USA Trip 2010

USA Trip 2010USA Trip 2010 photos!
I have finally – four months late! – uploaded the photos from our trip back to the US in July and August. Lots of stuff from our family visits in there, along with our momentous trip to The House on the Rock and Taliesin in Wisconsin. Thanks again to everyone who housed us or met up with us along the way!

RunningBlog: Week 48

Week 48
This week my energy and strength finally bounced back a little bit. On Sunday I decided to challenge myself on my long run by taking the bus to Iron Cove. I then ran the 7km Bay Run followed by 5km back up Victoria Road to home. I did 3:1 run/walk the whole way. Tuesday was pouring rain all day, so I put my run off til the evening when it finally let up. It was still really humid and the first couple km’s were wearing a heavy backpack, so my speed wasn’t great. Wednesday I had a KILLER workout at Spudds that left me sore for two days after. (Felt awesome though.) Today I ran speed intervals up and down Wilson Street before work. Considering how crazy the weather’s been and how busy this time of year is, I’m really happy to be getting in the workouts.

Nov. 28: 12.69km
Nov. 30: 6.16km
Dec. 3: 6.05km
Total this week: 24.9km (15.5mi)
Total in 2010: 916.13km (572.5mi)

Only four weeks left in my goal to run 1000km in 2010! I have crossed the 900km mark and I’m still on track. I’ve got 4 weeks to do 84km, which means 21km a week. LET’S DO THIS.

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Bulgogi with Cucumber Kimchi

Bulgogi with KimchiBulgogi with Cucumber Kimchi
We had a surplus of cucumbers in the fridge from our last two veggie boxes, so I decided that some sort of pickles were in order. Once I settled on making cucumber kimchi, bulgogi suggested itself as a natural accompaniment. (Plus it’s my favorite Korean dish ever.) I cut up and salted the cucumbers on Sunday and left them overnight. Monday morning I added the rest of the ingredients. (Note: I didn’t have any Korean chili powder on hand, so I just used what I had. It tasted fine but it didn’t have that bright red colour.) I covered the bowl with cling film and left it on the counter for 24 hours. Monday night I sliced up a rump steak (which I’d frozen first to make it easier to slice thinly) and then put in the rest of the marinade ingredients. (I was out of sesame seeds so I left them out, but it’s better with them.) Tuesday night I fried up the beef really quickly and served it over rice with the kimchi on the side. It was really good!