Month: August 2010

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    I haz a cuddle.

    @spycoredotnet She’s definitely mellowed… except for around Petey. She hates him!

    @codepo8 Also, she has a half-tail. She’s basically a mutant. But the softest, fluffiest mutant cat ever! 🙂

  • Australian Politics: A Harry Potter Primer

    Australian Politics: A Harry Potter Primer. This is brilliant. I actually learned stuff from it! (Stuff other than the fact that Bob Brown was a total hottie…)

  • RotJ Missing Lightsaber Scene

    Return of the Jedi Missing Lightsaber Scene. Okay, WHAT?! There’s a Star Wars scene that I’ve never seen before? That’s a mind-blowing way to start my Monday. Very cool.

  • The Granny Square

    The Granny Square
    In case you missed the posts on Ravelry, “The Granny Square” is finally open in Newtown! This is the new funky boutique knitting shop run by my old employer Morris & Sons. It’s only a soft-launch for now – they don’t quite have all the stock in yet – but it looks gorgeous. The Other Andrew has been supervising the visual merchandising and it looks great. He’s put several photos up on Flickr.

    I am totally taking some credit for the shop, seeing as how it was me that notified Albert that Champion Textiles was going out of business. By the time I met him for dinner that night, he was already working out details of the lease with the owner. See? I put people together to MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.

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    Wicked sinus headache and pulled muscle in my neck. Paracetamol not budging it. Haven’t left the couch all day. 🙁

    I really like not being an AK mod anymore. Thanks to @Lauren_lolly_ and others for taking on the burden! 🙂

    Self: This is your last day of jetlag and illness. Look at that sun! It’s time to come back to life.

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    @drkknits Hahaha… Thanks! 🙂

    Great meeting! Knitting rockstar Liz Gemmell w/ rapt audience: She’s a force of nature!

    @drkknits Oh no. I KNEW I shouldn’t have mentioned it. Seriously, I need you guys to talk me OUT OF IT. Me = stress glutton.

    @drkknits Don’t feed the ego! ARGH! Now you’re tempting me. Seriously. Do not need. Bad Dr K! Bad!

    @drkknits I know of one person who’s thinking of putting her hand up…

  • Pizza

    Our oven is still waiting to be repaired, but I’m already thinking of ways we can hack it to make great pizza

  • Trash

    Happiness Tip: Throw away other people’s trash. I sometimes do this. It only makes me feel happy if the litterer isn’t around though. Otherwise if I see them do it, then my throwing it away usually precedes a blinding rage.

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    @squozen My camera app works! But yeah, it’s not a huge leap ahead. Screen is nice, and Facetime would be sweet if I needed it…

    I hope all you leggings-wearers are happy. I just saw a girl in stirrup pants. STIRRUP PANTS! The Apocalypse is upon us.

    @anatyt The ones with elastic at the bottom that goes under the foot. One of the worst fashion offenses of the 80s.

    You guys. Seriously. “Hey Jealousy” was a really good song.

    @redambition Yes. Definitely still is.

    Scott Pilgrim! Woooo! (@ Event Cinemas George Street w/ 3 others)

    Scott Pilgrim was precisely as awesome and epic as I’d hoped. Now I want to dye my hair green.

    Any last minute apologies for today’s Guild meeting? Let me know…

    Wish I could skip the meeting. I feel like crap too! But the show must go on. #knittingmartyr #whaaaambulance