussion. I hope you like the episode!Show links:
World Wide Knit in Public Day
Elkhart County Fair 5K Road Run
You Don’t Have to Run Alone – blog and podcast of Ted
Blackmore’s Half-Marathon – part of Sydney Running Festival
Kelly in Motion – blog of Kelly
Marathon Woman Returns! – blog of Elma
Wikipedia entry on Sports Bras
7 Rules of Sports Bras
Sports bras: the lowdown
Australian Institute of Sport: Berlei sports bra testing results
Biomechanics of Breast HealthThanks as usual to Nick Arthur for the use of his song “Little Donut Party”!
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@codepo8 GAH. Was going to DM you but you’re not following me! Where is the love, fellow Netdecider? 😛
@mrs_sockvictim I will require a photo of the wall of Jitterbug so I can make a selection. 😛
@mrs_sockvictim I will pass, thank you! Snook will kill me if I don’t finish the hat I started for him before buying more wool. 😛
This week just gets weirder and weirder. Tomorrow an asteroid will probably fall on my head. 🙂
@witty_knitter You totally are. Every time I see a thread and I’m tempted to post, you always beat me to it!
@redambition I had to look it up. What an ass.
Wow. My blog got linked on @mumbrella. About 100 hits so far…
Guild members: May Exec Meeting Minutes and June Convenors’ letter now posted on the site.
Mah dinner: steak with truffle butter, silverbeet sauteed with garlic, honey-glazed carrots and parsnips. NOM NOM
@anatyt I can help you!
Geek Girl Runner Episode 8 is now available! Our weighty topic (HAR HAR) is Sports Bras. Thanks to all who contributed!
@ozgamer Ha. Didn’t quite DM me there. 🙂 Yeah, I saw that last night. For the record, I didn’t write that headline!!!