Banana Cake with Orange Maple Sauce

Banana Cake with Orange Maple SauceBanana Cake with Orange Maple Sauce
We had a couple bananas ripening from last week’s Food Connect box, so I decided to try something new. I found this recipe and went to work. I don’t have a ring mold, so I baked it in two loaf tins. Other than chucking in a little cinnamon, I followed the recipe exactly. I turned the loaves out onto a wire rack to cool while I made the sauce; then I put the loaves back in the pans and dumped the sauce over (to better soak in). YUM. The only drawback is that half-a-cup of real maple syrup in Australia costs like $5, so the sauce was the most expensive ingredient by far! Still, it was a very moist and delicious cake.

RunningBlog: Week 38

Week 38
The big half-marathon was on Sunday, but you’ve already read that race report, right? Monday and Tuesday I was pretty sore in the quads and hips, as you might imagine. Wednesday started to improve, so I went to Spudds for a workout. He gave my legs a reprieve and focused mostly on upper body, which was nice. This morning I went for my first run, an easy 5K around Newtown. I’ve still got lots of weird little pains and niggles, but I figure that’s to be expected. Next races: 10K as part of Worldwide Festival of Races, and then the 10K Run4Fun in November.

Sept. 19: 21.2km
Sept. 24: 5.41km
Total this week: 26.51km (16.57mi)
Total in 2010: 719.23km (449.5mi)

I have made up some ground on my goal of running 1000km in 2010. I should be at 730km, so I’m only 11km off pace!