Month: November 2010

  • Ceramics Workshop

    A lovely little ceramics studio in our neighbourhood is having a bowl decorating workshop. I think I might go!

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    Sharing pumpkin pie at work. My Monday is improving.

    @imdominating I once watched Mansfield Park TWICE on the same plane flight just to see JLM in period costume.

    Any QA people looking for work? We have a position going. DM me if you’re interested.

    I hate storms! Poor cats are hiding. They do too.

    Anybody have Vogue Knitting Winter 2009/2010? My conquest of the Easter Show depends on it!

    @miss_reecie Sweet! Can you look up something for me? Making hipster cardy for Snook. What are the sizes?

    @miss_reecie So that’s the finished size? With garment closed?

    @miss_reecie Thank you! I’d love to borrow it on Saturday if you’ll loan it to me. 🙂

    About to order $760 worth of Brooklyn Tween wool from the U.S. *gulp* No, it’s not all for me…

    @mirvettium 62 all up. Not all in the Brooklyn Tweed; a couple other randoms in there too. Big joint order for 5 people in total. 🙂

    @jenbishopsydney Great job! What are you doing that’s working so well?

    @witty_knitter Whoa! It’s like an episode of House or something.

    We have hired a new “Chris” in the office who sits 15 feet from me. This is going to be trouble. I keep hearing my name and looking up.

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    Post-race protein loading. Is it too early for beer? (@ Cafe Guilia w/ 2 others)

    @kunaal84 You did awesome! Now go sit in an ice bath. 😀

    Oh, I think it’s PUMPKIN PIE TIME.

    @gadgetgirl70 Fresh! From my ignored jack-o-lantern pumpkin, actually. Recipe:

    RT @carbocommander: @carbolicious your nuts smell great! // SNORT. Ha!

    Count ’em: 1, 2, 3 pumpkin pies! (The middle one is rectangular because I ran out of pie plates!)

    @Alegrya If you’re anywhere near Broadway tonight, let me know and you can come have a piece. 🙂

    @Alegrya Ha. Just realised you were far, far away. I keep forgetting that. Sorry to taunt you with pie!

    I baked three pies… and how I’m hemming curtains. WTF. Who is this be-fringed domestic goddess?

    Homemade pumpkin pie with real whipped cream. So good! I want to eat the whole pie but Snook won’t let me.

    @AusVintageGrrl If you can get here in the next 30 minutes, I’ll pack up a couple pieces for you… 🙂

    GODDAMMIT. Cookie A has screwed me again! Stupid error in the stupid razza frazza pattern… FROGGED. GAH.

    Wow. So “Sock Innovation” has a LOT of errata. That kinda sucks.

  • Curtains… Hemmed

    Curtains… Hemmed
    Remember the curtains we hung last month? I finally got around to hemming them today! I used this great tutorial and the iron-on hemming tape that came with the curtains. It was a little bit of a bodge because my curtains were SOOO not square. There was no chance of me lining up the edges and having the hem be level. So I ended up having to pretty much put a pleat on the back of each one on one side. They look fine from the front though! Just skimming the ground. I’m not sure I trust the hemming tape (especially when it comes time to wash the curtains), but they’ll do for now!

    Hemmed curtains Hemmed curtains Hemmed curtains

  • 2010 Rebel Sport Run4Fun 10K

    This was my second year running this race (last year’s race report) and my first with the Snook beside me. A bunch of guys from my office were also signed up as well. We met Kunaal at Central Station at 7:15 and enjoyed an uneventful trip to Olympic Park. Once we got there, I dropped off my backpack and made a toilet stop. I had been hoping for cool rainy weather like last year, but instead it was turning out sunny and warm. The Snook and I lined up in the Purple group (the other guys were all in the Red) and waited for the gun to go off.

    Before the race

    I had my iPhone safely strapped to my arm – no chance of losing it this time – and I started RunKeeper as we inched towards the starting mats. I made a quick mental decision to not worry about checking my pace during the actual race. It was going to be more fun to just enjoy myself with the Snook. The first couple KMs were relatively easy, except for the excessive crush of people. (I think they need to stagger the start even more next year.) I felt good so I skipped the first water stop. The sun was getting stronger all the time though. We doubled back and headed towards the back half of the course.

    Sidenote: I have to say, I was really disappointed by how many people I saw jumping the curb and cutting corners. I probably could have shaved another minute off my time if we’d done what most of the crowd was doing. Bah.

