Month: July 2010

  • The Egg

    The Egg. Something to ponder.

  • Picky Eaters

    Picky Eaters
    Do grown-up picky eaters have an actual mental disorder? Some researchers think so. Some of those people sound genuinely phobic, and their stories about never sharing a meal with their kids (for fear that their kids will emulate the parent’s pickiness) are heartbreaking. Still, most of the picky eaters I know are unrepentant about their limited diets. That I don’t get. It just seems lazy and juvenile to honestly claim you prefer french fries to all over foods in the world.

    Edited to add: The MetaFilter discussion was pretty fascinating. I fully recognise that my foodie evangelism is a bit over-the-top because I’m a reformed picky eater myself. And I really get that it’s nobody’s business what people do or don’t eat. I just can’t help but see it as a moral failing to have a food blacklist. I’m incredibly grateful that the Snook didn’t see it as a relationship deal-breaker and that he managed to cure me of it.

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    The office vajazzlees are about to head out. (I’m not one of them.) They are going in a Hummer. Could this BE any more trashy?</chandler>

    @ozgamer Not from me! I just find it all very icky.

    Finally scored a Newtown bus. Whole city must be borked from accident.

    This bus smells like a wet dog.

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    @Roceal Hells yeah it is! I had the chili dog. 🙂

    @gilmae Seriously? I am obviously not evil enough as a BA! 🙂

    ZOMG. A female co-worker just asked, in all seriousness, if I want to “go get vajazzled tomorrow.” I am serious. I shrieked.

    @mrs_sockvictim Apparently it starts with a Brazilian wax. And then involves stick-on diamantes. I AM NOT KIDDING.

    She later admitted it’s part of a stunt for the Kyle & Jackie O Show. So… DOUBLE-PLUS DO NOT WANT.

    @jyesmith Shake to Shuffle. It’s in the settings somewhere.

    @stufromoz It was more like a howl of disgust and repugnance.

  • Busy Weekend

    We had a non-stop weekend thanks to the arrival of Eileen and Dean on Friday night. We took them for a beer at the Friend in Hand, then dinner upstairs at the Aussie Youth. We finished the night with a rollicking Guitar Hero session. Saturday morning found us at the Eveleigh Farmer’s Market before a long walk down King Street in Newtown for a kite-flying session at Sydney Park. Back at the house, we all got officially addicted to True Blood. Dinner was at Spice I Am in Surry Hills, where we sat about 7 feet from Peter from Masterchef. (The food was fantastic. I am still dreaming about the soft shell crab with mango salad. YUM.) Sunday morning Eileen and I headed out for a 7km run around Darling Harbour. Our special 4th of July lunch was at the Blue Plate Bar & Grill in Neutral Bay. We were a little sad that the full menu NQN blogged about wasn’t available at lunch, but we placated ourselves with Philly Cheesesteaks and Chili Dogs. Then it was time for more vampire porn before Dean had to fly back to Melbourne. (Eileen is staying on til Friday attending a microbiology conference in the city.)

    Kite Flying - Me and Eileen

    My favorite part of kite flying is huddling for warmth while other people struggle with kites. Note: Eileen is not fighting the kite you see above her. The Snook is flying that one. Eileen’s kite is on the ground.

    Eileen vs. The Expandable Object

    There it is! We have yet to get The Expandable Object to actually fly. Every single kite store that sells this thing claims it’s the easiest kite in the world to get aloft. We’ve never gotten it above 20 feet before it nosedives into the ground.

    Kite Flying - Eileen and Dean

    Eileen and Dean have joined me on the bench. Dean is actually still flying the good kite in this photo. (It’s that easy to fly. You can just sit on a bench and hang on to it. Damn Expandable Object.)

    Me and Snook

    Me and Snookums at our 4th of July lunch.

    Eileen and Dean

    Eileen and Dean at our 4th of July lunch. Eileen felt compelled by patriotism to pay $9 for an imported Sam Adams.

    Chili Dog

    My Chili Dog. It was pretty damn good! (I had to ask for mustard though.) The fries were excellent.

    Philly Cheesesteak

    The Snook went for the Philly Cheesesteak. It had onions, mushrooms, and cheese. He liked it.

  • Happy 4th of July!

    Happy 4th of July! I have to say that the hidden flag cakes are just about the coolest thing ever. I’m going to have to remember that.

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    Happy 4th of July! (@ Blue Plate Bar & Grill w/ @dean_bean)

    Celebrating Independence Day by pigging out on American food as god intended.

    @steven_noble Just emailed you. I might know what the tree mystery from your Housing NSW post was about!!