Month: August 2010

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  • Slow-Cooker Cassoulet

    CassouletThomas Keller’s Slow-Cooker Cassoulet
    Sunday afternoon I said to the Snook: “There are 500g of dried Great Northern Beans in the pantry. What we can we do with them? How about a stew?” Some googling led me to Thomas Keller’s Slow-Cooker Cassoulet. Interesting! So we got everything together and I did all the prep and initial cooking on Sunday night.

    Some recipe notes for you: My slow-cooker doesn’t have a fancy metal insert (it’s just ceramic), so I did the initial cooking in a pot on the stove and then transferred it after. I only made a half-recipe. The pork shoulder comes with a thick layer of fat on it, most of which I cut off. I didn’t bother frying up the panko until Day 2 (when the slow-cooking was done). I did fry up the bacon though to get the grease, and I stored the bits in the fridge for garnish later. For the beans, we basically did a variation of the quick soak method. We boiled them for a couple minutes, then let them sit for an hour to soak. Then we drained and refreshed the water before cooking for an hour or so (until they were tender but not falling apart). My 500g made just about six cups of cooked beans in the end, so I didn’t have to use any of the canned ones I had on backup. I used the Spanish chorizo, even though some commenters didn’t like it. (We like chorizo.) My garlic was annoying, as when I sliced it in half the top half all came out of the paper. So those cloves I peeled. For the bottom half, I just removed as much of the loose paper as I could without it falling apart. It all went into the crockpot and then into the fridge overnight. Before work, I put the cooker on Low and left it for about 12 hours. When I tested it, the pork fell apart easily. I didn’t have much fat to skim so I didn’t bother. I fished out the half-head of garlic but left the individual cloves in. Then I fried up the panko and folded that in along with the parsley. We didn’t bother with the bread/broiling (since our oven isn’t working), so we had sourdough toast on the side. The half-recipe made six good-sized portions.

    So what’s the verdict? It was good! I think I expected it to be life-changing, but instead it was just a good, hearty pork-and-beans-and-sausage stew. Probably as good a cassoulet as you’re going to get without confit duck legs… 🙂

    Apologies for the photo. We were so hungry last night I forgot to take one! This is from my leftovers at lunch today.

  • The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

    Prince Caspian on a Boat
    Ooh, three previews from the forthcoming Narnia movie Voyage of the Dawn Treader. That’s one of my favorites. I know these movies haven’t been huge hits, but I’ve really liked both of them so far. The casting of the Pevensie kids was great, and I think they’ve absolutely nailed my conception of Eustace Scrubb. I’m looking forward to the Dragon sequence, and the part where Lucy learns an Important Lesson About Gossip. Also – REEPICHEEP, my favorite character of all!

  • Free Solar Dress Pattern

    Free Solar Dress pattern. Okay, that’s adorable. I really must make Indie some dresses. Hmm. And then I might have to make one for me.

  • Know It All Pencil Set

    Know It All Pencil Set. I love it. I’ve been using an old-school pencil at work lately and I’ve been enjoying it.

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    I’ve got Thomas Keller’s Slow-Cooker Cassoulet in the crockpot at home: My house is gonna smell AMAZING tonight!

    @DDsD @ScottRhodie Yep. Like us. Two car spaces, no cars. So we rent both of them out.

    @rhagern I don’t have a $400 slow cooker, so I made it on the stove and then poured it in. Will blog the results! 🙂

    Should be going for a run right now… but woke up with a massive allergy attack. My eyes are streaming. ARGH.

    I think my chubby knees are ADORABLE, but I do worry that this skirt makes me look like a Hummel figurine. Snook is no help, of course.

    Let’s play Words With Friends on the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad! My username is ‘web-goddess’.

    @venks79 I sent that on the bus! All my games have petered out. 🙁

    @AusVintageGrrl Awww, poor Roh! Hope all is well now.

  • Abbotsleigh School Literary Festival

    Long-time readers will recall that last year I gave a Roald Dahl presentation for my nephew’s third-grade class in Willoughby. It went so well that his teacher has asked me to come back again this year. Fun, right? So that’s scheduled for next week. Well, when Amy (who is a librarian, you know) found out, she asked me to come speak at the Abbotsleigh School Literary Festival too. That was last week, and it was pretty hilarious. I mean, the program was full of actual children’s authors and important people — and ME. I gave the same presentation as last year: who I am, how I became a Dahl fan, a bit about Dahl’s life, how I started my website, how I visited Gipsy House, and then some of the more interesting items from my Dahl collection. I had two sessions, first the fourth-graders and then the third-graders. I didn’t realise there was such a huge cognitive leap between those age groups! The fouth-graders were well-behaved and attentive, and they asked lots of good questions about Dahl. They were also strangely obsessed with hearing about his divorce! The third-graders were more fidgety and kept asking the same questions over and over. One of them asked what he died of, and I made the mistake of saying “pneumonia” (among other things). That led to 10 minutes of “What’s pneumonia?!” and “My grandpa had pneumonia but he didn’t die!” Lesson of the day: 9-year-olds go for the soap opera; 8-year-olds go for death and disease.

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    Hahaha, how did I miss that clip of Abbott fumbling with a power drill? Ha! Funniest thing since Howard’s bowling attempt.

    ARGH. Spent the last hour packing clothes to take to Salvos. Just discovered Salvos not open on Sunday.

    @crumpet @squozen @expat_erin IIRC for me it was 4 years. I can’t find any proof of that on the stupid website now though…

    @zephyrama The Herald is saying Labor are definitely in front…

    @kunaal84 Yikes! You guys are having a slump? 🙁