Month: July 2010

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    Grandma and Isaiah pretend to ride the 4-wheeler.

    Rodd, Ant, and Isaiah go fishin’.

    Snookums and Isaiah blow out his candles.

    Is there a Flickr group for people reenacting their own Threadless shirts? Because Snookums needs to be in it.

    @knitdra Yep, the whole cake board was iced like a picnic tablecloth! Total sugar explosion. 🙂

    Perfect end to a boy’s birthday: FIREWORKS!

    Industrial design grooviness. This is from the “NuTone” intercom system in my Dad’s kitchen:

    I’m at Huntington Street Bar & Grill (704 N. Huntington St, Syracuse).

    I’m at The Down Under Bar & Grill (801 N Huntington St, at Main St., Syracuse).

    On a pub crawl with @campcommander1, Snook, and Cindy.

    I’m at The Frog.

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    Finally got to see my dad’s new house. It’s amazing. Like a B&B!

    @Ascasewwen Spike was awesome in season 2+3 (and part of 4). If you want to keep him as Bowie, I advise you to stop there. 🙁

    View from the porch of the lake house. The serenity is overpowering.

    I got a present for @tytana_!

    Discovered the store in Syracuse sells 750ml cans of Fosters. Ha! No, we didn’t buy any.

    @DianneKing Nah. I’ve tried e-readers but I prefer paper books. It’s my indulgence. 🙂

    @davez1000 I don’t think I’ve ever seen it in Australia. Only seems to exist for the foreign market. Definitely not the best!

    OMG. My Dad is now on Twitter: @campcommander1.

    @kcm74 You have no idea. 🙂

    Preparing for Snook’s birthday party. My Dad got him a “Mini Bomb.” (Seriously. Out-of-state fireworks FTW.)

  • RunningBlog: Week 30

    Saturday’s race wiped me out a bit more than I expected, so my runs this week were rather slow and laboured. I was sore! Tuesday the Snook and I went for a run on country roads near my Aunt Deb’s house, but it was so hot and humid that we gave up halfway and finished the run on a treadmill in her basement. Thursday (today) was less humid, but I’m still feeling quite a lot of soreness in my lower back. My right foot has started to ache again too. I did my four miles, but it was awfully slow. The Snook joined my brother Joey on bicycles and they lapped me again and again.

    July 25: 5.04 RACE
    July 25: 3.22km run
    July 27: 6.4km run
    July 29: 6.72km run
    Total this week: 21.38km (13.36mi)
    Total in 2010: 566.74km (354.2mi)

    To meet my goal of running 1000km in 2010, I should be at 576km. I’m only 10km behind pace!

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    Hooray! Massive thanks to @kunaal84 for getting Joss Whedon tickets for us. 🙂

    Phew! Thought the rental car stereo bricked my iPhone, but a hard reset seems to have fixed it.

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    @carbocommander Is that CarboCode? Because it made no sense.

    My favorite restaurant has wi-fi!

    My love of Amish cooking is being sorely tested by the kid at the next table wearing the Creation Museum t-shirt. Ahh, Middlebury.

    Storm came through again! Lots of rain.

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    Today the Snook and I hit Old Navy. Hard. Good thing we brought an extra suitcase! Now all cosy in Uncle Ron’s guest room / man cave.

    The red pants were $8 on sale. He got them because, yes, he’s actively TRYING to dress like Sheldon Cooper now.

    Nostalgic trip through the old haunts today. Visited my old high school, the grocery store I worked at, our old house in Wolcottville…

    You can really smell the serenity out here. Gorgeous day.

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    W00t! Finished 6th out of 16 in my age group! Top 50%!!

    Neglected to put sunscreen on my legs. I look like I’m wearing red socks. Oops.

    @imdominating @UrbanGmaChic @carbolicious GAHHHH! And he’s even wearing a Pacey shirt! So awesome.

  • RunningBlog: Elkhart Road Race 5K Results

    I think this will go down as the HOTTEST race I’ve ever run. The storms that went through over the weekend lowered the humidity, but it was still a very sunny day (probably mid-80s). Nevertheless, I am thrilled to report that I successfully met my goal of finishing within 35 minutes with no walking. The Snook made a valiant effort to catch me in the last half-mile but I outlasted him. Mom also finished strongly near her goal time of 40 minutes. The official results are here. And hey! I actually finished in the top 50% of my age group! That’s a first. 🙂

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    Heading to the fairgrounds for the Elkhart County Fair 5K Road Race!

    On the bus to the starting line! Feeling keyed up. 90% of the field looks to be high school track stars. EEP!

    Finished! Snook and I both met our 35min goal! SO HOT. Mom did 40min, and Joey finished 3rd in kids race!

    Hahahaha… Snook just won a door prize! 2 trackside seats to the country concert at the Fair Wednesday night!