Month: January 2011

  • Cancel the Yellow Pages

    Whoa! Finally the Internet does something useful! You can now cancel your Yellow Pages delivery for three years. THAT’S BRILLIANT. Those stupid dead-tree phone directories drive me up the wall. Every few months our street gets littered with stacks of them. Nobody uses them! They’re just rubbish!

  • Mr. Snook gets a bike

    Snookums and his bikeMr. Snook Gets a Bike
    The big news around these parts lately is that Mr. Snook is now a full-fledged bicycle commuter. He’d been thinking about it for a while. His office is just over 4km away, but the traffic on George Street means that it takes 45 minutes on the bus. Meanwhile the City of Sydney has been making a big push to put more bike lanes on back streets, and he worked out that there was a route he could take to avoid the big roads. Then all he needed to do was get a bike.

    This turned out to be harder than we thought. Every bike I’ve ever owned has come from KMart or a garage sale, so I had no concept of what a real commuter bike would look like or cost. Over the course of a couple weeks, he visited Cheeky Transport, King Street Cyclery, Inner City Cycles, Clarence Street Cyclery, City Bike Depot, and Cell Bikes. He also checked out the used listings online and read up on cycling message boards. I kind of freaked out about the prices at first, most of which were well up over $600 for a basic road bike. (I’ve purchased cars for less than that in Indiana!) But he made the case that a well-made bike would be safer and need less maintenance in the long run. He ended up getting the Cell 2010 SS101, and in three days he’s put well over 20km on it! Way to go, Snookums. 🙂

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    @lemon_lime My mouth dropped open when I read that. IN SHOCK, YOU PERV. 😛

    @miss_reecie KICKASS. Less than a week to go!

    @drkknits As the aforementioned dangler – well, really it’s @kunaal84 – I say you should go! 🙂

    @drkknits Hm. I don’t think I’ve ever been there on Aust Day. Lucky for you Snook LOATHES crowds so I don’t think we’ll dawdle. 🙂

    I was going to walk home after Spudds, but bugger that. It’s stiflingly hot out here.

    @eileenDCoE Ha! I’ll chat you tomorrow about Kel’s reaction (which I’m sure you can imagine!). She thinks the mom molested Nina? Craziness.

    Lazy cat having a tummy rub.

    RT @acatinatree: I’m an immigrant & I love celebrating my adopted country -strongly relate to Kochie’s “what I hate about Australia Day” …

  • Photo Post

    Lazy cat having a tummy rub.

    Lazy cat having a tummy rub.

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    The Shur’tugal Socks are finally finished! Such a nice finished project in spite of how much I hated knitting them!

    Cyclist died after hitting bus in Surry Hills. NOT WHAT I NEED TO READ the day before the Snook starts biking to work.

    We are starting the great Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals Blogging Experiment tonight! Snook has selected Mustard Chicken for our first go.

    Blogged: Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals – Mustard Chicken. Complete with commentary and photos! Verdict: 8/10 with potential.

    @Ezzles What ARE you on about? Is this something on the Twitter website? Get an app and quit using the website! I like Tweetdeck. 🙂

    @redambition @Kat13v I think that update was from a while ago, as I already have it on my phone! iTunes says I’m on 4.2.1.

    @eileenDCoE It’s working. Already spotted somebody from my HS on FB saying she was checking prices on flights to Oz based on Oprah’s show!

    There he goes! I really hope he doesn’t get squished.

    FFS! 461 bus ignored me. 5min later got on a 480 & fire truck promptly smashed the mirror off. Now waiting for *another* bus…

    RT @kunaal84: Just realised I have an extra ticket for Amanda palmer at the opera house on Australia day. Anyone want to go? // I’m going!

    For the curious (and/or morbid), the Snook DID survive his 4km ride to work in one piece. 🙂

  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #1: Mustard Chicken

    As promised a few weeks ago, the Snook and I have decided to cook and blog our way through Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals in its entirety. We got the book this week (thank you Booko!) and picked out a hopefully-easy recipe to start with: Mustard Chicken with Quick Dauphinoise, Greens, and Black Forest Affogato.

    Jamie's Mustard Chicken with Quick Dauphinoise, Greens, and Black Forest Affogato

    Quick Verdict: We experimented a bit with the dessert but the other three components were prepared exactly as specified. Both of us rated this one 8/10. With a few small tweaks, it could’ve been even higher. Our elapsed time was 50 minutes, but that was mostly due to capacity of our frying pan.


  • Shur’tugal Socks

    Shur'tugal SocksShur’tugal Socks
    This was the first pattern scheduled for the “Super Special Six Pattern Sock Club” I’m participating in. The idea is that the group (which is now up to 200 members!) chose six sock patterns via a vote and throughout the year we’ll be knitting them with wool from our stashes. (You can read more here, here, and here.) I have plenty of sock wool in my stash, so in December I tucked away six special skeins for this series. On New Year’s Eve, I pulled one out at random: the Shibui Sock in “Pagoda” (a beautiful burnt orange) that I bought at my Mom’s LYS in Goshen. I wound the two skeins together into a center-pull ball and then I was off!

    The problem is that I hated this pattern. Oh, don’t get me wrong, it’s really well-written. I’ve just found historically that I get really, really bored with tiny allover repeating patterns, especially those involving two-stitch cables. (Remember Conwy?) Plus I just could NOT memorise the pattern. Twice I picked it up at the wrong spot and had to frog back. I knitted both socks at the same time on 2.75mm circulars, and I did the larger size. It just seemed to take FOREVER. I was so thrilled to finally cast them off today and be done with it! They are pretty though. More details are over on Ravelry.

    I will also admit to some irrational irritation with the pattern just because of the name. Apparently it has something to do with “dragon riders” and it’s from that book I hated.

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    Attention Sydney drivers: The Snook has purchased a bicycle and is driving it home from Stanmore. Please do not squish him!

    @thisismywww Driving, riding, same difference! 😛

    @witty_knitter No, thank goodness! But he got one that he wanted, so everyone is happy. 🙂

    I’m happy to report the Snook survived the ride home from Stanmore on his new bike! I think his legs are going to fall off though.

    Just saw Black Swan with Snook, @kunaal84, and @lemon_lime. Holy. Crap. LOVED IT.

    Shur’tugal is making me shur’vomit. When will these damn socks ever be finished?!

    @crumpet Yup. Mom, sister, etc.

    The Snook is doing a test run of his bicycle commute. I’m going to go for a run so I don’t obsess about him getting squished.

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    @thisismywww @AusVintageGrrl It’s even better on a T-shirt.

    Draco Malfoy’s got nothin’ on me.

    Homemade curry and gelato waiting for me at home. COME ON, BUS!

    Parked on our street. I want to be friends with this person. @ Chippendale

    @Kat13v @redambition Hang in there, you guys. And while we love you taking the high road all the time, feel free to get mean if warranted.