Month: February 2011

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    @imdominating So hang on. Do the actual awards not start for another 30 minute? I can’t figure it out.

    With 4 awards to go… Oscar Contest is currently a 25-way tie for first. #fml

    @betsybookworm I have a tiebreaker, thankfully… Hopefully won’t need it! COME ON, UPSET.

    CRAP, it’s the dead people montage! I hope you’re all counting for me.

    @knitterjp Excellent. @imdominating concurs. @miftik?

    @miftik Thanks! 41 is definitely the consensus.

    Uh oh. General crappy feeling has given way to sinus congestion. Am I getting my usual training-induced bout of sickness?

    @witty_knitter @monnsqueak I took some Zyrtec and I think I’m feeling better. Hoping it was just an allergy attack…

    Dear @kunaal84. I saved you the BIEBER-TASTIC episode of Glee from last night. You’re welcome. 🙂

  • Oscar Contest Winner

    Congratulations to John M. who was the big winner in this year’s Oscar Contest! John actually finished in a 4-way tie for first place with Andy Saur, Anita Hoffman Ehrenfried, and Eloise. It came down to the tiebreaker, which was 41 dead people. Anita had 38, but John took the prize with his guess of “42 1/2”. (I’ll admit the fraction cracked me up.) Congratulations, John! Your Black Swan and White Swan sock monkeys will soon be on their way to you. And thanks to everyone else for playing. See you next year!

    I was thrilled to see that John actually put in his entry on the very first day, which I’m hoping indicates he’s a regular entrant or a friend-of-a-friend.

    Update: Just checked the records. This is John’s FOURTH year entering and his first victory!

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    @laimelde Wrong turn! Nearly there.

    @venks79 it’s 1:20 and I’m about halfway around. See if you can catch me before I finish!! 🙂

    Getting ready for tonight’s Jamie meal: Duck Salad with Giant Croutons and Cheat’s Rice Pudding with Stewed Fruit.

    That is… a lot of food for two people.

    @redambition No way! And Boomer from BSG, AND Jin from Lost? They got every hot Asian in Hollywood! 🙂

    Jamie’s 30 Min. Meals #6: Duck Salad w/ Giant Croutons, Cheat’s Rice Pudding w/ Stewed Fruit. Impressive presentation!

    HELLO MONDAY. I wasn’t even out of bed for 5 minutes before I stepped in cat sick.

  • Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals #6: Duck Salad

    This is our sixth official cooking/blogging experiment from Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals. As we did last week, we picked this one with the idea of going to the Eveleigh Farmers’ Market Saturday morning to get any necessary ingredients. There are always a couple vendors there with duck. When we got there, we worked out pretty quickly that four duck breasts were going to cost us close to $30. The Snook persuaded me to get two whole ducks from Coles instead (for $40 total), which would also give us legs and fat for confit, and a carcass for making stock. Sounds like a plan! So earlier today he carved up the ducks so we could get started. I was running a pretty serious caloric deficit for the day thanks to my long run, so I was excited for such a big, healthy meal.

    Duck Salad, Giant Croutons, Cheat's Rice Pudding with Stewed Fruit

    Quick verdict: We followed it pretty much exactly (except for actually making homemade rice pudding in the rice cooker rather than buying expensive pre-made stuff). Elapsed time was 39:52, but we think this is one you could easily get down to 30 minutes once you have it memorised. There’s not much to it, really! In terms of presentation, this was the best one yet. If you served this at a small dinner party, people would be in awe! We both rated it 9/10 for taste (but we may have overcooked our duck a little bit).


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    Excited to see TOAST’s play! (@ NIDA w/ @toastman)

    Toastman, the Snook, and a giant fake ham glued to a landmine. #sydneytheater #shortandsweet

    @kdelarue Yep. @toastman wrote a one-act play called “Raining Bacon.”

    @laimelde Whoops, forgot to reply! Yep, all systems go. I’m planning to be at Lang Road entrance by noon. Hope to see you there!

    @mrs_sockvictim Sydney Park at 10:30ish, if you’re up for it! 🙂

    @eileenDCoE Walkin down the street I’m the lady – uh! Showin off my map of Tasmania! 🙂

    @miftik Yay! Thanks for remembering. 🙂

    Fueling up and psyching myself up for today’s 22.5km (14mile) long run. Looking forward to running a bit of it with @laimelde and @venks79!

    Just over 24 hours to go in the w-g Oscar Contest. Be sure to put your entry in for a chance to win the sock monkeys!

  • RunningBlog: Week 8

    Pretty good for a cutback week! Last Friday the podiatrist fitted me for orthotics and then taped me up again. It was too hot to run on Sunday, so I bumped my weekend run to Monday. I felt great! On Wednesday I actually decided to do speed intervals in the morning before Spudds. The tape had come off by that point, but my foot still felt surprisingly okay. The Spudds workout was hard and left me quite sore afterwards. Today I did an easy lunchtime jog with my friend Raj just to work out the stiffness before my next long run on Sunday.

    Feb. 21: 6.43km
    Feb. 23: 6.11km
    Feb. 25: 4.65km
    Total this week: 17.17km (10.7mi)
    Total this year: 179.03km (111.9mi)

    To meet my goal of running 1100km in 2011, I should be at 169km right now. So I’m currently carrying a buffer of 10km. I expect that to grow this week given that I’ll be running my longest distance ever: 14 miles – 22.5km! Longer than a Half Marathon…

  • Dooce

    The NYT has a great article on, the “Queen of the Mommy Bloggers.” I’ve been reading Dooce since before she got pregnant with Leta, I think. It’s an excellent look at the history of her site and the “real life blogging” genre in general. The bit that surprised me was how much money she makes from her site. I had no idea. I mean, I guessed it was a decent amount, given that she and Jon haven’t had day jobs in a long time. But that site is clearly up in the stratosphere in terms of generating advertising revenue.

    In the interests of full-disclosure, w-g makes an average of $4 a month from ads on the archives. Fortunately RDF more than makes up for it…