    Anyhoo, I could feel my pace starting to slow in the second half. They’d changed the course from last year so it had less turnarounds, but it was also a bit more hilly too. I walked briefly as I had a drink at the second water stop. At the 7K mark, the Snook announced that he was “finally warmed up” and that he was feeling good. I announced that I was falling apart and that I hated him. We persevered. My friend Tytana ran past and said hello. The 8K mark was right at the top of a small hill, and I had to walk for 30s to catch my breath. Then it was the final push to the finish. My friend Raj shouted a greeting as he sprinted past us. At the 9K mark, I told the Snook to go on ahead and finish strong. I had a sudden side stitch and it was all I could do to just keep going. He pulled ahead a bit. We rounded the stadium and entered the tunnel. I had nothing left to sprint, but I did my best to hold on until the end. The stitch was hurting so bad. RunKeeper recorded a time of 70:21, but my official adjusted time was 70:00 exactly. So I only missed last year’s PR of 69:06 by a little bit! I’m happy with that. (Snookums finished in 69:22.) Up in the stands we reunited with our friends…

    The MobileActive running team
    The MobileActive running team: Me, Raj, Venks, Josh, and Kunaal

    It was a fun day. Thanks to my best friend for running with me!

    Me and Snookums

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    So I didn’t carve my Halloween pumpkin after all. Instead I’m making it into real, homemade pumpkin pie. My house is gonna smell AWESOME!

    The things we do for beauty. @ Partners Hair Workshop

    I haven’t had a fringe in a really long time! (Yanks: fringe = bangs.)

    Proof of fringe:

    Waiting to see The Social Network. (@ Event Cinemas George Street w/ 6 others)

    @TitusAtticus They sell them at Kmart. We get the Sodastream gas bottles all the time. (Rodd uses then to carbonate his home brew.)

    Run4Fun folks: I’m about 10 rows from the top above meeting point T-Z.

  • Photo Post

    The things we do for beauty.

    The things we do for beauty.

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    Evolution of a Geek ‘Tache: -> -> #movember

    @imdominating He only bathes in asses’ milk. (In reality: probably has more to do with VERY LITTLE SUN EXPOSURE.) 🙂

    @imdominating His answer: “I just keep it covered with a beard most of the time.”

    RT @kunaal84: Happy Diwali every one! // And from me too!

    Wow. Lolita-fashion in the SMH. Wonder what @spycoredotnet has to say about it? 🙂

    Discovered tonight that my masseuse at Broadway now gives health fund rebates. #highlightofmyweek

  • Maile Sweater and Swirl Hat

    Maile Sweater and Swirl Hat
    Hey, I knitted something! It’s been months and months, actually. But last week my friend Kevin’s first child was born, and such a thing demands commemoration. I picked the pattern and the yarn before the birth, assuming that the combination would work for either gender. It helps that the father is Irish. 🙂

    Maile Sweater

    The cardigan is the Maile Sweater. It’s knitted from the bottom up in one piece. I actually knitted it twice: the first time on 3.5mm needle as per the pattern, and the second time on 3.75mm needles. (I thought it looked a little small so I frogged it and started over.) On the first attempt, I followed the pattern exactly including knitting the sleeves flat and joining them with no cast-off stitches. I wasn’t thrilled with it though, and the underarms had a few stitches that looked very stretched. So when I frogged and reknitted, I took the opportunity to experiment. The sleeves were knitted this time in the round via Magic Loop. When I joined them, I set aside 4 live stitches on the body and 4 live stitches on the underarm of the sleeve on waste wool. I later grafted these together (a la Elizabeth Zimmerman). It makes for a very nice finish, and it definitely made those first few rows after joining easier.

    The wool is “Merino Chubby Sock” in Barleygrass by the Knittery. One skein was plenty to knit the jumper, and I had so much left over that I actually made a matching hat. The pattern is the “Swirl Hat” from Sheepy Time Knits. And I still have wool left over! This stuff goes a long way.

    As usual, there are more photos and details over on Ravelry: Maile Sweater / Swirl Hat. Now I just have to wait to get a photo of the baby actually wearing them!

  • RunningBlog: Week 44

    I missed last week’s report, but it would have been depressing anyway. I’ve been having increased pain in my right foot (the one that’s been bothering me all year), and then last weekend I got knocked out by a virus. So my totals for the past two weeks are fairly low.

    Oct. 26: 6.01km
    Oct. 27: 5.87km
    Nov. 3: 6.32km
    Nov. 5: 6.01km
    Total this week: 12.33km (7.7mi)
    Total in 2010: 822.23km (513.89mi)

    It is now exactly eight weeks til the end of 2010. I am still 177.77km shy of meeting my goal of running 1000km this year. I’ll need to average 22.2km per week to hit the target. Given the state of my foot, this isn’t going to be easy. I’ve got one more race scheduled: the 10K Run 4 Fun this Sunday. After that, I’m thinking I may need to incorporate some walking and give my foot a chance to rest up. I’m going to do my best to reach the goal, whatever it takes.