Month: December 2010

  • Sam Socks

    Sam SocksWhile these turned out great in the end, I always seem to have terrible issues with Cookie A patterns. I bought Sock Innovations last year and this was my first project knitted from it. I discovered pretty quickly that there were major errors in the printed pattern. It completely omits the ribbing at the top of the leg, and it also tells you an incorrect number of leg repeats. (If you plan to knit anything from this book, I highly recommend you check the errata. There’s a LOT of it.)

    I knitted these on two 2.75mm circular needles. I could tell they were going to be tight around the ankle, so I cast on extra stitches so that I’d have a full extra pattern repeat around the leg. I knitted the heel exactly as written and just left the extra pattern repeat on the top of the foot. I usually like to knit my socks two-at-a-time, but that’s basically impossible with this pattern because you are constantly shifting the starting point of each round. So I was forced to knit each leg separately down to the heel, after which I knitted both socks together down towards the toes.

    The wool is a single skein of Yarntini Mint Fizz Stripe that I received in a swap from @dancingman. It was lovely to knit with. The third photo (heel detail) is closest to the actual colours: spring green, aqua, and purplish-grey stripes. I had about 1.5m left over when I finished, which was perfect. I’m very happy with how these turned out! (More details and photos are on Ravelry.)

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    Catching a bus to the Opera House for some summer knitting in public. (Save me a seat!)

    Knitting in the sunshine at the Opera House!

    RT @Kat13v: Happy Knitters @ the Summer Knit in Public at Sidewalk Cafe, Sydney Opera House. #skip

    @TimBags Ooohhh, so cute! What’s his name?!

    Went to bed at 8:30 last night and slept for ten hours. *yawn* I think I needed that.

    Snook’s Conspiracy Theory: the Poms used Hurley in a sting operation to derail Warnie’s comeback and, hence, our recovery of the Ashes.

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    Merry Christmas from Bazinga the Reindeer! #knittersguild

    Great Guild Christmas meeting today! All handed over to new convenor @AusVintageGrrl, who did so well. 🙂

    @lemon_lime Nah, he got his YEARS before they came here. And that’s right by my house too!

    Just cleaned and oiled my sewing machine for the first time ever. Oh, and read the manual. Huh. So THAT’S how it’s supposed to work!

    Spudds Christmas party! (@ Friend in Hand Pub)

    Picked up one of Spudds’s awards! He said nice things about me (and @lemon_lime!).

    @jayamyler Christmas carols, I believe. Thats what the ones over Chippo/Victoria Park are for, anyway.

    @jayamyler Actually according to today’s SMH, there *were* Oprah-related fireworks last night too! So there you go.

  • RunningBlog: Week 49

    Only three weeks to go, and suddenly everything is harder. My right foot is hurting again (after being great for weeks). My left shin is niggling me a bit. My right quad (just above the knee) feels sore and possibly even a little swollen. I’ve just got to hold it together for a few more weeks.

    I cut back my distance a little bit in a failed attempt to rest. My long run on Sunday was a 3:1 run/walk around Blackwattle Bay with the Snook. Monday I had a session at Spudds. On Wednesday I doubled up with a short run in the morning before work (the foot was hurting) and then Spudds again at lunchtime. I ended with a walk/run home from work and around Newtown on Friday.

    Nov. 5: 10.37km
    Nov. 8: 5.46km
    Nov. 10: 7.15km
    Total this week: 22.98km (14.3mi)
    Total in 2010: 939.11km (586.9mi)

    Three weeks left, and just over 60km to go…

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    ACK. Avoiding the Rav “dead goat in the well” discussion because my stomach is delicate today, and Y’ALL BROUGHT IT TO TWITTER. FML. #fester

    @AusVintageGrrl All hail the new convenor! You’re gonna be awesome. 🙂

    Phew. Got a lot done in the last two days. Now to reward myself with a run…

    @lemon_lime You need me and @kunaal84 to sing you the “I love Joomla” song. (We’ll have to borrow a guitar for the full effect.)

  • Chippo to be a trial demonstration suburb

    Michael reports that Sydney City Council has decided our corner of Chippendale should be a trial demonstration site to showcase sustainable street technologies and programs. That’s great! They’re giving Michael a grant and support to help make things even better. I wish I could help more with the road gardening, but of late it’s all been done on Fridays. I’d like to get involved again.

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    What a frickin’ day. So busy. Now to #webblastsyd and free beers!

    Awesome! I just won a t-shirt at #webblastsyd from @kristinrohan! Thanks!!

    @tinkabel Hee! Not playing tonight, but maybe on the weekend!

    Excellent night at #webblastsyd with @lemon_lime and @TimBags and @toastman and @misswired and @kristinrohan and Snook and many others…

    Is there anything sexier than a ripe mango straight from the fridge on a hot night?

    @stufromoz I stand corrected. 🙂

    @zephyrama Yeah? I stopped a couple hundred comments back because it MADE ME WANT TO VOMIT.

    @Bells_G We got broadbeans in the veggie box last night, and we did double-peel. You have to unless they’re *very* young I find…

    @stufromoz Obviously, you need to writesome fan fiction. 😛