Month: January 2011

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    Lovely casual Guild meeting today. Well done @AusVintageGrrl! And thanks to @drkknits, @randomknits, @knitabulous and RoseRed for lunch…

    @eileenDCoE Best of luck RT! You’ll do awesome!

    @carbolicious Odd. I’m not seeing any mudslinging on the international news, just depressing stuff about the tragedy.

    @carbolicious Reading MeFi now and seeing some of it. Ahhh. Palin. She brings out the worst in people.

    @carbolicious Agreed. But if it turns out he was influenced by violent rhetoric by people who should know better… things need to change.

    @carbolicious I agree… but crosshairs on a map are pretty friggin’ explicit, don’t you agree? Not a lot of wiggle room on that one.

    RT @BernardKeane: Impressively stupid of Palin to clean up her website and tweets – it immediately validates criticism of her comments h …

    @carbolicious I hope a coincidence. But srsly, you can’t think Snooki is worse than imagery of shooting people you disagree with?!

    Time to burn outrage on a run. Oh right, Palin thinks exercise and healthy food is evil liberal nanny state agenda. More reason to do it!

    @Bells_G She’s been taking aim at First Lady’s campaign against childhood obesity: Courting the “fat vote” I guess.

  • Sage Advice on Morning Runs

    Some sage advice on getting out there for a morning run – when you really don’t want to – from Elma:

    “The moral of the story is: your morning run actually starts the night before when you lay your clothes and other essentials out. Without this preparation there’s a good chance the morning run won’t happen at all.”

    I need to get in the habit of preparing like that too.

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    Snook and I used Xmas money to order a pressure cooker & canning set from Amazon. (Sorry, Gerry.) Please send favorite recipe resources!

    @richapplefool No idea. Rodd is good at jam making. Would like to properly can some of that. Maybe fruit? Tomatoes? Pickles? Anything!

    @richapplefool Still need to get jars & lids. Kit comes with everything else, I think. We’ll have to go out to Flem. Markets & buy BUSHELS!

    @alyshajane Our cats are non-picky. They just get Friskies from the supermarket. I have friends who actually COOK for their cat though.

    @alyshajane They just get dry. We’ve offered them wet before but they don’t like it much. They do get the odd treat of chicken fat 🙂

    I just ousted Mark S. as the mayor of Strand Hotel on @foursquare!

    @thezedmiester NO WAY! Didn’t realize I stole Mayor while he’s away. 🙂 Only had 1 beer though…

    @Opheli8 Ooh, I want a review. I’ve only been there for drinks.

    Holy crap. Does Bob Hawke have an office in our building??? I’m 90% sure I walked past him this arvo! @venks79 @kunaal84 @Opheli8

    He was short, tan, shock of white hair. The security guard was deferential, which is what caught my attention. And he looked familiar…

    Any of you have a Sodastream? Does it make nice fizzy water? Trying to come up with cheap dinner alternative that isn’t wine or plain H2O.

    @DomesticJules Interval training! And voice prompts. And no advertising. I love the Pro version, happily paid for it.

    @DomesticJules But you know Pro is free right now, right? You should definitely get it.

    @imdominating So wait, you did 100 of each? 10 x 10? Impressed!

    Heading off to Guild meeting. I am loving the fact that my preparation now takes like 2 minutes. 🙂

  • Sydney No Pants Subway Ride

    Sydney No Pants Subway Ride. That is one nude-adjacent event I will not be participating in.

  • RunningBlog: Week 1

    I can’t believe I’m starting over again at the beginning!

    Jan 3: 11.75km
    Jan 5: 5.83km
    Jan 7: 4.24km

    Total this week: 21.82km (13.6mi)
    Total in 2011: 21.82km (13.6mi)

    I need to average 21km per week to meet my goal of running 1100km in 2011, so I hit that target pretty much exactly. I have a feeling that my weekly totals are going to ebb and flow a little more this year thanks to the marathon training. Galloway’s plan has me always following a long run with 1-2 weeks of cutback. I’m sure it will all average out in the end…

  • How to Put on a Sports Bra

    How to Put on a Sports Bra. HA! So true. I actually bought three new sports bras a few months ago. Two of them have clasps in the back, which is great. The Moving Comfort Juno is totally weird though: it goes on over your head but it ALSO has clasps. It’s a chimera.

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    @FlavourCrusader Tried to leave a comment congratulating you on logo, but getting a 404 on blog comment submit!

    @richapplefool Sweet! Comment submitted. 🙂

    What am I doing? @JayDubRunning has me actually contemplating a marathon. GAHHHHHHH.

    @AirForceTed @JayDubRunning Hmmm, I’ve got 22.5 weeks. Recommendations for a “to finish” training program with running 3-4x / wk?

    @AirForceTed @JayDubRunning Hm, and it’s only 16 weeks so I have a little wiggle room in there. That might be good.

    Jamie’s 30-Minute Dinners. Dymocks AU: $50. Borders AU: $69. Book Depository UK: $38 (w/shipping). WTF. ORDERING OVERSEAS NOW.

    @devvyleys I haven’t actually seen the book yet, but we’re loving the show. Already tried some recipes from the website.

    RT @eileenDCoE: Soapbox: study linking vaccines to austism delcared an “elaborate fraud” …

    Snook SMSed me: “@mathowie sent you a package.” Yay! MeFi T-shirt just in time for casual Friday.

  • Macleay River Marathon

    I have gone insane. I blame JayDub and AirForceTed. I am seriously considering training for and running the 2011 Macleay River Marathon on June 12th. It’s not far from where Ma and Pa Snook live. Ma Snook has actually been trying to get us up there for years now. (They do other distances besides the full marathon.) It’s a small marathon, and it’s meant to be relatively flat. The other big advantage is – as far as I can tell – there’s no time cut-off. That’s what’s keeping me from doing one in Sydney. Every marathon I can find here cuts you off at 5:30, and I’m guessing I’ll probably be closer to 6:00. If the Macleay lets you finish no matter what… we may have found my big race for the year!

    I’ve already had a look at Galloway’s novice plan. (HELL YEAH I’ll be run/walking this thing.) It’s 30 weeks long, but conveniently I’m pretty much already up to the week 8 workouts. I think I’ve got a pretty good base built up if I can stay injury-free.

    AM I REALLY DOING THIS? Can I do it? Maybe this is just residual New Year’s Resolution craziness.