Massive congratulations to my sister-in-law Kara and my brother Anthony on the arrival of their new daughter Olivia. Yay, I’m an Auntie again!
Month: December 2010
Kris Kringle!
Yesterday was our office “Kris Kringle,” where we all got to sit on Santa’s lap and collect a random present. I got a giant Toblerone!
He was a very Aussie Santa. In addition to the thongs, he had a cold beer on the floor next to him. 🙂
Augmented Reality App for the Colour Blind. That’s so cool! And what a great idea. I’m not colour blind, but I know at least one guy in my office is. (I’ve already sent him the link.) The example with the green girl from Star Trek was great.
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Ah, Scope Creep my old friend! Just saying hello? What do you mean, “settling in for a long visit”?! FML.
Me and Aussie Santa at the office today. He gave me a giant Toblerone!
It’s a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE! Our giant order of Shelter yarn is finally on its way. Yay! Can’t wait to roll around in it. 🙂
Hoping to find out if I have a new niece tonight!
New niece is supposed to be born any minute now!!
Hooray! New niece Olivia is born! 7lb 4oz. Congrats and WELL DONE to Kara and Ant. 🙂
RT @gilmae: And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards the WACA to be born? #theashes
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- Surrealist Babies – My favorite is the one in the top hat who just hatched out of an egg.
- Restore Gmail Contacts
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Time to head back to Westfall and solve the mystery of Old Blanchy, I think…
No, I am not clicking on photos of a dead effing goat. I’D RATHER WATCH OPRAH FOR THE 87TH TIME TODAY.
@monnsqueak I don’t, really. Only started 2 weeks ago. I don’t even have Cataclysm, and never saw Young Blanchy. 🙂
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- Letting down my entire gender – This is me all over the place.
The Suits of James Bond
For the Snook: “Sean Connery in Dr. No: The Template for James Bond.” An in-depth look at the secret agent’s costumes in his first film outing, from the guy who writes the The Suits of James Bond blog.
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I’m wearing my SKINS tights under my jeans to see if they help with my running injuries. This makes me feel vaguely like a superhero.
Art Sale
Looking for an original Christmas gift? My friend Anton is selling some of his artwork. I love his style, which has been featured on several magazine covers this year. You should check it out!