I just discovered that Dan Clark – who sent me the wonderful 13.1 medal mentioned in GGR Episode 9 – has started his own blog and podcast: Running the Golden Years. Thank you again Dan! I’ll be reading and listening. 🙂
Month: August 2010
RunningBlog: Week 34
Things are slowly improving. I still feel sore and tired, but my pace is getting better. I went for a long run Sunday night and did 5:1 run/walk the whole way. My right foot was bothering more than usual. (I’ve ordered some new shoes to see if that helps.) My training plan has me doing 5 miles on my morning runs, but I backed off that a little. I just need to get my legs used to running on concrete again, I guess.
Aug. 22: 11.22km
Aug. 25: 7.03km
Aug. 27: 5.50km
Total this week: 23.75km (14.8mi)
Total in 2010: 628.82km (393mi)I’ve clawed back a little ground in my goal to run 1000km in 2010. I’m still about 25km behind pace though…
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@miftik Fixed! Validator didn’t like the umlaut in Bjork. (I suck at character-encoding stuff.)
@acatinatree When I tried it, there’s a little account balance showing. I’ve only got 10c. You have to add more to call int’l, I think.
@witty_knitter Just bookmark this: http://doesaustraliahaveagovernmentyet.com/
@mpesce My partner just heard your talk, said you’re moving to Chippo. Welcome! Check out http://bit.ly/sdy02; say hi to @steven_noble. 🙂
RT @Glebe2037: UI/UX folks: have potential lead for you, big company looking for assistance/guidance, DM your deets // Attn @henrytapia!
@mpesce Yep! Also check out Michael’s blog, which focuses on neighbourhood sustainability: http://sustainablehouse.com.au/fulblog/
New (repaired) oven is being put to good use: Snook’s got a gratin goin’!
@toastman Beetroot, potatoes, and garlic-thyme-infused cream. YUM.
Running late. Attempt to shave legs with cheap razor led to bloody mess, necessitating last-minute wardrobe change. 🙁
Unexpected benefit of iPhone 4 front-facing camera: seeing if I have black texta smudged on my nose from my takeaway coffee.
AwesomenessReminders. An actual subscription service where someone will call you on the telephone every day to tell you how awesome you are. I love it! I think it’s brilliant. It seems like the kind of thing you could arrange with a friend though, right? Like every day I could email you a message about how awesome you are, and you could send one back to me. Wouldn’t that be neat?
Geek Girl Runner Episode 009
Geek Girl Runner Episode 009
Hey, remember when I used to podcast and stuff? Guess what? I MADE A NEW EPISODE! This is basically a catch-up show, filling you in on all my running-related (and not-so-running-related) news from the past two months. The show also includes a race report from last month’s Elkhart County Fair 5K Road Race which features the podcast debut of my husband, the Snook (as well as my Mom, Step-Dad, and little brother). I ended with bit of further discussion about the sports bra topic, as prompted by some new research that’s come up. I hope you like the show!Show links:
Elkhart County Fair 5K Road Run (official results)
The House on the Rock, Spring Green, Wisconson
Blackmore’s Half-Marathon – part of Sydney Running Festival
Run Yank Run – Paul Abrelat’s podcast
Phys Ed: The Right Kind of Sports Bra from The New York TimesThanks as usual to Nick Arthur for the use of his song “Little Donut Party”!
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@randomknits @Lauren_lolly_ I got married in Vegas to my Aussie! But what? Passport office won’t recognise what?! Oh, name change?
@randomknits @Lauren_lolly_ I didn’t change mine. One of the many traditions of marriage we rejected. 😛
@gilmae @randomknits We thought of picking a new one for the both of us, but SNOOK + HOWARD doesn’t spell anything cool. 🙁
Fantastic! The oven is getting fixed tomorrow. Snickerdoodles, here I come…
Hooray for repairman Leon! The oven is on and it seems to be working!
GGR Episode 9 is now available! http://bit.ly/cMgyxv Should be appearing in your iTunes. Thanks for hanging in there!
RT @DDsD: RT @thomasediting: Dyed-in-the-wool = steadfast. Died-in-the-wool = freak knitting accident.
This is why we don’t let our cats out at night. 🙁 http://bit.ly/93mFDw
I’d love to call my family in the US via Gmail. Too bad it’s not available to us furriners yet. 🙁 http://bit.ly/cg3deS
I take it back! Upon installing the Voice/Video plugin, I now have “Call Phone” in Gmail! Sweeeeeeet.
I just tried it by calling a friend’s cell in the U.S. Worked great! Decent quality. Now how can I get it on my iPhone…?
Shared today on Google Reader
- Pain au levain
- Cold-Press Coffee, or, How I Reclaimed Some Precious Counter Space – Snookums – an idea for coffee at work!
Water Water Everywhere
Water Before Meal Means Fewer Calories Consumed. I want to know more about this study. So one group was told to drink two cups of water before each meal, and one group wasn’t. Did the second group drink an equivalent amount of water at different times? All the diet and nutrition sources I’ve read say that staying hydrated is crucial to losing weight. Weight Watchers makes a big deal about it too. So is this study merely reaffirming what they already know, or are they actually saying that the specific timing of the water makes an even bigger difference? None of the articles I found were specific on that point. Anybody got another source?
Sidenote: I’ve given up Diet Coke. Again. It wasn’t diet-motivated or anything; I just found when I came back from our vacation that it didn’t taste good anymore. That’s as good a reason as any to quit, I guess.
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@Ezzles Hm. I think I found your 2kg on my trip to the US! 🙂
Trying out a WACOM Bamboo tablet. Maybe this will help with my wrist issues?
@mrs_sockvictim Cool! What’d you do with your old bike?
@Lauren_lolly_ WOWZA!
@lscassar I use Toodledo, which syncs web<->iPhone. There’s a 3rd party Outlook sync app for it: http://bit.ly/L6jH3
@mrs_sockvictim Hmm. I dreamed about bikes last night. We’ll talk on Friday. 🙂