Month: June 2010

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    @SallyPompom I can’t believe I put the date wrong on my blog. D’OH! I fixed it. 🙂

    Time for sewing class. Yay! Starting my first ever skirt. Yay!

    @sharre Nah, finishing class is next week. 🙂

    Skirt pieces are all cut out! Also had lesson in pattern grading, as these hips needed some ROOM.

    Holy crap. You guys didn’t tell me that using the overlocker is such a RUSH. That thing is scary but fun.

    Decided to play dress-up. Instead of normal boring comfy female geek uniform, today I am sexy geek girl circa 2001. Snook liked it. 🙂

    @redambition Ha! Knew you wouldn’t believe me. Have to get

    @redambition Ha! Knew you wouldn’t believe me. Have to get somebody at work to take one. 🙂

    This is as good as Zoe could get: You can’t make out my black superhero boots. 🙂

    Should clarify: that is NOT the skirt I’m sewing. This one’s been hiding in my closet for far too long. The new (red) one debuts next week.

    @gilmae Janeane Garafalo was definitely influential in the development of my admittedly-miniscule fashion sense.

    @gilmae Lisa Loeb! Who guest-starred on an episode of Gossip Girl, which made me smile and cringe at the same time.

  • Well that’s adorable.

    Well that’s adorable. This is my new favorite blog. Grace and her cake is the cutest, funniest thing I’ve seen in ages. IT’S THE MOST SCRUMPTIOUS CAKE EVER! I also particularly liked the baby hearing its mom for the first time thanks to a cochlear implant. Lovely way to start the day.

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    @lachlanhardy Me too! Mine just happen to mostly be knitters and fiber artists. And they love the iPhone. (Wait til the Ravelry app drops!)

    Sydney knitters: Don’t forget World Wide Knit in Public Day this Saturday! I’ll be at the Rocks event: Lots of prizes!

    Congrats to @kunaal84 on his promotion today. 🙂

    @missamanda Huh. There is not. But I could make one…

    WWKIP Day Sydney now has a Facebook event:

    Why would a newspaper assault their readers with such horrible advertising? So cheap and awful and tacky.

    @KnitNTel No events on the site in Brisbane just yet… Are you on Ravelry? Can’t see one in the Brisbane SnB group:

    RT @MisterShuffles: I had a fun day! There’s so many things I can scratch myself on! Did you a fun day?

    I was taking off my shoes, and I had the strangest feeling I was being watched… from beneath the bed.

    Matt Moran is such a dick. Does he ever actually work in the restaurant anymore? He’s on TV every other day! #masterchef

    Ooh, I hope Adam wins this one. He did really well! Most impressive performance from him so far. #masterchef

    Oh, is Adam gonna cry!? Awww, I’m so happy for him. Now I REALLY want him to win. #masterchef

    My Masterchef accomplishment for the night: Pasta with Sausage and Kale. IT WAS YUM.

    Twitter: any suggestions for a good (cheap) source for overseas travel insurance?

    @gilmae Bad experience? Somebody else I know used TID…

    @redambition It was Bieber, wasn’t it? I KNEW IT! Totes Bieber. 😛

    Cheers, everybody. We went with “insure4less.”

    @redambition Not Bieber. Hm… *gasp* CODY SIMPSON?

    @Alex_Manchester Just ANZ basic Visa. Looked on site; only Gold level has it. Good suggestion though!

    My new favorite blog: Well that’s adorable. An excellent way to start the day.

    What is going on in the city? Barely moving on George St.

  • Pasta with Sausage and Kale

    Pasta with Sausage and KalePasta with Sausage and Kale
    We picked up our second Food Connect box last night, and it was a doozy! We got two big heads of broccoli, two cucumbers, kale, mushrooms, mesclun salad mix, potatoes, apples, bananas, lemons, and oranges. The kale caught my attention immediately, as I can’t remember ever cooking or eating it before. To the Internets! I found this yummy-looking recipe for fettucine with kale and sausage. (I didn’t have fettucine so I subbed in some curly pasta from the pantry.) It was quick and tasty! Highly recommended.

