Month: August 2010

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    @_brigita_ Tonight was Brewery Creek in Mineral Point. Pretty damn good steak! 🙂

    Less than 48hrs left in the US. Tomorrow back to Chicago, then flying on Thurs. Get home on Sat. DIDYA MISS US, SYDNEY?!

    @venks79 Not to you! You don’t get me til Tuesday. 😀

    @VenessaHunt Office too quiet and boring? 🙂

    @imdominating Woot! Brauhaus looks good. Send your cell #. 🙂

    Prop 8 overturned in California. Yay! Snook and I shall spend some $ in LA tomorrow celebrating. 🙂

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    Safely made 6hr drive to Wisconsin today! Snook and I are now enjoying beer and cheese curds in Madison. House on the Rock tomorrow!!

    The House on the Rock is everything we hoped…

    @drkknits @kunaal84 Sent postcards to both of you. Mr Wednesday says hello. 🙂

    Heading out to another brew pub for dinner. Wisconsin definitely has its charms.!

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    I introduced Isaiah to chocolate pudding.

    @redambition For a few more days. How are our little monsters? You surviving with no oven? 🙂

  • Leaving Indiana

    The second (main) part of our trip is coming to an end. Today we leave Indiana on a short road trip to Wisconsin. We’ll be at the House on the Rock tomorrow! Then Wednesday it’s back to Chicago to meet up with friends before flying out on Thursday. I miss my bed… 🙂

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    We’re on a boat!

    Snookums caught me a delicious bass!