Month: July 2010

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    Ice cream with my Dad at The Chief in Goshen on a hot summer night.

    Severe thunderstorm warning! We’re all hunkered down in the basement.

    We survived! The power flickered, but it’s all good now. For some reason Syd storms scare me more, despite Indiana’s penchant for tornadoes.

    Family reunion time. Here’s Snookums with my aunt’s tiny, tiny chihuahua.

    @venks79 Oh no! Sorry to hear it!

    @TimBags Looks awesome! Sorry we can’t be there.

    Sitting out by the lake. Rain’s stopped and the sun has come out!

    Me with my 2nd cousin Jaden. WHAT. A. CUTIE.

    It’s a wonder any Indiana kids survive to adulthood. We would’ve LOVED this growing up.

    @SallyPompom Congratulations!

    One more from the reunion: me and Grandma Harter. This is where I get the Korean from!

    @imdominating My comments are tempered by the fact that the Snook reads my tweets. So I’ll just say: HUMMINA.

  • RunningBlog: Week 29

    So far vacation hasn’t stopped me from getting in the miles! The Snook and I arrived in Petaluma, California last Saturday morning and spent that first day resting up. On Sunday, I went out for my long run. I used RunKeeper to search for routes in the area, and I noticed that many of them ran alongside the airport. So that’s where I headed! I did my 8km pretty easily that day. Petaluma is flat, and the weather was cool and dry. On Tuesday the Snook joined me for a 6km run through a few parks. Now we’re in Indiana, gearing up for the big Elkhart County Fair 5K Road Run on Sunday. It’s a lot more hot and humid here. We joined Mom today for a nice slow 5K alongside the river in Elkhart. It was probably close to 90F (about 32C). We survived though! Our entry forms for the race have been dropped off. The really funny thing is that the race runs along the parade route and starts 10 minutes before the parade, so we’ll have “thousands” of people cheering us on! (Mom’s worried that if she doesn’t go fast enough, she’ll get run over by a marching band!)

    July 18: 8.25km
    July 20: 5.96km
    July 23: 5.66km
    Total this week: 19.87km (12.4mi)
    Total in 2010: 545.36km (340.85mi)

    I’m only 12km behind my goal to run 1000km in 2010! I’ll let you know how we go with the race…

  • Indiana

    Indiana. It’s hot.

    In the pool

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    Good grief. Has anyone heard if Stitches & Craft Melbs is cancelled? It’s “urgent.”

    Correction! Wondering about Craft Show in Sydney in August. Anybody know anything?

    @witty_knitter @randomknits Emailed you both… πŸ™‚

    Ha! Mom gave me my Xmas present 7 months late: some pretty awesome PJs! (The Aussies probably won’t get it.)

    @squozen Well, this girl gets COLD in the winter! And Ralphie PJs are made of WIN. πŸ™‚

    Knitters: spotted thus street sign in Goshen and made Mom stop for a photo. O, to live on Purl Street!

    Cooled off post-run in the pool.

    @imdominating @carbolicious AHHHHH. IF HE WEARS A WIFEBEATER, I WILL NEED PICS!!!

    Visited Ewe-Nique Knits in Goshen today!

    Shibui Sock – so pretty. I got the orange in the middle.

    @imdominating WHEATOOOOONNNNN!

    Hey @imdominating! Tell Wil Wheaton I have a message for him. #wesleycrushers

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    Safely made it to our hotel in Chicago. Here, at last, is real summer heat. The Midwestern humidity appeals to me on a cellular level.

    Also, Best Western O’Hare has complimentary wifi. Sweeeeeeeet.

    I keep looking the wrong way at intersections. This could make driving out of Chicago today interesting…

    Good morning USA! This was actually one of the SMALLER breakfasts on the menu. (Yes, it’s all one meal.)

    Made it my Mom’s house in Indiana!

  • Sweet home Chicago

    Vacation Update: The Snook and I have finished the first leg of our trip! We spent the past 4.5 days with the Carbos in Petaluma, CA. It was great to get to spend some time with my nephew Penn and my niece Indie. Our goodbyes today were teary. Now we find ourselves halfway across the country in Chicago, bedding down for the night before driving to Indiana tomorrow. It’s hot here. It will be good to see the rest of my family.

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    @mrs_sockvictim very pretty, miss fee!

    @sharre I know exactly how you feel. After 3wks, I bought a pair of Kumfs. (Ugly shoes FTW.) Hang in there! You’ll be awesome. πŸ™‚

    Me and Rodd at the coldest softball game I’ve ever been to. (What is UP, NoCal?!) Go the might JalapeΓ±os!

    Just said a teary goodbye to @carbolicious and the kids. Now waiting for the bus to SFO and our flight to Chicago…

    W00t. Bus has free wi-fi.

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    @DianneKing Awww, man! We fly to Chicago on Wednesday. My sister might go though! Thanks…

    The Aussies aren’t so sure about these Northern California “beaches.”

    @stufromoz @AusVintageGrrl It WAS cold! Hot & sunny in Petaluma, but foggy and freezing on the beach. Brrrrrr!

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    Day 2 of vacation. Current tally: Naps taken – 2. Books read – 1. Mangoes eaten – 1. Miles run – 5. Inadvertent swears in front of kids – 1.

    Took the kids to the park. Missed the Ice Cream Man by 2 minutes. My grin masks my sadness.

    @Lauren_lolly_ Apparently I sound exactly like my mother. I am trying not to dwell on that. πŸ™‚

    @Kimchiboy0208 We’re not there yet! Four days in California with my sister’s family…

    @knitdra No! Rodd actually remarked that this one played something different. I think it varies regionally.

    Games of Settlers of Catan played: 2. Overall score: Snook 2, everybody else 0.

    @drkknits @knitabulous I blame Geraldine, really. πŸ™‚

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    Look at this ff’ng hipster. Snookums drinks an IPA out of a jar at the Lagunitas Brewery beer garden in Petaluma.

    @lotsofco I haven’t really planned. Probably FB + Twitter. (I don’t like posting every update to FB, but most will be.)

    Back at the house. Anchor Steam Beer with Buster…

    I seem to be REALLY enjoying my first toasted marshmallow in, like, 10 years.

    @supercres Our vote is yes! Nice family-friendly beer garden, food, music…

    @YarnChic_Knity It was molten in the middle and golden outside, just how I like them. I don’t like burnt ones!

    Heading out for my long run. Used #runkeeper to find a route nearby in Petaluma!

    RT @MisterShuffles: I can’t sleep. I’m worried. My mum & dad weren’t born here. What happens to me if they get sent back to where they c …