Month: December 2010

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    @laimelde 1100km in 2011 works out to 21.1km a week… 🙂

    Crap crap crap. Four out of our five dinner guests have now piked on dinner tonight. I’ll just have to eat all this Nuts & Bolts myself!

    @mpesce We’re going with cabbage. Anything green that looks like money counts! 🙂

    @eileenDCoE Yay!

    Listening to Snook and @kunaal84 talk Warcraft. Need more alcomohol.

    It’s all happening here… @kunaal84

    @dhgarske Nice! Snook’s family’s from up there. You too?

    S62011 wool has been selected and wound ready to go for midnight! Beautiful orange/red Shibui is the go. 🙂

    @tinkabel @nahashon HEY! We stopped well before midnight… 🙂

    Happy New Year!!

    Was that Nessun Dorma at the end?! Weird choice for a fireworks finale!

    @kunaal84 And to you! Thanks for everything this year, especially for putting up with the bad parts. Here’s to a much better 2011… 🙂

    @mrs_sockvictim @knitterjp @Bells_G Hang on – I’ll start too! Just as soon as I manage to get out of bed. 🙂

    @eileenDCoE Was it that dangerous looking thing from Facebook? EEK!

  • Knitting Round-Up 2010

    It’s that time of year when we look back and say… “Is that really all I knitted this year?!” I actually threw in my first real sewing project just to pad it out a bit. All links go to Ravelry, but you can also get more info on my crafts page.

    Knitting Projects

    1. Baby Surprise Jacket, 2. Crochet Baby Blanket, 3. Sam Socks, 4. Swirl Hat, 5. Maile Sweater, 6. Miller’s Hat, 7. Absinthe Socks, 8. Albert the Magic Pudding, 9. St. Brigid, 10. Tigger Hoodie, 11. My first skirt!

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  • Photo Post

    Happy New Year!!

    Happy New Year!!

  • RunningBlog: Week 52 – I’M DONE!

    I am extremely happy to report that this morning I crossed the 1000km threshold for the year. Hooray! Thanks to everyone who supported me along the way.

    Dec. 25: 6.44km
    Dec. 27: 8.65km
    Dec. 29: 6.88km
    Dec. 31: 5.04km
    Total this week: 27.01km (16.88mi)
    Total in 2010: 1002.41km (626.5mi)

    I knew today that I needed 2.63km to hit the 1000, so the Snook came along to the park and stationed himself near that point. He shot some video as I crossed the imaginary line.

  • Day 7 of Christmas Vacation

    A quiet one. In the morning I did a quick soak of some kidney beans and then got my Best Baked Beans going in the slow cooker. I knitted two swatches for one of my Easter Show projects but they’re both looking a bit big. Hm. Fiona came over with a Giant Bag O’ Tango to help me pick colours for Paper Dolls (which I am toying with the idea of cardigan-izing). The Snook and I also loaded up Fee’s car with compost and peat and vermiculite for her garden (since I have given up on the idea of ever producing veggies in our shady space). Plans for NYE dinner tonight are firming up nicely, so we made a shopping list and headed over to the Broadway to stock up. Back at home, dinner was hot dogs and baked beans and coleslaw. (So good!) Afterwards, we started our second batch of ice cream for the guests: Alton Brown’s Burned Peach Ice Cream!

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    @AusVintageGrrl Super cute!

    Hipster Cardy swatch knitted and now soaking. Cotton Baby Blanky in the washing machine. It’s all happening here.

    @drkknits Shelter. Man, this shit GROWS. Seriously. I may actually have to use the needle specified in the pattern. UNHEARD OF for me!

    Making plans to finally use the fondue set @carbolicious gave us for tomorrow night. We need some sort of gel fuel?! Any ideas where to get?

    @pcalcado Ooh, that place is good! Save room for the pineapple. 🙂

    2nd Hipster Cardy swatch STILL too big w/ actual recommended needle. Hm. Don’t think I’ll go any smaller. Aggressive blocking is the answer.

    Except wait. You can only block things bigger, not smaller. GAH. WHATEVER, MATH, IT’S TOO LATE.

    @carbolicious We seem to remember carrying it back from a visit w/ you? Like somebody gave it to you originally?

    This is it. Last day of 2010 and I’ve got 2.63km to go. The Snook and I are heading out to the park right now. WOOOO, I WIN!

    That’s it! 1000km in 2010. (Snook will upload video soon.) Who wants to join me in my goal to run 1100km in 2011? We can do it together!

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  • Day 6 of Christmas Vacation

    I got up early because Fiona was picking me up for a run. We headed to Iron Cove to run the Bay Run. It was a beautiful day. (That’s another 6.85km off my total, leaving me with 2.6km to go!) After a shower back home, the Snook and I headed into the city to run a few errands. He got computer parts; I got some sewing supplies. Then I headed to HCF Dental to see if I could get an emergency appointment to fix a broken tooth. (I was eating a toffee on Boxing Day when a bit of tooth around a filling went CRUNCH and disappeared.) I didn’t have to wait too long and within an hour I was out the door all fixed up. He’d had to drill a little bit though, so I’d had a local anesthetic and the whole right side of my face was numb for hours. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful: I had a nap; I finished the crochet baby blanket; I made some banana ice cream. I also watched the Carbo family’s entire series of 8 YouTube videos documenting all of Christmas morning. The highlight was seeing my nephew Penn open our gift and leap to his feet shouting “MOOMINS!” That was great. 🙂

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    Tooth is repaired. Anesthetic has numbed whole right side of jaw though. Feel like I’m going to accidentally gnaw my own tongue…

    @ScottRhodie I’m in the thame thituation.

    @ScottRhodie Mine finally wore off. Now I can properly enunciate. 🙂

    NYE plans are firming up…

    @Justacogitating Eeek! I think your PC might have a virus. I just got a very dodgy looking email from you…

    A nap?! Where did THAT come from?!

    I think I have glucose in my hair. #homemade #icecream

    @Justacogitating I got it on my iPhone and deleted it… and now I can’t find it! Gah. Sorry. Will doublecheck.

    @Justacogitating Rodd thinks it’s more likely your hotmail password got hacked. (Apparently Yahoo’s been getting hit lately too.)