Month: October 2010

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    Spent the whole day vegging on the couch and sleeping. Snook woke me up with a Dutch Baby pancake and a coffee. He is awesome.

    The Halloween hate makes me sad. We just need some education on proper trick-or-treating etiquette! Put me on the news; I’ll fix it!

    @Bells_G T-o-T is an organised activity. The town nominates one day. Kids only go to houses with lights on & decorations. It’s easy!

    @Bells_G If people don’t want to participate, they just don’t. It’s just that no one here understands how it’s meant to work.

    @Bells_G But we celebrate Chinese New Year here. And Bastille Day. And Guy Fawkes Day. Multiculturalism means getting all the fun stuff!

    I just feel that some anti-Halloween sentiment is less about the holiday and more about anti-Americanism.

    And avoiding a fun excuse for fancy dress and candy is cutting off your cultural nose to spite your face! 🙂

    @Bells_G That’s a valid point. But Halloween is also the *craftiest* of holidays in the US, truly. For us it’s all about being creative!

    @Lauren_lolly_ Fully agree that sucks. That’s why I need ten minutes on “Today Tonight” to sort out the ankle-biters. 🙂

    Just sad that folks are resistant to a holiday that, for me, is all about celebrating craft, costumes, & community. Bah, humbug indeed. 🙁

    RT @nellasantos: @web_goddess I got inspired by your Halloween parties so I held one tonight with coworkers. Huge success! http://plixi. …

    @nellasantos That’s awesome! Well done, glad to have inspired you guys. 🙂

    @Lauren_lolly_ Yes, it takes a lot longer than 9 years to undo an accent. Though I do same some words “strine”.

    @infoholic You aren’t looking very hard. For a lot of people, Halloween is all about craft and making stuff. I make SO MUCH every year.

    @Lauren_lolly_ My father’s fam are from Kentucky, so I can do an Appalachian if I need to. I do a better Sookie than Anna Paquin, frankly.

    @kunaal84 Getting there. Not sure if I’ll be in tomorrow yet. Might take another day to rest. Just wiped out…

    All the stuff I made for Halloween 2010, including my contest-winning homemade costume:

    @Lauren_lolly_ Only if you like corn fields.

    @ghimmelmann I guess. It just seems more vitriolic when it involves US though. Candy and costumes are fun, regardless of who popularised it!

    @imdominating That would be awesome. “Dr Chin, I’m gonna need some Percocet for my costume this year. I’m all about authenticity.”

    @mpesce Nothing so far in Chippo at our end. Have you had any yet? We had a few in previous years, but we were having an obvious party then.

    Realisation: Halloween = graffiti knitting, but I’m on the opposite side of this one. 🙂

    @steven_noble You reckon? To me the anti-Halloween sentiment was louder than ever this year. Depressed me a bit. Glad the kids had fun tho!

    RT @Fifikins: Our virginal Halloween: // AWESOME POST. I love how you approached it for your street, great idea!

    Feeling better, but my head is still sore and my jaw feels like it’s been punched. I think I’ll rest up for one more day. Stupid virus.

    Snookums is doing Movember again, so this morning this became this So weird. 🙂

    @morethanaride Kept the ‘tache? I’d love him to, actually, but he objects to the work involved in trimming. Can’t really blame him!

    @imdominating I said, It makes your nose look bigger! He said, I understand a lot of dudes take advantage of that effect… elsewhere. HA!

    Who loves me? Petey does.

    Check out Snookums’s #Movember effort to change the face of men’s health via @movember

  • Halloween 2010

    Pickled BrainEven though we cancelled our annual party this year, I still felt the need to exercise my Halloween crafty impulses. Luckily there are a couple other people at work who like the holiday, so we combined forces to throw a party on Friday. (It was also our end-of-the-month drinks, so that worked out nicely.)

    Throughout the week, I brought in Halloween decorations to liven up my corner of the office. I also made a pilgrimage to Sugar Fix to get candy corn and mini Reese’s Cups, which I put out in bowls on my desk. (Want to be popular? Free Reese’s Cups are the answer.) Thursday night I made a batch of my traditional Witches’ Finger Cookies. I went with a shortbread recipe this year, which helped retain the details a little better. They were a huge hit! I also broke out my brain mould and whipped up Igor’s Pickled Brain. I’ve done panna cotta before, but this one is basically a giant White Russian set with gelatin. I kept in the fridge all day at work and unmolded it at the end of the day. For sauce, I just poured on some stewed berries from a can, which looked suitably gross. People went NUTS! At one point there were like six people around it taking photos. Very gratifying! It was tasty too, with a strong coffee flavour. Quite a kick, too. My co-worker Gemma brought a lot of other snacks, including some excellent sugar cookies, chocolate crackles, and decorated cupcakes. Most of the office was on a sugar high all day long.