    The next challenge will be those mushrooms. I am not historically a big fan of the mushies, but I’m willing to try. What should I do with them? I think my biggest problem with them is slimy texture, so recipes that avoid that would be preferred. Any tried-and-true suggestions?


    Just a reminder for those who haven’t heard that World Wide Knitting in Public Day is this Saturday, June 12th. The main Sydney event will be taking place in the Rocks. Sally has done a fantastic job organising and has lined up some sweet prizes. I’ll be there after the Inner City Guild meeting that morning!

  • Sewing 101: Hems

    Sewing 101: Hems. Excellent tutorial. Bookmarking for future reference.

  • iPhone App for Fabric Stash

    Hmmm… an iPhone app for tracking fabric stash. When I get more advanced with my sewing, I might need that!

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    Goonies themed art show in Astoria for 25th anni: SO AWESOME. (@carbolicious will love this.)

    @chrisgander I just get a holding page??

    Members of IC Knitters Guild: I bought us a housewarming present!

    @AusVintageGrrl Well, we got the cash. Might as well spend it on nice stuff that we need! 🙂

    @AusVintageGrrl @sharre @randomknits @drkknits We definitely need a naming comp. You won’t see in in person til the July meeting though!

    @knitness HAHAHAHAHA… “I dub thee… URN.” 🙂

    @bellsknits The kind that you stir into risotto. *drool*

    @gusseting Which guild?! IC takes a gold coin for tea supplies to fund this stuff. It helps that we get our room hire for free. 🙂

    @bellsknits That’s what we did with the stock from our turducken. Best risotto of my life.

    Operation Turducken, for those who missed the madness: (@drkknits)

    I submit to you that no grown-ass man actually uses the word “marf.” And neither does any self-respecting knitter.

    I offered to knit the Snook a Feathers scarf to “flower up” his wardrobe. He said that sounds “marftastic.”

    @bellsknits The truffles were a bit of a disappointment. Couldn’t really taste them. It was impressive, but somehow less than sum of parts.

    I just became a fan of justinlovaforeva on #GetUpGo. Who’s with me?

    Marinated lamb shoulder’s been in the slow cooker all day. Twitter, my house smells AMAZING.

    @VenessaHunt You are welcome any time, my dear!

    @bellsknits I’m not much of a Scar-Jo fan, but I did like the green dress. Totally different and not majorly slutty like all the rest.

    Yow. What the heck did I do to my neck/shoulders? I can barely move. Propped on the couch with a hot water bottle.

    @kunaal84 I hope not. I had a sore throat briefly that night that disappeared. Hope it’s not lurking.

    Massive expanse of empty bed. One predominantly white cat. One black cardigan. Of course.

    iPhone4 launches in Australia on July 18… the day AFTER we leave for the U.S. BUGGER!

    @AusVintageGrrl This will be my second upgrade while still in contract. I just pass the previous one over to Rodd. 🙂

    @AusVintageGrrl I tried to Skype chat with my Mom (who works in IT) last weekend. Her stupid Dell laptop just wouldn’t work with camera.

    @AusVintageGrrl So yeah, video chat is hardly new… but video chat that is easy and works 100% of the time will be awesome when it arrives.

    At the bus stop. Snook keeps pointing at men wearing scarves and loudly whispering “MARF!” at me.

    @AusVintageGrrl Thats weird. Liveblog I read of keynote said he specifically said it was like C&P, where they took time to do it well.

    Builder turned up this morning, so hole in wall is now halfway repaired. Will take two more visits to finish though. *sigh*

    @dancingman It’s not. It’s an incredibly stupid word that we’re mocking. 🙂

    @lachlanhardy You follow too many jaded industry types. I saw a LOT of excited tweets this morning! Hell, I’m excited. 🙂

    @redambition I love ’em… but I still don’t see how you can walk in ’em! (says the girl wearing her Docs for like the 10th day in a row).