Month: October 2010

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    @getupgo Hahaha… The concept of a “food baby” always makes me laugh.

    @imdominating I’ve not seen it, but I have it to watch. Is JGL totes adorable in it? Should I make Snook suffer through it? 🙂

    Snookums is telling me about Stephen Bradbury’s inspirational talk at Yahoo today. Sounds like an awesome guy!

    @mrs_sockvictim No fair! You know I’m hopeless with secrets! Spill! 🙂

    @kunaal84 Yowch! Isn’t that why y’all wear pads?

    What the heck, Sydney? George St is a parking lot. Been sitting on bus outside 3 Monkeys for like 10 minutes.

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    @L4Designs I have never forgiven him for that whole browser upgrade initiative thing 9 years ago:

    Anybody else going to the Granny Square grand opening tonight?

    @kunaal84 Yep. Grand opening of my friend’s knitting shop in Newtown!

    @kunaal84 Nope. Those are overseas pretties, hence their highly prized status in Oz.

    @Yarna_ @knitterjp Yikes, that sucks. Hope you’re back to normal soon…

    @miss_reecie Remember, moss grows on the north side of the trees! Oh shit, wait. Is that reversed in this hemisphere? #nohelpatall

    Fun at the Granny Square grand opening tonight:

    Attack of the Bieber Knitters! (@mrs_sockvictim @knitterjp)

    @witty_knitter You’re lucky I didn’t get you guys too!

    @TitusAtticus Nah, that’s Albie. He’s not Indian; he’s Jewish! Sydney entrepreneur extraordinaire and local knitting magnate.

    For the curious, the shwoopy teen hairstyling was courtesy of BieberHair (, the Best. App. Ever. (Thanks @kunaal84!)

    @randomknits Hahahaha… I know, awesome, right?! 🙂

    @randomknits BIEBERBUNNY. Cuteness x 10.

    @chrisgander Ew! I like Lea Michele, but she looks like a cheap sex doll in those photos. 🙁

  • Nigella and those carrots

    Why are women depicted differently from men in food photography? EXACTLY. This is why I still have a hard time taking Nigella Lawson seriously. Men get to be chefs; women have to be porn stars posing with phallic vegetables.

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    Writing my first HTML at work in, oh, 2 years. Feels good.

    @wcritchie You’re right. Just hard to look on the bright side when you’re standing in the rain waiting for a bus knowing you’ll be late!

    @L4Designs When I write HTML, it’s like it’s still 1999. *sigh*

    A day that started bad turned out good in the end. Productive work, relaxing run, nice dinner, and project success. More tomorrow…

    @L4Designs Not a Zeldman fan. 🙂 (I write plenty of HTML and PHP and SQL in my spare time. It was just novel to get to do it at work!)

    Dear Internet: is live. I’ve been living and breathing this site for 5 months. The day is finally here!

    Hooray for @carbolicious, who has offered to play international courier for me. Looks like I’ll get my Dansko Marcelles after all. 🙂

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    Massive thanks to @kunaal84 for saving my life today with a half-pint of @BenAndJerryOz’s Chunky Monkey.

    A terrible night’s sleep followed by a morning downpour and a headache. It’s going to be That Sort of day.

    @DDsD Hammer + nail + phone book is how I did it last time. That worked.

    Early start negated by complete failure of any Domain buses to turn up for 15 minutes. I’ve seen like a dozen 470’s though.

    @Opheli8 I gave up at 20 minutes. Caught a 431 and will walk from Town Hall. STUPID BUSES.

    RT @voicework: Well, waddayaknow! US President Barack Obama 2 appear on Mythbusters #mythbusters This will be inter …

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    @_brigita_ Any team that beats Ohio State is a friend of mine. Go Badgers!

    My first ever homemade scones are baking! Cheddar & Apple! Recipe is from Smitten Kitchen:

    @that_alison Can’t type. Too busy eating. SOOOOO GOOOOOOD.

    I blogged today’s cooking experiments: Stamppot and scones!

  • Stamppot and Scones

    StamppotStamppot and Scones
    This week’s veggie box had more kale in it, so I went hunting for another way to use it up. Somehow I hit upon the idea of making stamppot. Stamppot is a Dutch dish that basically consists of boiling up a ton of vegetables, mashing them, and serving it with meat. I’d been wanting to try this dish for 25 years.* Here’s the recipe I used. Most of the cooking time is in the preparation. I used potatoes, butternut pumpkin, sweet potato, carrots, parsnips, leek, onion, and kale. After a rough mashing, I added a big whack of butter, salt, and pepper. As the meat accompaniment, we fried up a half a dozen Spanish chorizo sausages. It was very tasty! It easily made six large servings.

    * In the 3rd grade, I discovered the book The Twenty-One Balloons at my school book fair and bought it. I still have that very book, complete with my 8-year-old self’s signature. It’s one of my favorite books in the world, and I’ve probably read it twenty times. At the end of the story, the Krakatoans are forced to escape their exploding island aboard a massive balloon platform. The only food they have to eat is what Mrs. D (of the Dutch house) had prepared for dinner: Stampot von zuurkool met rookworst. Isn’t it funny the things that stick in your mind? As soon as Google showed the word “stamppot,” I knew exactly where I’d heard of it, and that I had to make it.

    I also did some baking today. Earlier in the week I saw this typically gorgeous Smitten Kitchen post featuring Apple and Cheddar Scones. I’ve been on an apple-and-cheese kick lately, so it appealed to me. We had pretty much everything already on hand, so I whipped them up for tea today. They were so good! It was my first attempt at making scones from scratch. (Normally the Snook is the scone-maker in this house.) He said they were “light and crispy.” We devoured two each not long after taking them out of the oven.

    Baking scones   Finished scones

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    Sometimes he loves me. (It’s the bare feet – both pairs – that make me smile.)

  • Good jobs

    We are lucky.
    It appears I have the 26th best job in America, according to CNN. The Snook’s current role is #37, but he’s also been #1 many times over the last 10 years. The weird thing is that neither of us actually got degrees in our current fields. (I did Communications; the Snook did Chemistry.) For the most part we just stumbled into our roles because we find them interesting and they play to our strengths. We’re very lucky.