Month: January 2011

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    I’ve introduced like 5 people so far to @amandapalmer’s music in the past week. Have I forced you to listen yet? I will.

    Puff sleeves always make me feel like Anne of Green Gables.

    @voicework But I don’t wanna be a pirate! #highvoice 🙂

    I love seeing a giant blank space on the SMH website and knowing it’s because Flashblock has stopped some big stupid intrusive advert.

    @venks79 Ads may be a necessary evil, but giant Flash ads spring from Satan’s bowels.

    I love the 1st of the month when I get to balance the household accounts and check the budget. Yes, I am weird and slightly OCD.

    @stufromoz You would, perhaps, find it less endearing if you had to live with me. 🙂

  • Fringe

    Awesome. The SMH says my fringe is totally trendy! Too bad I suck at styling it.

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    @ptinutz That reminds me: we found your blue cup! I’ve got it. Let me know next time you come to Sydney and I’ll get it to you. 🙂

    @drkknits I believe @mrs_sockvictim refers to that as a “Twitter shitter”.

    Tonight’s experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals will be Summer Veg Lasagne, Tuscan Tomato Salad, and Quick Frozen Yogurt. CAN’T WAIT.

    RT @DDsD: I blame Tony Abbott for the flood levy. If it wasn’t for him scaring the population about running a deficit budget = no levy.

    Blog post with photos from yesterday’s Opera in the Domain:

    Phew. Tonight’s dinner is on the table. Elapsed time: 60:16. We did manage lasagne, salad, and dessert in that time though! Full post soon.

    @gilmae We’re trying to be sticklers as much as possible. Though Snook did make me leave out the capsicum tonight… 🙂

    Just blogged! Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #2: Summer Veg Lasagne with Tuscan Salad and Frozen Yoghurt. Easily 9.5/10!

    Ugh. Heat wave! 95F in the city tomorrow; 105F out in the suburbs. Me and the kitties are gonna melt.

    @squozen Was mostly posting it for the benefit of my Yank fam, who are mostly freezing their butts off. 🙂

    @carbolicious @imdominating SUCK IT UP AND GET THE SHOT, you whiners!

    @carbolicious Nah, I got that taken out. It didn’t agree with me. (I went insane.) Shot is *much* better!

  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #2: Summer Veg Lasagne

    This is our second cooking experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. We had about half a dozen episodes saved on the DVR, so we skimmed through them today looking for a suitable one. (We reckoned that if we could watch the episode first, we might stand a better chance of reproducing it.) We settled on Summer Veg Lasagne, Tuscan Tomato Salad, and Quick Mango Frozen Yoghurt.

    Jamie's Summer Veg Lasagne, Tuscan Tomato Salad, Quick Mango Frozen Dessert

    Quick verdict: We couldn’t find any frozen mango cheeks, and fresh ones are just way too expensive right now. So we subbed in frozen berries for the dessert. Everything else was according to the recipe, pretty much. It was FANTASTIC. We rated this one 9.5/10. Our elapsed time was 60 minutes. That’s why we’ve taken off half a point. We feel that with more practice we could maybe shave off 15 minutes, but there’s no way we could get this one down to 30 minutes total. Still, the taste made it all worthwhile!


  • Opera in the Domain 2011

    Opera in the Domain 2011This was the fifth year in a row for our unofficial knitting meetup at Sydney’s Opera in the Domain. We had about twenty people in our group in the end, all gathered together under the stars listening to Bizet’s Carmen. I’d never seen that opera before, but the music was instantly familiar from hundreds of movies and commercials. I thought Carmen and Escamillo were great, but I just couldn’t buy Don Jose as a romantic lead. (I whispered to Rodd that the actor reminded me of this.) There were sound problems throughout the night, especially with Don Jose’s microphone. I have no idea how the people at the back of the Domain were able to hear anything! But the dancing was great, and I was bopping along in my seat to a lot of music. Too bad the story has such unlikeable characters!

    Anyway, the day actually started long before that. I was the first one from the group to get to the Domain at about 12:40pm, and I could see that the field was going to fill up faster than usual. Reecie arrived not long after and we quickly set to work defining our area with blankets and shade tents. Within half an hour we were already having to defend our spot from invaders! Luckily reinforcements arrived soon and we mostly managed to fight off encroachers. (The nerve of some people! Turning up right before the show and thinking they could plop down right in front of us.) We picnicked and drank wine and knitted and got interviewed by some local news cameramen. It was a lot of fun!

    Reecie had an extremely cool little pop-up sun tent. She also specially ordered an inflatable pink flamingo for our camp. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?

    Reecie and her tent - Opera in the Domain 2011

    Me and Reecie, trying to stay in the shade as much as we could. We faithfully reapplied sunscreen every two hours.

    Me and Reecie - Opera in the Domain 2011

    The cavalry have arrived! There’s Sally huddled under a tent, while Issy and Derek guard the eastern frontier.

    Sally, Issy, and Derek - Opera in the Domain 2011

    Tia was the mum of the group for the day, making sure we didn’t get sunburnt and handing round all the yummy food she’d made.

