Month: September 2010

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    Setting up our new washer and dryer. Yay!

    @knitterjp @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim Was sorry to miss it! And the bloody kids never showed up in the end! 🙁

    @mrs_sockvictim Yeah, we waited til 2:20 and then packed up. It was a nice time with Kerry and Bernadette though!

    Hahahaha… New frontloader (with see-thru door) is KITTY CINEMA. Dr. Amy is utterly entranced.

    Enjoying a post-whitegoods-installation beer. (@ Duck & Swan Hotel)

    Kitty Cinema.

    Who wants homemade sourdough?

    And now the finished bread. YUMMY.

    @zephyrama This is actually his 3rd attempt. Previous 2 were pretty deflated. Starter is going good now! I’ll put his comments on Rav. 🙂

    @Shannen546 Yes, you’re spamming everyone.

    New frontloader door is *squeaking* during wash. Just from being new? No water is leaking or anything. Just squeaking noises.

    Following ND game in bed on iPhone via ESPN site. Trying to explain to Snook how Michigan will crush us. Oh, look. They just scored. 🙁

  • Induction on Junior Masterchef

    Oh, neat! The kids on Junior Masterchef will be cooking on induction stoves because they’re less likely to get burned on them. May be worth watching an episode if you’re thinking of getting one.

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    @squozen I’m trying out Wordsmith. We’ll see.

    I must be feeling better. I’m dancing in my desk chair. Hooray for paracetamol and M&Ms!

    @venks79 Hooray! Have the BEST time; you deserve it. 🙂

    Hot Whisky as prepared by Irishman is ALWAYS the answer. I don’t feel sick; I feel bulletproof.

    @twelveeyes I got that too! Definitely a higher ratio of would-wears than usual..

    New washer and dryer are here! Anybody want to buy the old ones?

    @dancingman Yeah? You can have it for free, if you want! We still owe you. 🙂 I’ll email you photos/details.

    @SallyPompom Hooray! It’ll be great to see you. (There’s a lift! Be sure to use it. )

  • RunningBlog: Week 36

    We’re officially in the taper, folks! Which is a good thing, because I’ve caught a cold. I did a long run of 14.4km on Monday, which is the longest I’m going to manage before the Half-Marathon next weekend. I did the whole thing at 5:1 run/walk intervals, and I easily kept under the 7:45/km I need to average for the race. I’m not going to set any speed records, but I feel reasonably confident in my ability to finish the thing without getting pulled off the course. I had a massage Monday night and asked the masseuse to focus on my lower back and hips, which helped with some of the pain I was having. On Wednesday I went out for a nice easy run around the neighbourhood where I had very little issue with my foot, back or hips. That was good! But four hours later I was sniffling, which was bad. It always happens right before a race! I’m taking it easy for a few days, and I’ve skipped today’s planned run. So far everything is above-the-neck (mostly sinus-related), so I’m hoping I can keep it from moving into my lungs. Lots of liquids and sleep and decongestant for me!

    Sept. 6: 14.4km
    Sept. 8: 5.48km
    Total this week: 19.88km (12.4mi)
    Total in 2010: 674.2km (421.4mi)

    I should be at 692km to meet my goal of running 1000km in 2010, so I’m still about 18km behind pace.


    SWINTON looks great, but I loved the random digression about Little Women in the caption. That book was HUGELY INFLUENTIAL in my life too, and I also have never forgiven Jo for not marrying Laurie. (And don’t even get me started on Amy…)

  • The Vampire Diaries

    I feel like the universe may want me to watch The Vampire Diaries. I am unsure whether to comply.

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    As @kunaal84 would say, everything always works out for the best. Today is going better than expected. Hangin’ in there…

    More office fun with novelty specs…

    And just to top it all off, I forgot my keys. In the rain. With a nasty cold. Here’s hoping the Snook’s bus is quick. 🙁

    I’m cold. Guess that’ll learn me.

    For those playing with Game Center, feel free to add me! I’m on there under my Gmail address…

    Ooh, Game Center does nicknames too. I’m webgoddess.

    @squozen They’re all paid games! And none of the ones that I’ve already got. 🙁

  • Wacom Bamboo Touch

    Wacom Bamboo Touch
    For most of the winter, I’ve been having some fairly serious pain in my right wrist and elbow. It went away when we went on vacation but came back soon afterwards. It’s obviously connected to the heavy mouse usage of my right hand, combined with the pressure of my chair arm on a nerve near my elbow. I tried switching my mouse to the left hand, but I was utterly useless at it. I had resorted to trying to memorize keyboard shortcuts and daily applications of Voltarin to my wrist. Then two weeks ago my co-worker Graeme saw me and asked if I wanted to try out his Bamboo Touch. (He didn’t need it any more.) I was skeptical at first, but I am now a total convert. For all normal mouse-related activities, I’m just as quick now with the tablet as I was before. I utterly LOVE two-finger scrolling, which I also have on my MacBook at home. My wrist pain has disappeared completely. For my elbow, I ended up wrapping a scarf around the chair arm to create a makeshift pad. That’s helping quite a bit, so I think a more permanent solution is in order. Just thought I’d share my experience in case any of you are experience similar mouse-related repetitive use injuries!

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    RUNNERS, HELP! In my taper, 11 days to HM… and I’ve got a cold coming on. What’s the best course of action?

    Stupid frustrating week. Stress, work, upcoming race, Guild, mortgage refinancing… Keep getting overwhelmed. This cold isn’t helping. 🙁

    Nightcap: paracetamol with a decongestant chaser. ACHOOOO!

    @kunaal84 Oh man. You okay? Everything sorted? Sorry I bailed. Felt guilty even though I was useless to you!

    @liedra I lived in the UK for two years and had prepay the whole time. They wouldn’t give me a plan either.

    Most important work day in months and I am a snot monster. #fml

    @Opheli8 Are you on the same bus??

    Somehow a 45 minute head start has resulted in only a 15 minute gain. Thank you, crappy 461 driver.