Month: July 2010

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    Finally home from Guild. I’m pretty wiped out. Such a great meeting! I’ll upload some photos soon. Need sustenance first… πŸ™‚

    I told you I stacked it. #unsightlybruising #roadrash

    @johnvaughn It only hurts to touch it. Walking (and hopefully running) should be okay! *crossing fingers*

  • The Language of a Marriage

    The Language of a Marriage.

    There’s a clichΓ©d idea that what makes people stay in love is things like candlelight and flowers and sexy glances across crowded rooms. All that is lovely, and it helps. But so does our nerdy private language.

    This. A million times. There’s only one person in the world I can say “This one.” and “Where’s the hat, Snookums?” and “Taikonaut!” and have him know exactly what I mean. That’s the best.

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    Knitters: it looks like M&S are adding their new wools to the website…

    @zephyrama He was showing me last night that they’re also going to get in a decent range of Rowan at “not exorbitant” prices…!

    The Real Life Social Network: Excellent slideshow; worth reading. (Hat tip to @titus_atticus.)

    IC Knitters: don’t forget to bring along a couple tension swatch samples tomorrow (if you have any). Kim’s talk is going to be great!

    @brodrigu *snort* Talk about undermining your tone through font choice. πŸ™‚

    ARGH!! Just wiped out in mud puddle around the corner. Took layer of skin off knee, landed hard. I’m a GROWN ASS WOMAN. I shouldn’t do this!

    OUCH. The initial shock/numbness has worn off. And now my knee friggin’ hurts. Guess I should probably ice it. πŸ™

    I am at the stage now where I can laugh through the pain. It was pretty funny. I was wildly flailing for a good 3 sec before I succumbed. πŸ™‚

    Thanks everyone. It’s not too visibly bruised, but it’s swollen and painful. Hurts to hold the ice against it! Going to bed…

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  • Knitted Meat

    Knitted Meat. It’s the cling film that really makes it awesome.

  • Why I like Bejeweled

    Why I like Bejeweled: According to this study of female gamers, it’s because I like simple controls, bright colours, and social competition. While I maintain that makes me sound like a BIRD or something… it’s probably right. (Link courtesy of the Snook.)

  • Rope Patterned Cement Wall by Dani Marti. Neat! This wall is actually in Sydney on the base of Centerpoint Tower on Market Street. I remember seeing the hoarding come off several weeks ago, and I actually stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the wall. My first thought was that it was knitting, but upon consideration I could see that it was woven. I had no idea what technique was used to create it. It’s very cool.

  • RunningBlog: Week 27

    This was a pretty good week for running! We had a houseguest all week so I wasn’t sure whether I’d get in my runs, but luckily Eileen went with me for all three of them. She also pushed me on my pace a bit, which really made me feel the fitness I’ve lost since the Half-Marathon. My right foot hasn’t been bothering me too much. I can still feel a difference from my left foot, but there’s hardly any pain. It’s actually kind of frustrating, because I have no idea what’s prompted the improvement! I guess I shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. I also managed a session at Spudds on Wednesday, which has left me feeling pretty sore…

    July 4: 7.44km
    July 6: 5.48km
    July 8: 5.50km
    Total this week: 18.42km (11.5mi)
    Total in 2010: 507.58km (317.2mi)

    I have finally crossed the half-way point in my goal to run 1000km in 2010! I should be at 519km right now, so I’m about 11.5km behind. My weekend runs are going to start slowly extending though, so I should make it up over the next few months. The only danger is my three-week vacation to the U.S. looming on the horizon. I’m going to have to work to get the runs in.

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    @stewartheys We use Sydney FoodConnect: Very happy so far!

    On my way to M&S finally. Is this week over yet?

    Piping hot carbs, fat, aioli, and beer. The cure for a cold winter’s night.

    Congrats to @kunaal84 on winning the squash championship!

    Such a huge day, a dozen things on my To Do list, and yet here I stand, still waiting on a bus that’s 15min late.

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    I should not be allowed to listen to the Garden State soundtrack at work. I’m all melancholy now.

    Ohmygod. The vajazzling gallery is online: I’m serious. I actually work with 2 of those women. ABJECT HORROR, FOLKS.