Month: November 2010

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    Like @ebertchicago, I remember. (My absentee ballot was sent many weeks ago.)

    I got Shocking on the office sweep. Just the one I wanted! (The jockey’s name is Rodd.)

    I just ousted Misha as the mayor of Sushi Hero II on @foursquare!

    Rockin’ the hipster fedora for Melbourne Cup.

    @chrisgander lists a couple…

    Okay, so the 2nd person has referred to my fedora as “Michael Jackson.” I may have to remove it.

    Jockey Rodd let me DOWN!

    Heard in the office: “I would’ve been better off putting the money into US dollars instead of the stupid horses.” Seriously.

    The exchange rate has me thinkin’. Where do we think I can get brooklyntweed’s Shelter yarn for the cheapest international shipping?

    @randomknits Ah, but Knit-Purl are free for international orders over $300. Just need to get a few other people… 🙂

    RT @carbocommander: Election Results 2010 –

    Going to send out a final call for IC Guild nominations tomorrow… Time to put your hands up, people!

  • House on the Rock Halloween

    Photos from the House on the Rock Halloween Weekend. Awesome. I especially like the one of Neil as the Doctor.

    I really should post my pictures from our trip sometime…

  • Stress

    Stress. Why am I so susceptible to it? Friday’s Halloween party celebrations were cut short when I started feeling a tell-tale tingle on my lip in the afternoon. Crap. I haven’t had a cold sore for well over a year. I felt worse and worse as the day progressed. I left the party as soon as I could and rushed home to get my anti-viral prescription filled. It had expired, but luckily my doctor was working late and able to authorise a new one. I took the drugs and then basically spent the next 72 hours lying on our couch. I’m not sure if it’s the virus or the medicine, but I just feel so horrible and dizzy and sore. The glands in my jaw were swollen and tender. On the plus side, the antivirals stopped me from having shooting neuralgia pains going up my whole head. The drugs worked quickly, and by Monday I was starting to feel myself again. The sore is already healing, enough that I’m not too self-conscious about it. Man, could they just hurry up and cure this already? It SUUUUCKS.

  • I Remember

    Like Roger Ebert, I remember. My absentee ballot was sent weeks ago. I didn’t vote Republican.

  • Photo Post

    Rockin’ the hipster fedora for Melbourne Cup

    Rockin' the hipster fedora for Melbourne Cup

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @kunaal84 SUIT UP. Or else I’ll look silly!

    My Melbourne Cup look: Joan Holloway in the 21st century.

    No fascinator, but I did bring a — hangs head in shame — hipster fedora.

    @AusVintageGrrl On you it looks good. On me it looks like Hillary Duff in Gossip Girl. Ugh.

    @redambition Gorgeous! Love that it matches the shoes. 🙂

    My package from Heartbreaker Fashion cleared customs last night! So I should get it today, right? (PRETTY FROCKS AHOY!)

  • Chrontendo

    Chrontendo is a video podcast that aims to examine every single Nintendo game in chronological order. The Snook and I watched Episode 1 tonight. (So far the guy is up to Episode 33!) It’s AMAZING, and I love it so much. The Snook was incredulous at first that someone could even get through every NES game in a liftime. “There are probably over a thousand!” he said. “This guy has a CALLING,” I answered. “Don’t disparage it! It’s a beautiful thing!” (This Metafilter post has handy links to each episode.) I predict many enjoyable hours of nostalgia watching this.