The topic of the next GGR episode (to be recorded today or tomorrow) is sports bras. I managed to get several interviews yesterday at WWKIP Day with women who participate in a range of sporting activities. If you’d like to contribute, just drop me an email or leave a comment on this post. I’m interested in hearing which type of sports bras you prefer, problems you’ve had with them in the past, features you particularly like; etc. If anyone has ever undergone a breast reduction, I’d love to hear about that too.
Month: June 2010
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All packed up and ready to go! First Guild then #wwkip day. Everybody ready?
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@bellsknits But… but… anybody who’s anybody will be there! (At WWKIP Day, that is. Not the poultry show.) 🙂
Our company is looking for PHP devs. Anybody looking? Let me know. I’ll split the bounty with you. 😛
@gilmae In order to join our wonderful team/family, get compensated, and earn professional renown. OOOH, YOU’D BE GOOD… 🙂
@BartholomewD Cool! They just announced it. If you DM me your email, I’ll send you the job description, etc.
OH FFS. @twitter has mispelled Australia on their official World Cup site:
@Kat13v Neil Gaiman doesn’t come cheap. Any chance you get to book at a discount? 😛
Whoa. Andy Muirhead from Collectors charged with child porn? My jaw DROPPED. I can’t believe it.
I only had 4 beers tonight… so why do I feel so wretched? I’m getting old.
@AusVintageGrrl Sucking down coffee. Obsessively checking lists. No time to bake, so I plan to steal biccies from others all day. 🙂
Optimum PB-Chocolate Ratio
Rob Cockerham answers the important questions: Why are Reese’s Minature Cups so much better than the big ones? Turns out it’s the ratio of chocolate to peanut butter, of course. (I had a bag of the Minis at Halloween last year and the Aussies went nuts. I particularly recall Mary-Helen asking me to put them away or she’d eat them all!)
Burning Man in Bellingen
Hahaha… am I the only one who didn’t know that there’s going to be a Burning Man Festival in Bellingen?? That’s awesome. (Link courtesy of the Snook.)
Last weekend the Snook made up a batch of “Christmas Jam” using some frozen Davidson’s plums his Mom brought us from their tree. He likes jam making, and so far everything he’s made has been delicious. However – I just found out you can make jam in a crock pot! (Crock pots. Is there anything they can’t do?) A couple recipes: Crock Pot Strawberry Jam; Crock Pot Apricot Jam; Crock Pot Apple Butter. -
Oh. My. God. I’d heard of Spoonflower before but, as I wasn’t really a sewer, I hadn’t had much cause to visit. I just checked it out again. You guys, it’s basically Threadless for fabric! You can upload your own design and get it printed, and you can also buy designs that other people have uploaded to sell. They’re having a contest at the moment to pick a favorite robot fabric. ROBOT FABRIC. Excuse me while I just go “Squeeee!” in the corner. (I could have a robot skirt. ROBOT SKIRT! ROBOT SKIRT!)Edited to add: Seamstresses! Which fabric do I need for a skirt? Will the quilting cotton work? Will it be too thin?
Threadless Sale
Another Threadless sale is on! (Mom: This means another package is coming to your house.)
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@redambition @gilmae The hilarious part is that I got the Snook hooked on GG too. I think he wants to be Chuck Bass.
@ScottRhodie Flashblock is the only thing that allows me to visit the SMH site. Highly recommended.
@redambition @gilmae Not even the clothes? That guy can pull off a pink skirt and an ascot like nobody’s business.
@KnitNTel Keep reading. Pic was posted. 🙂
@kunaal84 HA! I didn’t even realise that. SHIRT. SHIRT. (Although he’s pretty good at pulling skirts off too. 😛 )
@chrisgander A surprisingly good book, once you got past the first few chapters. Better than I expected.
@knitterjp I’M COMING TONIGHT! And in my spiffy boots too! Should make it before you go. 🙂
@venks79 Total delayed reaction there! 😛
@Opheli8 My psyche pretty much stopped developing in 1996, so I’d say that’s pretty accurate. 🙂
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- Obama To Make Reassuring Eye Contact With Every Last American | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source – Hahahahahaha…
- Madonna, Lady Gaga, and Breaking the Male Gaze: A Close Reading of “Alejandro” – Reminds me of the kinds of things I used to read (and write) during my Film student days at Uni. 🙂
- James Bond fan art – For the Snook