Month: December 2010

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    Success. Vet has managed to get a urine sample from Petey, so we can pick him up tonight. Now to wait for test results…

    Is the BA job market going crazy or something? Recruiters are stalking me on phone, linkedin, etc. If I was looking for a job, I’d say so!

    @drkknits CHUBBY HUBBY. You can thank me later.

    Chubby Hubby is pretzels, peanut butter, & fudge in vanilla ice cream. Sweet + salty = WIN. Unfortunately not available in Oz yet. *sob*

    We deluded ourselves that Amy missed Petey. She’s been hissing at him since we got back from the vet. Hisses of HAAAATE.

    Whoops. Chubby Hubby tweet was directed at @gilmae @randomknits @drkknits @AusVintageGrrl. πŸ™‚

    @redambition @redambition Snook thinks Amy has only a 48hr memory and she literally thinks he’s a new cat. And she hates other cats.

    @redambition My theory is she thought the little bastard was gone for good, and she’s pissed he’s back. πŸ™‚

    @gusseting He’s fine; just being a shit as usual! Waiting for test results to see if he has a bladder infection…

    WoW level 16 achieved. Things got more fun once Snook gave me some frickin’ bags so I could carry all my loots more effectively.

    @tinkabel The one I’m on is Saurfang, I think. He started a new one there with me, but he has others elsewhere.

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    After a full day at the vet Petey still refuses to give a urine sample. *sigh* Vet’s gonna keep him overnight. At least I’ll get some sleep.

    @lemon_lime Broadway Shopping Center has “The Reject Shop”, which is what you & me call a dollar store. They have cheap Xmas stuff!

    Snook is whinging that his WoW expansion isn’t open yet. πŸ™‚

    @venks79 Really?! It’s my new favorite shop! πŸ˜›

    @tinkabel Yep! I haven’t bothered to get the expansion, and I don’t feel like playing without him.

    @stkilda Well, technically this one does. But I’ve lived outside the U.S. for 11 years now. πŸ™‚

    Save the whales. Harpoon a hipster on a fixie. @ Newtown

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    Save the whales. Harpoon a hipster on a fixie.

    Save the whales. Harpoon a hipster on a fixie.

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    Petey still isn’t 100%. πŸ™ (@ Glebe Vet)

    RT @brockleyboyo: RT @riccoboni: Chewbacca privately told rebel leaders that Yoda was ‘out of his depth’. #Wookieleaks”

    @Gin_ev_ra @sadieandlance Hm. I like salted caramel but I’m not a big fan of fudge. Now I’m conflicted.

    *yawn* Petey was up playing & yowling & chasing Amy at 3:30am. On the plus side, I felt less sad when dropping him off at the vet. #badmom

    A is for Ackbar! Just donated and sent this to my nephews: SO CUTE.

    Planning to undermine the office Kris Kringle rule about gendered gifts. Why should grown adults be separated into GIRLS and BOYS?

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    Snook got us macarons from La Renaissance. OHMYGOD. The salted caramel were amazing. Where can I get more salted caramel?! NEED RECIPES!

    I think I have a Warcraft hangover.

    @@kunaal84 The most unreal part of those movies is the hotness of Edmund. PHWOAR. Amirite, @imdominating?

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    @lemon_lime Oh, it definitely was. INSANITY. Me with the carousel of the gods:

    God help me; I’m a Level 11 Hunter.

    @tinkabel No. Snook has, but I haven’t. I’m a newb and I’m not really into it; I’m just keeping him company.

    Finally blogged all the pics from our USA Trip (inc House on the Rock): Only four months late!

  • USA Trip 2010

    USA Trip 2010I have finally – four months late! – uploaded the photos from our trip back to the US in July and August. Lots of stuff from our family visits in there, along with our momentous trip to The House on the Rock and Taliesin in Wisconsin. Thanks again to everyone who housed us or met up with us along the way!