Month: September 2010

  • RunningBlog: Week 38

    The big half-marathon was on Sunday, but you’ve already read that race report, right? Monday and Tuesday I was pretty sore in the quads and hips, as you might imagine. Wednesday started to improve, so I went to Spudds for a workout. He gave my legs a reprieve and focused mostly on upper body, which was nice. This morning I went for my first run, an easy 5K around Newtown. I’ve still got lots of weird little pains and niggles, but I figure that’s to be expected. Next races: 10K as part of Worldwide Festival of Races, and then the 10K Run4Fun in November.

    Sept. 19: 21.2km
    Sept. 24: 5.41km
    Total this week: 26.51km (16.57mi)
    Total in 2010: 719.23km (449.5mi)

    I have made up some ground on my goal of running 1000km in 2010. I should be at 730km, so I’m only 11km off pace!

  • Harry Potter trailer – 140+ screencaps

    The new Harry Potter trailer is fantastic, but I felt like there was so much that went by too quickly for me to see. Luckily io9 came to the rescue by posting 140+ screencaps!

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    I can hear the bells are ringing joyful and triumphant… #ipodwisdom

    Putting my theater degree to work, doing sexy voiceovers for adult phone services. Hahahaha…

    @gusseting The only payment I required was access to the recordings so I can amuse the Snook with them. 🙂

    @chrisgander You’d have liked it. I did two of them using my Sookie voice.

    @codepo8 If/when it goes live, I’ll totally share the link. 🙂

    @knitabulous I believe it was a white latex nurse’s uniform (in the script, anyway)!

    @carbolicious Dude, remember “perforations”? I retched for like a week.

    @getupgo CODY SIMPSON! #AussieGleeks

    In a cab to #webblast with Cris and @kunaal84…

  • Finish Line Videos

    Our finish line videos are up! Unfortunately I can’t seem to get the videos to perma-link, but if you go here, search for bibs #53383 and #11594.

    While I’m at it, here are the best of our official race photos:

    Me   Me
    Me   Me
    Snookums   Snookums

  • No longer a cyborg

    ImplanonNo longer a cyborg…
    Last night I had Dr. Chin remove my Implanon. I’ve had it for just over six months. (Here’s the insertion story, if anyone wants to relive it.) NO, I didn’t get it taken out because I want to have babies. The truth is just that the level of hormones it delivers wasn’t right for me.* I knew at about the 4-month mark that I wasn’t happy, but I kept going in the hopes things would right themselves. They didn’t. Okay, so what was it like getting it removed? Much easier than getting it put in, actually. I laid down while Dr. Chin prepped and sterilised my arm. Then he injected some local anesthetic to numb it. After a minute or two, he started prodding and all I could feel was some dull pressure. It felt weird, but no real sharp pain. So then he made a nick (apparently about 5mm) and started manipulating the rod to get it lined up with the opening. After a minute or so, he had the head exposed and was able to grab it with some forceps and pull it out. The whole process took less than 5 minutes. “You wanna see it?” he asked. “Ooh, is it gross?!” I said, fascinated. I looked. Frankly, it was disappointing. It’s just a little white plastic stick. I was expecting it to be all gross and barnacled with human flesh, but it wasn’t. “What, you thought it was going to be like something from an alien?” he laughed. “I’ll put it in a jar so you can show Rodd.” (I love Dr. Chin.) Then he put multiple layers of dressing on my arm (tape to hold the cut together, then bandages to keep any germs and water out). I have to keep it dry for a week. Then one last step – getting my trusty old Depo Provera injection. I told you it wasn’t to have kids! So that’s the story. I’d still recommend it, especially for anyone who needs a low-cost, low-effort method of birth control. But as every woman knows, sometimes what works for one person doesn’t work for another.

    * I won’t go into any more specifics than that, but if any women are considering it and want to know my experience, drop me an email.

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    @drkknits I’m so sorry! @kunaal84 got his. That spotty Internet kid must have intercepted it. I do have a gift from HotR for you though!

    @drkknits Just a small thing. One of the gold tokens you use to trigger the music boxes. 🙂

    I am cyborg no longer. Doc yanked the Implanon – and let me keep it! (That sound? My sis @carbolicious hurling.)

    No, their are no baby-plans afoot. Just didn’t agree with me. Went back to my trusty old injections. 🙂

    @drkknits Pretty neat, I’d say! Not sure how hard it is to drill. Will bring it at next Guild meeting. 🙂

    @twelveeyes The insertion scar was pretty small. He said the cut tonight was about 5mm. I have to keep it bandaged and dry for a week.

    @toastman Because it didn’t work so great for me. I think my system likes higher doses of stuff. 🙂

    De-cyborg-ification process, for anybody who wants the not-so-gory details:

    @titus_atticus It was a little pink from blood on one end, which he rinsed off. I was disappointed. I wanted to see calcified DNA and goo.

    Aha! Just saw poster for “Sydney Statues” as part of Art & About. So that’s what this was about: (cc @kunaal84)

  • Go Steve Wiebe!

    Neat! Steve Wiebe has reclaimed the Donkey Kong world record from Billy Mitchell. Go Steve!

  • Replacement iPhone procured

    Today was my third day of attempting to purchase an iPhone 4. Monday and Tuesday were both completely sold out. Today I got there when they opened at 8am to see a queue stretching around the building. On one hand, YAY, they must have stock! On the other hand, MASSIVE QUEUE. I joined it and hoped for the best. Not long after, Apple employees came along it telling folks that they’d reached the limit of contract handsets, so those of us at the end wouldn’t get one. “What about outright?!” I asked. “Oh! Just head right in,” he said. Giddy, I ran for the entrance. I joined a much shorter queue of 7 people. Fifteen minutes later, I had my phone. I paused only to send the Snook an email from one of the Macbooks announcing that I’d got it before heading off to work. After the ceremonial unboxing, I put in my SIM, plugged it in, and synced it up. And now it’s all back to normal, just like it never left. Phew.

    So what did this whole debacle cost me? In real money, only $100 (assuming that my insurance claim goes through, which it should). Several hours of panic and frenzy on Sunday morning as I tried to recover it before and after the race. An hour or two of hassle as I had to change all my passwords. And 74 hours of frustration as I had to live without a device that’s come to be an integral part of my daily routine. (Spider-Phone was a poor, poor substitute.)

    I realise this is hardly the worst thing that can happen to a person. It’s just STUFF. Stuff can be replaced. In the grand scheme of things, I’m LUCKY to have problems like losing an expensive phone. But within my own personal frame of reference, these three days really sucked. I’m so relieved to have it back now.

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    @redambition Heh. Snook already commented on that one on Reader. He wants the French Toast Bacon Sandwich. 🙂

    REPLACEMENT IPHONE PROCURED. Our long national nightmare of iPhone-less Kris is over (after 74 hours).

    @that_alison If I’d had to use that Spider-Phone for one more day, I may have invaded another country.

    I saw @knitterjp while I was in the Apple queue this morning. After some frantic miming, she cheered at my return to the flock.