Month: July 2010

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    Sydney Park. Snook flies kite while Eileen and Dean struggle with the Expandable Object.

    Eileen managed to get the Expandable Object aloft! Also, I am cold.

    Peter from Masterchef is here! Eating 7ft away!! (@ Spice I Am)

    Snook actually said “Love your work” to Peter from #masterchef tonight. I faux-whispered “GO MARION!” behind his back.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS FEE! @mrs_sockvictim

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    Buggy visited the office today! @venks79 @kunaal84

    @mrs_sockvictim Hahaha, you’re not expected to know. Just a guy who used to work with the three of us. 🙂

    I thought oatmeal was supposed to fill you up. But every time I have it for breakfast, I’m STARVING by 11am.

    @Alegrya Congrats! Glad you’re not going anywhere. *gasp* NOW WE CAN GO SEE TWILIGHT! 🙂

    @imdominating Oh, it is ON.

    Upstairs = nudity. I had no idea. (@ Australian Youth Hotel)

    Very enjoyable evening with @eileenDCoE and her gentleman friend, who are visiting us from Melbourne!

    Huge, huge thanks to @threadless and @threadhelp for their awesome customer service. Missing shirts are on their way!

  • Sewing Patterns

    Sewing Patterns
    Note to self: Make Leisurely for Indie, and Undaunted for me…

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    Vuvuzelas for BP: That is brilliant. Can’t wait to see the video.

    Check out the Celebrity Profile “Cody Simpson” I found at #GetUpGo

    Tonight’s experiment with the new oven: homemade pizza!

    @seanchadwick It will be… but there’s not much to share! 😀

    @bhmulder It was very good! No control group, as we didn’t think to cook a last one in the old oven before we pulled it out… 🙂

    3 out of 14 shirts missing from my @threadless order. 🙁 Just sent an email to Customer Service. Not happy.

    @bellsknits I would! But in Canberra, you’ve got more of a real winter than most Aussies. 🙂

    Let’s play Words With Friends on the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad! My username is ‘web-goddess’.

    @thepurple8 Well, half were for me and half for Snook. I feel bad that the missing @threadless shirts were all his!

    The Snook sends me tweets as SMS, complete with hashtags and everything. I told him to just get a friggin’ account already!

    ANOTHER glaring defect in iPhones? *sigh* This happens to me all the time. DAMN YOU TO HELL, STEVE JOBS!

    Are they going to build a tunnel under our house? (@steven_noble @InnerWestNews)

  • RunningBlog: Week 26

    I told you it could only get better! This week I managed three runs, including two of them actually on workday mornings. They weren’t long and they weren’t fast, but I got out there! Snook even went along with me for two of them. The last two were FREEZING COLD; Sydney has had some of the coldest weather in decades. We actually saw frost on Tuesday! My foot is still bothering me, but the last two runs weren’t too bad. The ultrasound I had last weekend was inconclusive, so I still really don’t know what to do to make it better. My half-marathon prep has started though, and I’m going to keep plodding on as best I can!

    June 27: 5.91km
    June 29: 5.41km
    July 1: 5.43km
    Total this week: 16.75km (10.5mi)
    Total in 2010: 489.16km (305.7mi)

    I am exactly halfway through the year I set myself to run 1000km in 2010, and as you can see I’m only about 10km behind…