Month: August 2010
Abbotsleigh School Literary FestivalLong-time readers will recall that last year I gave a Roald Dahl presentation for my nephew’s third-grade class in Willoughby. It went so well that his teacher has asked me to come back again this year. Fun, right? So that’s scheduled for next week. Well, when Gadgetgirl (who is a librarian, you…
“Study: Astronauts as weak as 80-year-olds in space. Bring on the rotating space ships!
Just discovered that Marion Zimmer Bradley wrote two fanfics about LotR’s Arwen: The Jewel of Arwen and The Parting of Arwen. Bookmarking for later reading!
Week 33Well, I ended up taking the rest of last week off due to the cold I caught when I got back to Sydney. I spent the whole weekend just lying on the couch with a killer sinus headache. (Even drugs didn’t help.) I finally managed to get back out there on Tuesday for a…
WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! 1-2-3-4!Last Friday I went to see the long-awaited Scott Pilgrim vs. the World with the Snook and Kunaal. I’d been looking forward to it for so long that I thought the chances were good I’d be disappointed. Fortunately it lived up to the hype in my head – I LOVED it!…
Shared today on Google Reader: Milwaukee – X Marks the Spot – drool Cheese curds… How The Male Angler Fish Gets Completely Screwed – The Oatmeal You can follow me on Reader here.
Cook Like a Moomin. EEEEK! Moomin cookbook! Oh man, how cute. I’m not sure about how the Finns eat their fish, but I do enjoy lingonberries…
Bookmarking for future reference: DIY Painting Tips, Tricks, and a Step-By-Step Guide.
Australian Politics: A Harry Potter Primer. This is brilliant. I actually learned stuff from it! (Stuff other than the fact that Bob Brown was a total hottie…)
Return of the Jedi Missing Lightsaber Scene. Okay, WHAT?! There’s a Star Wars scene that I’ve never seen before? That’s a mind-blowing way to start my Monday. Very cool.