Month: February 2011

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    Yesterday I got permission to double my desk and floor space at work. Makes me feel a little giddy to have so much room to move! #happykris

    Window washers, 10 floors up. Scared the crap out of me. @ Westfield Towers

    I wore my Super Spy dress today. Feeling very Mad Men. @ William St

    @lemon_lime Have a great trip!

    @squozen @Gizo Shunt the hell up!

  • Photo Post

    Window washers, 10 floors up. Scared the crap out of me.

    Window washers, 10 floors up. Scared the crap out of me.

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    @toastman Where was it? Rodd got me some macarons from La Renaissance, and they were fantastic.

    Beers with one of my favorite Irishmen… (@ The Gaslight Inn)

    @venks79 Heh. Yep. I only know a few. 🙂

    @carbolicious I am so happy to read that. Have you watched Arrested Development? Because if not, I will send you DVDs. LOVE THAT KID.

    @venks79 Too late! I’m home now. But he’s good; will fill you in tomorrow. 🙂

    @carbolicious Well, you said he was your new John Cusack, as if it had just happened! He’s been mine for like 5 years. 🙂

  • Battlestar Galactica ROLLER COASTER

    AHHHHH! Eileen! We need to go to Singapore! They’ve got a Battlestar Galactica Roller Coaster with duelling trains, and one side is a Cylon Raider and the other is a Viper Mark II! LET’S MAKE A PLAN.

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    Managed to FaceTime with my Mom on her new Verizon iPhone4! It totally weirded out everybody back home. Very futuristic and TOMORROW.

    @steven_noble Eating after, I think. Your muscles like to take up protein after a workout to repair, IIRC.

    Less than a week left to enter the web-goddess Oscar Contest! Black Swan sock monkeys could be yours…

    @chrisgander Blog post about a new health/social gaming site I’ve been using: Your type of thing!

    @DDsD The girl who sits about 3 meters from me does… What do you need to know?

    @DDsD Based on the bitching I hear about various states, I don’t think so. @Opheli8 knows as much as I do, really.

    Pondering the capability of the human brain to deal with an exponentially-increasing number of Skype chats, all with different questions…

    I was in a very mild earthquake in LA 2.5 years ago. For this Midwesterner, it was very weird & scary. Can’t imagine being in a big one.

    @jasony Read your blog post. I didn’t know a stylus worked so well with them! I’m very tempted now. Probably wait til 2nd gen though…

    After 9 hours of sleep and a good run, I feel like I could pull the ears off a gundark.

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  • Health Month

    A few weeks ago I saw a MetaTalk post about forming a team for Health Month. I’d seen the site before when it was in private beta, but now anyone can sign up. I quickly joined the MetaFilter team. The site is all about promoting good habits and behaviours through social gaming. You create a number of rules (free accounts can have up to 3) that you then track each day. A rule might be “Eat leafy greens 3 times a week” or “Don’t smoke” or “Meditate for 10 minutes each day.” Then every day you visit the site and say whether you followed your rules or not. If you break enough rules, you lose a life point. If you follow enough rules, you earn fruit that can be used to heal yourself or others. There’s other fun stuff too, like random daily bonuses and check-ins with your “spirit animal” and stuff like that. I’ve been playing along for a couple weeks now, and I have to say, I think it’s working. The daily logging is quick enough and fun enough that I haven’t missed a day yet. Having simple, explicit rules means I don’t forget to follow them. And the best part is the social aspect happening on our Game Wall. Everyone has been great about posting comments and tips to support each other. More and more people in the health industry are realising that “most health solutions aren’t medical, they’re social.” Cool idea.

    Anyway, I’m enjoying the “game” so much that I ponied up $5 for March. (If you’re a paid subscriber, you can have unlimited rules. You also get “sponsorship chips” you can give to others as well.) If you’ve been thinking about making some personal changes, I’d suggest trying it out!