Month: November 2010

  • The rebirth of Sassy?

    “Jane Pratt taps blogger Tavi Gevinson to revive ‘Sassy’.” As I said on Google Reader, this is one of the best gifts the universe could ever give me. Sassy was a huge, HUGE part of who I was (and who I wanted to be) in high school. I had a subscription and I read every issue voraciously. I thought Thurston Moore and Evan Dando were dreamy. I planned entries to the “Sassiest Girl in America” contest (but never followed through). I mocked Seventeen and YM. I even bought a hand-painted T-shirt (featuring a big female symbol) from the classifieds in the back and actually wore it to school.

    I’ve got no idea what happened to my old magazines. They probably got chucked when I went off to college. It’s a huge source of regret. I really need to get that book.

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    Playing with candy teeth. I have no shame.

    Playing with candy teeth. I have no shame.

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    @imdominating You can’t leave us hangin there. What exactly is “on fire”?? Your HOUSE is on fire? Your LOVE is on fire? Now I’m obsessed.

  • Inner City Committee 2010

    The outgoing Inner City Committee 2010
    Here’s Geraldine, Rose, and I celebrating our retirement from leading the Guild’s Inner City group yesterday.

    Geraldine, Rose, and I

    Our term was a long one; it’s actually been 22 months since we took office. In that time the membership has more than doubled to 73 and we’ve changed venue twice. Our group now has its own bank account with a healthy balance. We’re averaging about 40 members per meeting. We’ve had a lot great workshops and talks, many by our own members. I’m really proud of everything we’ve accomplished! …And I’m looking forward to being a “civilian” again. 🙂

    The new committee are going to be great. The Convenor is Tia, and I’ll be working with her to hand over the reins. Secretary will be Kelly, and Treasurer will be Jane. Best of luck to all of them!

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    Me, Rose, and Geraldine at our last Guild meeting in charge of the Inner City group. It’s been fun everyone!

    @knitdra New line up is: Tia, (@AusVintageGrrl), Kelly, and Jane (RoseRed). Yay!

    @AusVintageGrrl The Snook says that a smooth transition of power is the mark of a good dictatorship. 😀

    @ReverseGarbage Granny Square knitting shop in Newtown has brilliant row of old theater seats they said they got from you!

    @ReverseGarbage Will do next time I’m in there…

    Phew. Home from Guild; had a beer; sent some emails; time to relax….

    SONOFA. This sock won’t fit over the Snook’s ankle; only just fits over mine. Frogged. Sigh.

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    @miss_reecie I would need to change careers to something more hip to pull that off. Social media or graphic design? 🙂

    @swandives Oh! I misread your tweet. I thought you were complaining they’d used eg instead of ex. 🙂

    @carbolicious TBB??

    My inbox suddenly became awesome. Thanks @knitabulous!

    @knitabulous Those are some damn fine looking hooters, I have to say.

    Note to self: full skirt + William St wind tunnel = BAD combination.

    Snook is making us an orange-poppyseed cake for Guild tomorrow. I am making snickerdoodles.

    “Booze! That’s what I should’ve put in this!” Snook just said. He regrets that his orange-poppyseed cake is non-fortified.

    @misswired Cheers. I have been adjusting to the fringe all week. I feel like I’m wearing a wig.

    @toastman Those people are *wrong*.

    @toastman Snook says: “I always refer to my snickerdoodles as a sugar cookie.” And then he snorted. I think it was meant to be rude.

    Four dozen snickerdoodles cooling in the kitchen…

    @SallyPompom It’s a traditional American cookie. Mainly sugar and cinnamon! Nobody doesn’t like snickerdoodles. 🙂

    @carbolicious Oh! HAHAHAHA. Yeah, pretty much.

    David Chang is starting a restaurant in Sydney! AWESOME.

    @drkknits We miss you!

  • RunningBlog: Week 45

    I met my distance goal for the week! Of course, that 10K run on Sunday helped. Just need to keep this momentum going for a few more weeks…

    Nov. 7: 10km
    Nov. 9: 6.07km
    Nov. 11: 6.21km
    Total this week: 22.28km (13.9mi)
    Total in 2010: 844.51km (527.8mi)

    Only 155.49km left to my goal of running 1000km in 2010, and I’ve got seven more weeks to do it. I need to keep hitting 22km per week!

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    Moomin Candy makes me happy.

    W00t! Thanks to @kunaal84 for ordering tickets to Amanda Palmer (with @neilhimself) at the Opera House for Australia Day!

    @laimelde I’m a definite Neil fan. (Snook and I went to the House on the Rock in August!) Have never heard Amanda, but looking forward to it

    @Roceal That would be awesome! We’re in the circle, 3rd row back towards the center.

    Look at this offing hipster. (My new dress.)

    Obviously, I need some retro sunnies.

    “Offing”?! Stupid iPhone auto-correct.

    Har Har. @venks79 just came by to ask me to take his order. 🙂

    @swandives But “eg” means “for example”:

    SMH FAIL! Photo 19 is NOT Sir Ian McKellan. Poor John Hurt. He gets no credit.

    Attention @smh_news. Ian McKellen and John Hurt are actually two separate people.

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    Obviously, I need some retro sunnies.

    Obviously, I need some retro sunnies.