    Halloween Spread

    Alice in Wonderland

    My costume was very last minute. I’d been toying with a few different ideas. In the end, I pulled out my Lucy dress from Halloween 2008. This was sewn from a pattern that was actually intended as an Alice in Wonderland dress. So, why not be Alice? Unfortunately there was a problem as soon as I pulled it on – this thing was WAY too short for wearing at work. So I worked late into the night Thursday cutting up an old bedsheet to make myself a petticoat. I also made a small pinafore/apron to wear over the top. The Snook lent me his little white rabbit and made a tiny pocketwatch for him to wear. With a pair of white knee socks and an Alice band, I was ready. I changed just before lunchtime on Friday, and the reaction was great! In fact, at the end of the day, my boss announced they were giving a bottle of wine to the best costume… and I won! That was pretty awesome, especially considering just about all of it was homemade.

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    Feeling better. Amazing what sleep, shower, and paracetamol can do. Oh, and knitting! Much, much knitting!

  • Shared today on Twitter (cc @redambition @kunaal84 and all other Pratchette fans)

    Alice in Wonderland. (In this case, Wonderland looks a lot like an office.)

    @mrs_sockvictim Congrats! Best of luck with the new job.

    @Gin_ev_ra Try Seriously.

    @Gin_ev_ra Nope, but I read it regularly…

    I keep cracking up whenever I see @venks79 in his wizard hat.

    @missamanda That was at my university. My Dad emailed me about it last night. It’s the main news over there. 🙁

    The Pickled Brain is a big hit! I hope it tastes good…

    @thepurple8 It’s basically a White Russian set with gelatin. Very alcoholic! Covered in mixed berries and syrup.

    Phew! The Brain tastes great. Like a tiramisu with a lot of *kick*. 🙂

    Overheard: “Why is everything in this office goatse?!” “Because of @TitusAtticus.” (cc @lemon_lime)

    High point: I won the office Best Costume contest! Free bottle of wine! Low point: I think I’m getting a cold sore. Must be getting sick. 🙁

    @Kat13v Wow, cool!!

    Went to fill antiviral prescription and it was expired. So now sitting in Dr’s waiting room feeling increasingly like ass… 🙁

    It’s a beautiful day… and I feel awful. Lymph nodes are swollen and head feels achey. I think this shall be a hermit weekend.

  • Asparagus Cake

    Asparagus Cake. That’s AMAZING. Sister, get on that.

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    @redambition Yeah? Want to split shipping? 🙂

    @richapplefool Yep. I used it today to block the stupid fly-in SMH ads. Works great! Just add “” as a new rule.

    Pickled brain is chilling, and witches’ fingers are cooling. I love Halloween.

    After frantic sewing, Halloween costume for office party is done. Sneak peek: I SWEAR it wasn’t meant to be sexy.

    @knitness Yep! I have a headband too. 🙂

    @knitness Heh. They’re actually thigh highs; I had to fold them down to preserve some modesty. 🙂

    @jannism That’s why he’s my TV historian rock star boyfriend. 🙂

    Our office Halloween spread (minus the brain, which is still chilling): Props to Gemma for teaming up!

  • Photo Post

    Sneak peek at my Halloween costume

    Sneak peek at my Halloween costume

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    Okay, who knows how to kill those stupid fly-in ads at the bottom of SMH stories? Do I just have to use Adblock?

    @AusVintageGrrl I just drag and drop folders onto my library and it adds them…

    Holy. Crap. That is right by my house! (cc @steven_noble)

    Oh. My. God. @lemon_lime is playing ragtime piano from memory in my house, and it’s awesome! Party trick!

    @betsybookworm Saw that! Blogged it yesterday. Love it. 🙂

    Another day, another furious email sent to Sydney Buses about a 483 driver who looked right at me as he sailed past Broadway this morning.

    @DDsD I’ve gotten responses from them before. Unfortunately their stupid form doesn’t give you any indication if your message was sent.

  • Halloween

    Just to reiterate for those who missed the message a few weeks ago: we will NOT be hosting our annual Halloween party this year. We decided to take a year off. (And it was such a good idea. No stress!) So no, it’s not that you didn’t get an invitation. There’s no party happening. 🙂

  • Death by Knitting Needle

    Death by knitting needle. Pretty awesome AskMeFi question about horror movies featuring knitting-related murders.