Month: February 2011

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    My constant badgering of the vending machine man has finally paid off. HEAPS OF PRETZELS. HEAPS!

    @witty_knitter Dissertation Haiku: Thought of you. 🙂

    @redambition Do you like the show? It’s like that. Not really traditional recipe format; more like order of operations for a full meal.

    @redambition Hmmm… And actually, probably only 10 vegetarian meals in it, to be honest.

    @redambition Come over some night. You can have a flip through and watch an ep (we have them on the DVR).

    @redambition Check your gmail. Sent you a scan I had so you can see the non-traditional format. Lifting out single dishes isn’t easy…

    @gilmae @redambition It’s hard because he doesn’t always give timings. Some things you cook for duration of doing other things.

    @gilmae Having two people cooking also messes things up, because one of us is always jumping head to a different task.

    @chrisgander The hammer and the shield ARE pretty cool…

    RT @PhoenixCub: Lady Gaga shows up at the VMA’s in meat & arrives at the Grammy’s in an egg. She’s only 2 red carpets away from being a …

    @redambition Ooh, don’t know it. Do a blog review! I’m going to write one on Health Month, which I think you’d LOVE.

    New veggie in the box tonight: amaranth. Treated it like spinach in scrambled eggs. Tasty and healthy!

  • Ashamed.

    Indiana lawmakers: I’m ashamed of you. And Ralph Foley of Martinsville is being deliberately obtuse. This Amendment means that people with skills and talents to offer Indiana will leave to live elsewhere where bigotry isn’t enshrined in the State Constitution. OH, LIKE ME.

  • Chocolate, 2010

    Chocolate, 2010 by Martynka Wawrzyniak. That may well be one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen on the Internet. Ten minutes of a woman getting chocolate poured on her face. Yes, seriously. At one point she has to blow chocolate out her nose to breathe.

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    Yay, the package from Heartbreaker has arrived! Pretty dresses for me and @Opheli8 and Nina!

    In my best @mindykaling voice: Fashion Show! Fashion Show! Fashion Show at lunch!

    RT @codepo8: @web_goddess oh oh oh! photos!!! // I hope poorly-lit bathroom photos are okay! Coming right up…

    Heartbreaker Astro Dress in Atomic Red: Went down a size from last order and the fit is *much* better!

    Super Spy Dress: Wasn’t sure if a wiggle dress was for me, but wow. VA-VA-VOOM! Snook is gonna love it. 🙂

    @that_alison Ooh, thanks for that. Will do. I don’t want it to shrink; it’s just right! 🙂

    AGM documention just received, which means it’s OFFICIAL CONGRATS to @Kat13v, @SallyPompom, @miss_reecie, and @redambition!!

    @SallyPompom Just to warn you: if you ask me to snail-mail you electronic receipts, I HAVE A RANT ALREADY PREPARED.

    @drkknits We have two VPs. Don’t ask me why; I have no clue. 🙂

    Ooh, also just noted: no special speaker this year?!

    @drkknits Man, wish you could do it, Dr. K. I’d PAY to see you bring your dogs to an Exec meeting. Things would GET DONE! 🙂

    @drkknits I have someone who’s agreed to do it! Just waiting for new Exec so I can put her forward for selection. 🙂

    I did not realize that “unassuming manners” were part of the job description for being a Guild volunteer. Huh.

    @drkknits Hahaha… Sorry you’re stressed, but that’s my new favorite hash tag.

    Suddenly feeling quite feverish and pukey. Hope I’m not catching @lemon_lime’s virus… 🙁

    @kunaal84 Murtaugh?

    Gah. Hipster Cardy setback. Stupid pattern is poorly written; assumes you do a break-and-rejoin but doesn’t actually tell you to. #frogging

    @kunaal84 Ah. Kinda weird but a little better. Snook thinks it was just low blood sugar. I’m not sure. Head still woozy.

    @kunaal84 @AusVintageGrrl A Knitter For Evil. *crosses self*

  • Oscar Contest

    My 9th Annual Oscar Contest is now up to 120 entries. Don’t forget to put yours in before the big show! (There are clear favourites in just about every category, so I hope we have some upsets!)

  • On an Unknown Beach

    Amanda Palmer has released a video for “On an Unknown Beach,” a lovely lonely song she covered by a New Zealand artist called Peter Jefferies. You should go watch it, then go buy her album Amanda Palmer Down Under if you haven’t already.

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    @venks79 I like that “admin rights” is on there. 🙂

    My Valentine’s Day gift: Also container of Duck Fat & a promise to make amazing popcorn. Now I really am swooning.

    Driver of 483 bus just closed the door ON ME and whacked my arm. Not the back door; the front one right next to him. Idiot. @131500buses

    Snook is composing furious letter about two 431 buses to Millers Point that blew past Broadway without stopping. Badly done, @131500buses

    @monnsqueak The angry letters I’ve sent usually get a reply, if nothing else.