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Month: December 2010
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Christmas Party Roundup
Christmas Party Roundup
The past two weeks have been full of various Christmas-related festivities.First there was Spudd’s annual party at a pub in Glebe. (Spudds is Mark Carroll, my trainer.) He gives an “award” to each of his corporate clients, so here’s me collecting on behalf of my office.
Next was “SKIP” (i.e. Sydney Knit in Public). A few years ago some of the Sydney knitters decided that the annual WWKIP Day in June was just too darn cold for sitting outdoors, and we wanted a summertime KIP too! So the Christmas KIP was born. Each year it’s been held at the Sidewalk Cafe down at the Opera House. We had about a dozen knitters this year, and we got some serious double-takes from tourists and theatergoers.
And then we come to the office Christmas Party, which was held last Friday at Baia at Darling Harbour. I broke out my old prom dress for the occasion, as well as my foam reindeer antlers. This is me and Josh, my new coworker from the U.S.
Another one of me and Josh from our table at the restaurant. This one cracks me up, especially with Sven looking inadvertently stern in the center.
Here’s Sandeep, Kunaal and Josh. We had nerdy tech fun at our table.
And I swear, if I ever record an emo album, this is going to be the cover. It’s me, Fransiska, and Fei looking particularly melancholy.
Merry Christmas!
Non-Newtonian Fluids
Non-Newtonian fluids. The second video actually made my jaw drop. Didn’t they do it once on Big Bang Theory? Regardless, that looks WICKED COOL.
Broiled Mussels
Broiled Mussels from Smitten Kitchen. These look good. I’m still more of a mussel fan in my head than I am in reality, but I think I’ll get there.
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@that_alison Oops. I use it all the time. Perfectly relevant in software development industry!!
@randomknits SNICKERDOODLAGE! Excellent. Probably just that mine sat overnight. 😀
@randomknits Wow, awesome! Ooh, pretty fabric. Will definitely visit! 🙂
Zumbo is great… but Snook got me macarons from La Renaissance, which are EVEN BETTER. http://bit.ly/hTdXHt (Salty caramel = THE BEST)
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- Vintage Star Wars T-Shirt Iron Ons – So many craft ideas. Cross stitch? Knit them into a jumper?
Sock Monkey Sisters
Awww, nice! My sock monkey tutorial is a featured friend link on Sock Monkey Sisters.
The High Cost of Books
The High Cost of Books
Everybody who visits or moves to Australia ends up being astounded by how much books cost here. I always just chalked it up to transport costs and local profiteering. That’s why I was interested to read former NSW Premier Bob Carr’s blog post this morning: “Protectionism Means You Pay More for Books”. So it sounds like there’s some rule that local bookstores can’t import stock from overseas if there’s an Australian publisher carrying the same book (inevitably for a higher price). The justification is that by propping up local publishers, we’re ensuring they’ll continue to publish Australian literature. Huh! I had no idea. THAT SUCKS. I guess that’s why most people I know get their books from Amazon or The Book Depository. -
New Skirt
I sewed another skirt!
Saturday I finally decided it was time to start sewing some of the skirts I’d planned. I’d bought a couple different fabrics over the past months, and last weekend I prepped them (basted the edges, pre-washed and dried, and ironed) and cleaned out my sewing machine. So I dug out the pattern from my class a few months ago and got stuck in.This is the one that I managed to finish (since it’s the only one I had a zipper for). The fabric is a very fine wale corduroy (light blue with dark blue paisley) that I got on Clearance at Lincraft. It was so cheap that I didn’t have high expectations for the finished product, but I figured it would be good for practice. To my surprise, it squared up nicely and didn’t give me any trouble at all. I laid out all my pattern pieces and remembered to make sure the nap all ran the same direction. The sewing was fairly straightforward, though I did have to refer back to my old skirt a few times just to double-check the order of operations. Sewing in the zipper was probably the scariest bit, and I played around with several different techniques (including sticky tape!) before settling on basting it in by hand just to make sure it didn’t shift around. I only made one tiny mistake in the whole project, when I forgot to leave a seam allowance to turn back at the opening of the facing near the zipper. (That’s the final step – to turn back the raw edge and tack it down on the underside of the zipper. I managed to get it to work, but it may fray a bit at the top edge. I might put some clear nail polish on it.) Here’s a bigger picture so you can see the true colour a bit better.
I wore the skirt to the barbecue on Sunday, and needless to say I’m THRILLED with it. The cord feels very soft and lovely to wear. My only disappointment is that the waistband seemed to bunch up by the end of the day. I had the same problem with the original skirt though too, so it may be a fit issue. Any sewers want to advise me? Or do you think I need thicker interfacing for the facing pieces?