Month: July 2010

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    For the record, I’m not a social media expert. I’m just a woman who drives pretty damn well.

    @thisismywww @redambition Every single iPhone user I know has a case, which means antenna issue will matter exactly ZERO. I’m getting one!

    Caramel flair. My hair colours set TRENDS, BABY!

    3hr meeting to go through 60pg spec complete. Went really well! Stress is gone. I’m even a little proud. I think I did a pretty good job. 🙂

    @captain_beef @stufromoz Thank you! It’s nice to feel good at your job every now and then. 🙂

    @redambition @knitness Haha, just realized that you’re counting down too! 😛

    Enjoying all the #bendigo tweets. Have fun, everybody! I’m already polishing my tiara for next year… 🙂

  • Jewel Undercover

    HA! I don’t really like Jewel’s music that much, but this video makes me love her a little bit. She put on a disguise and went to karaoke and sang her own songs. It’s pretty cute. (I like pranks that don’t involve humiliating people.)

  • Patchwork Pattern Maker

    This is for my Mom: Patchwork Pattern Maker from the V&A Museum. You upload a photo and then it converts it to a quilt pattern. Really cool! (Link courtesy of not martha.)

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    I’ve never been so happy to hear somebody’s getting the sack! 🙂

    @mrs_sockvictim Do you really have to ask?!

    Mammoth 60 page spec delivered. Took me a month to write. I can haz vacation now? #wrungout

    Four more sleeps til USA, counting this one. Crap. I am nowhere near ready.

    @bellsknits Exactly the same here. I always feel like puking at the airport. Worse than hospitals for me!

    RT @misswired: RT @mpesce: Guardian UK: “Alan Moore is done with superheroes” –

    RT @crust_pizza: Need a laugh? Hilarious compilation of female driver madness. // Sexism FAIL. Badly done, Crust.

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    @venks79 @kunaal84 Is that why I’m still here too and I haven’t recorded a podcast in a month? 😛

    @Lauren_lolly_ I pronounce it pretty much the way it’s spelled?! How do you say it?

    While the leg room on Sydney buses always leaves much to be desired for tall folks, it’s friggin’ AGONY when you have a banged up knee. 🙁

    Happy birthday, @bellsknits! Many happy returns of the day. 🙂 #bellsday

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  • Double Rainbow Allllllll the Wayyyyy

    The only thing better than “Guy amazed by double rainbow” is the DOUBLE RAINBOW SONG. (I especially like how they did the Pomplamoose thing of showing the performers at the end…)

  • Knitters Guild Meeting

    Saturday was the July meeting of the Inner City Group of the Knitters Guild. It was also our first meeting at our new venue: the Surry Hills Library and Community Centre. Our old meeting room at Customs House Library was just too small for the big crowds we’ve been getting at meetings. I was responsible for organising the move, and I was really worried that people would think it wasn’t worth the extra effort of going to Surry Hills. Luckily we still had 41 people at the meeting (with apologies from another 10!). Everyone seemed pretty thrilled with the space. It’s twice as big as our old room and absolutely filled with natural light. It has a separate kitchen with sinks and a long bench. We’re up on the 1st floor, so we don’t have to worry about annoying library patrons if we get rowdy. It’s really just the perfect space, and I’m so grateful to the City of Sydney for allowing us to use it! After the meeting, several of us stayed around to help with the “Learn to Knit” workshop that Fiona had organised. I taught a woman named Christine who claimed she’d never knitted in her life. (She was a natural though; I had her knitting and purling within 90 minutes!) There are photos from the meeting on the Guild site. Thanks to everyone who came along and helped with the move and the workshop!

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    Successfully negotiated Paddy’s Market to get T-shirts for all the kids. That’s enough humanity for one day.

    Making my 2nd trip to Newtown before 9am. I am already OVER this week.