Worldwide Festival of Races
Month: October 2010
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Having a hard time deciding what to buy from the US since the exchange rate is so good. That
That’s probably a sign that I don’t really need to buy anything.
@venks79 Nope. You’ll just be sad you missed out on the ice cream. 🙂
Having breakfast and mentally preparing for the Worldwide Festival of Races today. Cool + rainy will be good for my 10K time! #WWFOR
@kunaal84 GET A MOVE ON! 🙂
Smell Like a Monster
“Anything is possible when you smell like a monster!” I love Grover.
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Trying out Millennium Pizza in Chippo.
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Best. Friday. Ever. Thanks @BenAndJerryOz! #FreeScoopFridays
Too. Full. Can’t. Eat. Anymore. Ice Cream. @BenAndJerryOz coma is imminent…
@VenessaHunt It’s my food baby and I love it.
@AusVintageGrrl Nope! Kelly, Emma, Alesha.
@mrs_sockvictim WTF. Want to share a order tonight? 🙂
Rather disappointed that no one in my office commented on my awesome ThinkGeek Marie Curie shirt. It had polonium and radium on it!
My 2nd-to-last Saturday morning spent preparing for a Guild meeting. Yay!
@witty_knitter Did you guys want me to bring my laptop, or are you all set for that?
@Gin_ev_ra No worries. Noted! Thanks for that.
@kunaal84 Best of luck!
@witty_knitter I reckon you’ll be fine. I’ll just bring a couple connectors in case you need them.
@drkknits I’m on my way now, should be there in 10min to open doors and start setting up!
Free Scoop Friday!
Our office won Ben and Jerry’s Free Scoop Friday! We got like 50 pints of ice cream! Best. Friday. Ever.
RunningBlog: Week 40
Kind of an up-and-down week. I was just so TIRED at the start. It may have been related to Daylight Savings, or to all the physical work we did on Monday on the house. At any rate, Tuesday and Wednesday I just felt like a giant slug. This morning I had a great run though, and I’m starting to feel a little energy return. I’m really looking forward to our Sydney Worldwide Festival of Races event on Sunday!
Oct. 3: 7.01km
Oct. 5: 2km
Oct. 6: 5.92km
Oct. 8: 6.56km
Total this week: 21.49km (13.4mi)
Total in 2010: 754.46km (471.5mi)To meet my goal of running 1000km in 2010, I should be at 769km. So I’ve got about 15km to make up yet…
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Playing with Instagram for iPhone. I kinda like it! Allows us hipster-filter fanatics to share photos. Add me as krishoward if you’re there.
@ozgamer I used it to take my DRAMATIC new avatar photo. 🙂
@TitusAtticus I thought you asked me dumb questions and then I introduced scope creep?
@ozgamer I just added you! Look in your “news” tab.
Frick. Updated @runkeeper but turns out there’s a bug. Don’t update if you haven’t already!
@discoknitter Great news! Glad to hear it.
@ozgamer It was crashing on startup. I actually deleted the app and reinstalled and it seems to be okay now.
@witty_knitter I am one of the ones who hasn’t. Just no time/energy this week. I am looking forward to the talk/demo though!
@NHM_London Oh, that’s CRAP, Germaine. I have cats & care about biodiversity. THEY DON’T GO OUTSIDE & THEY DON’T REPRODUCE. Problem solved.
Discovery: Gap and Old Navy now deliver internationally. And the exchange rate is practically 1:1. SWEEEEEET.
RT @VenessaHunt: Excited! @BenAndJerryOz is delivering free dairylicious to … @mobile_active offices this afternoon! // YAY! THAT’S US!
“People who care about biodiversity don’t keep cats,” says Germaine Greer. OH SUCK IT, GERMAINE. What utter trolling. I am Australian. I have cats. I care about biodiversity. My cats don’t go outside and they don’t reproduce. Problem friggin’ solved.
There was a stray – with a collar – who spent several months visiting our garden and scaring away the birds and the skinks. We couldn’t catch him, so we called the rangers on him and they took him away. The skinks and the birds are back. SEE HOW IT WORKS?
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Kunaalr and his lunch