Month: January 2011

  • The Goofy Challenge

    You guys should go read “The Goofy Challenge” over at beyond defeat. (ESPECIALLY MY MOM.)

  • RunningBlog: Week 2

    This is a cutback week on my marathon training schedule – GOD THAT SOUNDS WEIRD – so my distance was light. I also had a Spudds session on Wednesday and did two core workouts (pushups, situps, and squats) during the week.

    Jan. 9: 5.47km
    Jan. 11: 5.04km
    Jan 14: 5.86km
    Total this week: 16.37km (10.2mi)
    Total in 2011: 38.19km (23.8mi)

    To meet my goal of running 1000km in 2011, I should be at 42.3km. So I’m a couple km’s behind, but I’ve got a 14.5km run planned for Sunday so I’ll more than make it up. 🙂

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @gilmae Nah, it would have been pathetic if you’re reported the colour of his trousers.

    @gilmae @drkknits You get bonus 10 points if use a funny word in his presence. “Good afternoon Mr Preston. You’re looking EFFULGENT today!”

    @drkknits @gilmae Bazinga. 😛

    @witty_knitter As they say on the Internet, PICS OR IT DIDN’T HAPPEN.

    New pressure cooker is heating for the 1st time, and I – in my vintage pinny – am a little scared!

    @crumpet There is so much awesome in that sentence. Now I really must get down to Melbs soon.

    In case you were wondering, the pressure cooker did not asplode. We survived to eat some yummy, yummy chicken and dumplings. 🙂

  • Alton’s Chicken and Dropped Dumplings

    Chicken and Dumplings!
    We successfully christened our new pressure cooker tonight! We made Alton Brown’s Chicken and Dropped Dumplings. The pressure cooker worked great for cooking the chicken, and the resulting broth was delicious. While I picked the meat from the bones, the Snook mixed up the dumpling dough (which is basically a choux pastry). He then loaded it into a bag and squeezed out small dumplings into the broth. We thought they looked pretty dubious at this point, but once he put the lid on they swelled up big and fluffy and beautiful. Eight minutes later the dumplings were done and the chicken went back in the pot. LOVERLY.

    Of course, this isn’t quite the way my family make it back home in Indiana. This made more of a clear soup with chicken and discrete, pillowy dumplings. I can’t find the recipe, but I’m pretty sure my Aunt Berb’s “dumpling” mixture there is more of a thick, lumpy batter that gets spooned in. I’ve sent out emails to the relevant relatives and hopefully I’ll get the mystery solved soon.

  • Obama’s Speech

    I read Obama’s speech at the memorial in Tucson today, and it brought tears to my eyes. It was a moving and powerful tribute.

    And while I appreciate Obama taking the high road, I still think Sarah Palin is a monster and a terrible human being.

  • Braided Headband

    Grrr. I wish my hair would get longer so I could do fun stuff with it like this 1940’s braided headband style.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Holy crap. Pressure cooker has arrived from Amazon. I ordered it 6 days ago. Half the cost of same unit in Australia. Globalisation FTW.

    @mpesce ROTI! Are you going to the one in Chinatown or the new one in Glebe?

    @tinkabel I’m so sorry. Hugs to you and Bex.

    Veggie box is HUGE this week! Kale, Chinese brocc, cos, tomatoes, zucc, taters, mushies, chilis, nanners, & more!

    @eileenDCoE OOOHHHH, I’ve wanted to try one for ages. Let us know how it goes!

    Me: “Can I wear these boots with this dress?” Snook: “YES. But you kinda need a riding crop to complete the look.”

    RT @carbolicious: Getting increasingly dissatisfied with customer service at @FlatRate_Moving. You’d think they’d care to help a family …

  • Oprah’s Australian Shows

    Hey family! Oprah’s Australian shows are going to air next week. They start on Tuesday the 18th for you guys in the U.S. Record them! Then come visit and we can show it to you in person. 🙂