    Tia - Opera in the Domain 2011

    These cameramen came around from Channel 7 news. They interviewed Sally first, then did a shot of several of us toasting the camera. Then they went back to interview Issy and Derek.

    Interview - Opera in the Domain 2011

    None of our interviews actually made it onto the news footage, but they did show us all saying “Cheers!” (Thanks to Daniel for the photo.)

    Cheers! - Opera in the Domain 2011

    Self-portrait looking towards the opera stage.

    Me - Opera in the Domain 2011

    It’s the Bazinga Twins! Me and Issy wore the same shirt (on purpose).

    Bazinga - Opera in the Domain 2011

    Here’s me and a new friend – Amanda (aka Ptinutz on Ravelry). She came in the afternoon and her boyfriend came later. It was great to meet her!

    Me and Amanda - Opera in the Domain 2011

    By 6pm it was really starting to fill up and they asked us all to take down our sun shades. Here’s a shot of the crowd. It was really getting difficult to keep people from shoving into our area!

    The crowd - Opera in the Domain 2011

    As usual, Mazda was going nuts with the corporate branding. They handed out fortune cookies that contained lousy ads instead of real fortunes!

    Fake fortune - Opera in the Domain 2011

    Just before the opera started, here’s Reecie and Lucas having a little rest.

    Reecie and Lucas - Opera in the Domain 2011

    And that’s it for the photos! Snookums turned up just before the show with my dinner (Oporto and beer – he is awesome). When the show finished, we packed quickly and joined the crowds streaming to the city. Luckily it didn’t take us too long to catch a bus home.

    Thanks to everyone who came along!

  • Black Swan Visual Effects

    For those of you who’ve seen Black Swan, this visual effects feature showcases some of the amazing work that was done in it. (BUT DON’T WATCH IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN IT. SPOILERS!)

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    @betsybookworm Oh that will definitely be happening. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of tweets throughout the day!

    @cdeagle Awww, I went there 2 days ago to get my fringe trimmed! Only because my salon was booked out & I’m too unco to do it myself. 🙁

    @stufromoz You can thank @miss_reecie for that one. She specially ordered it. We take these things very seriously.

    Just waiting for a cab to the Domain! Jeez, it looks like I’m going camping for a week.

    Still waiting for @taxiscombined to show up. This is second time I’ve used mTaxi and taxi never turns up. 🙁

    @stufromoz Do they have an iPhone app? I’m a sucker for an app. (In taxi now. Had to flag one down.)

    Knitters: GET HERE SOON. It’s filling up and @miss_reecie and I cannot hold this much space for long.

    It’s @miss_reecie and her amazing inflatable flamingo!

    Camp has been established!

    RT @redambition: Bazinga twins!

    Woo! @redambition and @innerwestlive getting interviewed by @SevenNetworkau!

    Only 5 hours to go! (@ Opera In The Domain w/ @ausvintagegrrl) [pic]:

    Sitting with @ptinutz at the Opera in the Domain.

    The sun shades are down and we are 90 minutes til Opera!

    Mazda are cheating bastards. That’s not a real fortune!

    I hate telling old people they can’t sit near me, but dammit, I’ve been out here for 6 hours! BUGGER OFF!

    @amandapalmer I SO wish I could come! I’m at Opera in the Domain though. “Carmen” wins this round. 🙁

    I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I miss Hamish & Andy. #operainthedomain

    RT @thisismywww: .@web_goddess @redambition @innerwestlive & @miss_reecie on @sevennetworkau news (for 2 seconds)

    Ooh la la. @miss_reecie likes ’em young.

    The sound quality really sucks this year. #operainthedomain

    Observation: whoever did Don Jose’s mike should be sacked. And Carmen is workin’ the hell out of this dramatic breeze! #operainthedomain

    Thanks for a great day at the Opera! @AusVintageGrrl @miss_reecie @SallyPompom @Kat13v @redambition @innerwestlive @stufromoz @ptinutz

    Still feeling a bit seedy from last night, but I need to get in this long run before it gets any hotter. Here we go!

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    The Chairman of the Board just asked me for my blog address. Hope I don’t get dooced! (Nahhh, he’s cool.)

    @BartholomewD @stufromoz Ooh, I’ll be at the Domain tomorrow from about 1pm with a bunch of knitters. Say hello! 🙂

    I feel exhausted and flat. Meanwhile Snook the Cyclist is prancing around and flexing and generally acting High on Life. #bizarroworld

    @stufromoz Saw his FB status. 🙁

    @redambition Eek! Will have to do all my prep in the morning!

    @DomesticJules Rodd and I are cooking/blogging through the whole book. 1st meal post was last Sunday if you want a review!

    @redambition Ooh, we should wear them today! We can be BAZINGA TWINS.

    @redambition Sure! I’m just about to pack up and get dressed. BAZINGA IT IS!

    @stufromoz I’ll be getting there about 12:30. We’ll be along footpath in the middle. Look for the inflatable flamingo & my BAZINGA shirt!