Month: December 2010

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    We made a gingerbread house!

    We made a gingerbread house!

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    Out for a run with Rodd on a beautiful, hot sunny Christmas Day.

    Out for a run with Rodd on a beautiful, hot sunny Christmas Day.

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    Survived our trip to Broadway for groceries and booze. With any luck, we won’t need to leave the house for 5 days…

    @AusVintageGrrl The lady at the bottle shop told me the parking was all gone by 9am. Our street’s pretty empty though!

    Sudden inspiration has turned Easter Show project in a new direction. Hint: not using the Shelter on it anymore…

    I sewed another skirt. It’s green with robots on it. Dr. Amy obviously likes it.

    Merry Christmas! Our little Charlie Brown tree.

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    Merry Christmas! Our little Charlie Brown tree.

    Merry Christmas! Our little Charlie Brown tree.

  • Day 1 of Christmas Vacation

    After a lovely sleep-in, the Snook and I made a menu for the next five days and extrapolated a grocery list from it. Then we headed off to Broadway to: Coles (groceries), Harris Farm (veg), Baker’s Delight (mince pies), Fresh Foods (meat), Broadway Cellars (booze), and Toby’s (coffee). With all luck, we won’t need to leave the house all weekend! Back at home, we tidied up and did laundry and took out the compost. I finished off my green robot skirt (and Dr. Amy promptly sat on it). We also did the basic assembly on my IKEA Pepparkakshus (gingerbread house). For dinner, we made Teriyaki Tofu with Asian broccoli in oyster sauce. YUM.

    The idea here is that if I commit to blogging what I do each day, there’s less chance I’ll just sit on the couch and knit the whole time.

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    Reading quotes from a play I stage-managed FOURTEEN YEARS AGO and still laughing out loud at some of them… #nostalgia

    @Opheli8 I may not have expressed being impressed, mostly because I don’t know what Pinpoint is. 🙂

    @imdominating No. They’ve only got like 6 flavours in Australia. Which is better than nothing, I suppose, but still somehow SUCKY.

    @Opheli8 Pretty good! Nearly time to knock-off for a week and a bit. That will be niiiiiiice. 🙂

    @imdominating Nope. *sob* We got Phish Food, but no Chubby Hubby. I DREAM ABOUT CHUBBY HUBBY.

    Hey @BenAndJerryOz! My cousin @imdominating reports of a Coconut 7 Layer Bar flavor in the U.S. Any chance it’ll head Down Under?!

    @mrs_sockvictim Eek, I must have just missed you! Sorry. 🙁

    34 page spec delivered at work, computer turned off, friends hugged, beer drunk, home to husband and roast chicken… Bring on the holidays!

    @kunaal84 You’ll just blow it all on special WoW pets, won’t you?

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    @chrisgander You’re late to that particular party, mister. 🙂

    @Opheli8 @chrisgander Inside Adobe Air. It’s all crazy in there, like Tron but cross-OS compatible. 🙂

    @miss_reecie Poor Reecie. Hot water bottle and ibuprofen. (Depo Provera changed my life. No more of that ickiness and pain!)

    @richbuggy Wow, are you still going to run the user group?

    @glittertrash Having worked there: Thursday night is late night, but still 95% of the customers come during the day. Just economics, really.

    Baking Smitten Kitchen’s Iced Oatmeal Cookies: Somebody in my office will be getting them as a gift tomorrow…

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    Just got an IM from Snook. THE GIANT BOX OF SHELTER IS AT MY HOUSE. I AM DYING HERE! EEEEEEK! (@knitabulous)

    Get this: the Japanese on Noro yarn labels is actually phonetic for the English name. I’m serious. @lemon_lime can read it and proved it!

    @knitabulous Yeah, there’s a few non-Shelter bits, I think…

    Now when I hear an iPhone vibrate nearby, I know it’s mine and not @thezedmiester’s. 🙁

    Unboxing the Shelter!!! I want to keep it aaaaalllllllll.

    The complete Shelter unboxing:

    @AirForceTed Very good question. You’ll hear some justifications in the next episode – before the end of the year – I PROMISE! 🙂

    @AirForceTed Between you and my Mom, seems like half the running community is hassling me! 😛

  • Brooklyn Tweed Shelter

    Brooklyn Tweed Shelter
    My dining room just got AWESOME.

    Big Shelter order

    Back in early November when the exchange rate was really good, I asked on Ravelry if anybody wanted to combine on an order of Brooklyn Tweed’s Shelter. I knew that Knit Purl has free international shipping for orders over $300, so I was just hoping to reach that benchmark. Well, four knitters responded and our order ended up being $800. Eeep! Some of the colours were out of stock, so we had to wait a month til more came in. (Apparently the Shelter’s been really popular.) Finally a week ago we got notice that it had been shipped, and today it arrived! There are more photos of the glorious unboxing over on Flickr.

    My selection was the 16 skeins of “Pumpernickel” (aka dark chocolate brown). It’s destined to be a Hipster Cardigan for the Snook. 🙂