Month: August 2010

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    I’m off to visit the 3rd graders at Willoughby Public School and tell them all about Roald Dahl. Fun!

    RT @seanchadwick: Good news for GetUpGo:

    Fellow Knit Campers: Any of you get some of that purple Shadow Tweed you’re willing to part with? My afghan is growing….

  • Ben Folds + Nick Hornby + Pomplamoose

    Me: Dude. Ben Folds + Nick Hornby + Pomplamoose.
    Snook: Hah. Hipster asplosion.
    Me: Totally.

    I love it!

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    Phew. Survived my performance appraisal with @venks79. Such a taskmaster! 😛

    @kunaal84 Well, *I’ll* be there. I’m not so sure about *you*. 🙂

    Anyone else wanna see Savion Glover @ the Opera House? (Time to break out my CD of Bring in Da Noise Bring in Da Funk.)

    Snook made me watch The Guild. Even after years of him playing Warcraft, I still only understood like half of it.

    Crochet is happening, people. IT’S HAPPENING!

    I don’t mean “it’s happening” in the sense that it’s, like, cool or anything. I just mean it’s OCCURRING. I’m not that crazy.

    Look who I ran into on the bus! It’s @Opheli8! Fun. She’s a sorta-neighbor now…

    It would have been cooler if I’d attached the photo of me and @Opheli8…

  • Joss Whedon in Sydney

    Joss Whedon in Sydney
    Yesterday I joined the Snook and Kunaal at the Sydney Opera House to see Joss Whedon. It was pretty fun! Joss was hilarious, and Wil Andersen didn’t do too bad a job interviewing either. (There are a lot of quotes from the event here.) Then they opened it up for questions at the end, and I just CRINGED knowing what was going to happen. The Nerd Parade began! Instead of asking anything, you know, insightful, fully half of the people chosen used the opportunity to A) show off their fanboi credentials; B) beg Joss for a job/hug/lock of hair; C) explain their weirdo name, like we cared; D) ramble on and on in such a way that nobody knew what the actual question was. I mean, I know they’re my people and all, but why is it always the Aspies who go for the microphones?

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    @knitterjp I did! Thank you…

    @sharre And @kunaal84, but I don’t think you’ve met him yet…

    Going to see Joss Whedon. Snook’s decided to wear red Sheldon pants and Three Keyboard Cat Moon shirt. “Nerds – they’re my people!” he says.

    @Opheli8 SupaCenta is like level 5 of Inception.

    Swarm? Come on mah nerds! (@ Sydney Opera House w/ @daniellewarby)

    @Kat13v @EclecticRose1 @sharre I’m up for that!! Say the word…

    Joss was great! But man, some serious nerds in that audience. I mean, yeah, we like Buffy, but we can still FUNCTION in SOCIETY. o_O

    Thanks to everyone who offered washing machine advice. We ordered the F&P frontload washer and condensing dryer stacking combo!

    Holy hell. I’m crocheting.

    @thisismywww I’ve lost my knitting mojo. Desperate times call for desperate measures!

    @drkknits All I want is for my laundry room ceiling not to get moldy! Everything else is just a bonus. Including fries. 😛

    @mrs_sockvictim Couldn’t muster any knitting enthusiasm. Decided to see if I could figure out a crochet pattern. 😛

  • We’re trying to have a society here!

    I will totally cop to being a Politeness Enforcer. Granted, if a bus was empty I wouldn’t bother, but if it’s getting full and you have your bag on a seat? Be prepared to move it!

  • Historical knitting nerdery

    Historical knitting nerdery
    Digital Resources from the Knitting Reference Library WSA . The University of Southampton have digitized much of Richard Rutt’s collection of 19th century knitting books. They’re brilliant. (Link courtesy of peacay‘s Google Reader feed.)

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    Any members? Need advice on washing machines/dryers… (Will pay cookies in return!)

    This is as friendly as they get.

    Introducing Snook to “To Kill A Mockingbird” via audiobook. I love this story. I’ll probably cry.

    Who’s got a front-loading washing machine? Care to comment on its pros/cons? (cross-posted from GGR account)

    Looking at separate stacking FL washer & condensing dryer. Considering LG and Fisher & Paykel. Any strong brand preferences?

  • Things Organized Neatly

    Things Organized Neatly. Like crack to my organization-obsessed soul…

    Every single time I went to type the word I spelled it ‘organisation’ with an S. Australia, I think you win this one!

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    @henrytapia @toastman Snootchie Bootchies? Who the fuck talks like that? That is fucking baby talk.

    @henrytapia Heh. Take that one up with his uni buddies; I didn’t come up with that appellation. 😛

    Iconic Photos takes on the Australian election and “36 Faceless Men” today:

    @sharre We’re going too! See you there… 🙂

    @Opheli8 Oh great. Like I need to go someplace that would make me feel like more of a giant!

    @tinkabel Heard it, and done it! Got it enabled yesterday. 🙂

    Seconding @Opheli8. Our @anatyt will be missed, especially at lunchtime Mexican. All the best!

    My new running shoes arrived! Wow, that’s fast. Three days from Amazon!

    @shanea Oh crap. What did they do wrong?!

    Thanks to @mrs_sockvictim and the S.V. for a lovely dinner with good food and wine and fire and cats and everything nice!

    @redambition Just sent you an email! Need a small favor at the Exec meeting… 🙂